Broken down

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I can't help but sigh as I find myself trudging through the file 'system' if such a term even fits the ever living nightmare of disorganization that this is.

I've been trying to find Five's report yet I keep stumbling across complaint forms and weather reports, why everything is labelled as 'Military importance' is beyond me, we have tags for climate and personnel issues yet no one uses them.

I despise the thought of saying it, but yet again it's proven that Starscream managed the day-to-day operations better than Lord Megatron.

Lord Megatron is a mighty warrior as well as a brilliant political and military mind, but he has no patience for logistics, which is a problem considering the fact that our worthless filing system is making this war harder.

Outdated files on the autobots are still getting accessed for info before battle, a file which mentions Cliff-Jumper as a threat is still being used.

Even if the troops know to ignore things like that, at some point they'll go into battle with bad information that will get them killed.

I mean, is it so hard to mang-Oh, there's Five's report, about time that I found it.

I quickly access the file and start reading.

Tagged: Military importance.

Submitted by: VH55

Time of report: 00:18

Time of incident: 23:01

We were partaking in standard reconnaissance flight over sector Q12, Q13 and Q14. Nothing of note had happened until halfway into the scan over Q14 when we picked up a faint engeron signal.

We soon flew down into a forest clearing that the signal was coming from. We quickly spread out trying to locate it within the forest.

It wasn't long before VH31 AND VH08 were heard screaming, Me and a few members of the squad rushed over.

Upon reaching the source of the screams we found VH31 and VH08 lying unconscious, but who we found with them was odd, a group of humans wielding large electric rifles.

We quickly drew our weapons to fire, and at the moment I felt a tremendous pain in my side right before everything went black.

The following information is reported second handedly from VH20 who was able to avoid being rendered unconscious.

I was the first to be knocked out by a large electric rifle, a small fight took place with these groups of humans.

A few vehicles drove around us, Humans on the vehicles opened fire with a mix of ballistic weapons and electric weapons.

We weren't able to get a one hundred percent accurate count of them but we believe anywhere between twenty and thirty were present.

Our blasts caused large amounts of damage yet we were struggling to hit them due to their speed and scurrying.

A helicopter soon appeared in the sky, a heavy machine gun attached to the helicopter opened fire, the powerful round and rapid fire round caused some severe damage. Luckily this threat was short lived, as a trooper was able to fire a blast at the helicopter, taking it down.

The human forces quickly dispersed.

Only two members of the squad were still left standing up, the rest of us had either black-out from the loss of engergon or from the electric blasts.

I later awoke inside Knock-outs lab, out of my twenty bot squad, only 11 of us walked away alive.

Apparently Break-down was dispatched to track them, it would seem that they took the engergon signal we found with them.

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