Can't or won't?

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I stare at the dark floor of Knock-out's clinic, I'm standing in the middle of the room as Knock-out examines the broken piece of Laserbeak.

I had called in a ground bridge and then sent some Vehicons here to collect bodies and any other evidence. I had already explained everything to Starscream, he wasn't happy about Laserbeak following his units, although that was overshadowed by the complete destruction of his personnel seeker unit.

Normally I'd be happy to see something bad happen to that two faced snake, but that is also an overshadowed feeling regarding the previous couple of hours.

"So, that's the long and short of it" I hear knockout say as he turns around and I look up from the floor to meet his gaze.

He wore a pretty sombre face, which quickly shifted into one of annoyance.

"You didn't listen to a word of it, did you?"

I shake my head.

He sighs, before his voice shifting back to that same somber one. "Well, Like I had been saying, It's certainly part of Laserbeak, but I couldn't find any engeron burns on the metal, and the wing was clearly broken, not slashed. But what did I find? Bullet holes, quite different to what happened to troopers" He explains.

I don't much like the somewhat proud sound in his voice at the end there, but I ignore it as I think about what he said.

Bullet holes. The autobots didn't do this? This makes no sense.

The human, the agent. William Fowler.

He may have been there and shot him down.

I clench my digits in anger, They kidnapped me, They tortured me, and now they do the same to Laserbeak?

"Soundwave, Knock-out" I hear a voice. My digits unclench as I hear the powerful voice of Lord Megatron.

I turn and face him, Knock-out also doing so.

He slowly walks into the clinic, a loud thud following with each step.

"Knock-out, could you give me and Soundwave a moment?"

"Of course, Lord Megatron" Knock-out answers and starts to walk away, Lord Megatron continues walking further into the clinic, passing the exiting Knock-out.

Lord Megatron stops and turns his head, making sure Knock-out is gone before turning back to me.

"I hear Laserbeak has gone missing? Much like what happened to you?"

I nod.

He pauses to think for a moment.

"I'm deeply sorry about this, but I have some unfortunate news"

A cold feeling shoots up my spine, I have a bad feeling about what he's about to say.

"The autobots captured you and ransomed you, we lost a fairly large amount of engergon, if they get another large amount of engergon from ransoming, they'll do it again"

For the love of Primus, don't tell me he's going where I think he is.

"We can't give them anything at this point in time, but I'll issue clear orders to drones for them to capture, rather than kill, then we can negotiation with them"

I stare at him.

We aren't getting Laserbeak back? Because they might do it again? Laserbeak isn't worth the risk?

"I'm deeply sorry Soundwave, I'm sure you understand, we simply can't"

Can't? Or won't?

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