Drive C: imminent failure

570 22 0

Small rocks fracture underneath my weight as I walk forward across the dry, yellowish rocks.

I've grown to despise and fear this type of place, I'm in another mine, because it went so well last time. Well, this mine hasn't been attacked at least, then again it is abandoned so there isn't any security here. I assume the lack of Vehicons or security is why Starscream is here, no one to alert Megatron of him.

I reach the edge and look around, it's another one of these spiral mines, just like the last one. Granted, this one is in the middle of the desert, unlike the last one.

I look up and see a massive, gaping gorge at the top, it's filling the place with sunlight.

I then look down, I squint behind my visor as light shines into my eyes. I quickly change the visor settings and dampen the amount of light getting through, allowing me to see him, Starscream. He is very reflective, that was blinding.

He's leaning against a fairly large boulder that's sat against the walls. Well, here I go.

I jump off the edge and brace, after less than a second I reach the bottom, the ground cracking under my pads. I stay crouched and still for a few seconds, allowing the shock of the landing to ripple through my structure.

"Impressive landing" I hear Starscream's smug, sarcastic voice as I get up and start walking towards him, he moves forward from the boulder and towards me.

"You're late" He crosses his arms.

"-Leaving- -Same time- -suspicious-" I explain.

"Fair enough" He grumbles, "Also, why the voice tricks? I've heard your voice already, I mean you've broken that vow of silence once, why continue?"

"-Because I chose to-" I play an old Shockwave clip. That and Megatron audio always seems to throw him off a bit.

"Whatever" He rolls his eyes as he turns around and starts to walk, he raises a hand in a 'follow me' motion, which I do.

"Move this boulder, would you?" He looks over at me while pointing to the boulder he had been leaning against, I nod.

I walk up to the boulder, Tentacles extend from my chest and latch onto the boulder as I raise my arms and press them onto the large rock, I then shift it off to the side.

I can't help but wonder what's behind this, is this another Skyquake type of situation? Or something else? Well, I suppose I'm about to find out.

I feel I've moved the boulder enough and step back, the tentacles retracting as I do, I strafe back and turn to look at Starscream. He has a smirk on his face as he walks forward past the boulder, he raises a hand and gives another 'follow me' motion.

I follow him, I dampen my visor as we enter. I see a dark tunnel, a number of lights are attached to the walls with wires connecting them, this doesn't look like our tech?

Conducting scan: 400 Watts, LED lights, white colour and . . . copper wiring? This is human tech, which means it doesn't run on energon. If Starscream has this place running like this, then he must be anticipating a lack of energon in the near future, odd.

"Do keep up" I hear from down the tunnel, I quickly jog after him. Soon enough the tunnel came to an end, bringing us to a large hollowed out circlally room.

A medical berth, a portable terminal built into the wall, a few energon cubes and a couple of weapons, one of which appears to be Knock-out's shock spear. I remember I saw a missing equipment report was filled out by him.

"Welcome to my home away from home" Starscream speaks as he turns to face me, "I assume you're wondering why I brought you here?"

I nod.

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