Claustrophobia part 1

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A lot is on my mind as I walk through the dark cavern, although I keep a good optic open to make sure I can avoid any loose-looking bits of the cave.

I keep coming back to the question of how. I don't know how I'll beat Megatron. I'll need backup to beat him, he proved that last time.

I'll also need an open area to fight him, someone or a group to keep him engaged in a ground battle and I'll strike from the sky. Although if it's Starscream with me then I'll probably stay on the ground whilst he attacks from the sky.

I also need to consider how I'll get back up, how will I even find Starscream? I've lost access to the scheduling system and comms so I can hardly keep track of-

My tracking system! I installed a spy system to keep track of Starscream! If I can find a console or terminal then I'll be able to log in and follow him.

Although that system is under my account, logging might set off some alarms considering that . . . well, considering that I'm meant to be dead.

I don't like this situation. If I remain 'dead' then I'm limited in what I can do to advance my goal. However, if Megatron learns that I'm alive then he'll send out hit squads to try and take me down. This would all be easier if I had Laserbeak with me.

I'm certain that I'll be able to beat any Vehicon squads that try to hunt me down, but I don't like the idea of fighting the Vehicons, for a mix of practical and emotional reasons.

I can't help but sigh, I knew the fugitive life wouldn't be easy but this is a lot, the lack of any kind of support system, the lack of any base to retreat.

I'm missing a lot of things from the warship, from my quarters and daily oil shower to the incredible convenience the ground bridge afforded me, having to fly everywhere has grown tiresome, and that's not to mention the dent it's leaving in my supplies.

My thoughts are interrupted by a sight before me, I see light coming in through a large hole in the tunnel. I jog briefly up to the gap and look out to see a large opening, a hole in the ceiling lets light in.

It seems like I'm at some kind of higher-up overview of the large clearing, I see a pair of entrances to this section. A tunnel opening on the far side and what looks to be a tunnel that's just barely connecting to the clearing.

That's odd, there's mining equipment up ahead, why's that been left here?


What is that sound? That's Cybertronian footsteps. I crouch down and get to the side of the gap, peering into the clearing.

I deactivate my audio sensors and then directionally reactivate them, trying to figure out exactly where it's coming from.

. . .

It's bouncing off the far side of the wall, which means that it must be coming from here, but I know no one else is in this higher-up tunnel.

. . .

Below the tunnel, there's probably another tunnel underneath this one, one that leads into the open area. I continue to listen closely and I'm able to make out that it's not just one bot, there's two.

This does raise a question, are these Decepticons or Autobots? Maybe it's neither, or at least they might not be currently working with either faction. Not sure which of these outcomes I'm hoping for.

Well, I draw my tentacles out either way in case they're hostile.

The tension, it feels like my spark has gone still. My entire structure is shaking and a cold shiver is up my spine.

The footsteps grow louder and I focus my optics on the clearing, waiting to see.

. . .

What in the name of Primus is he doing here? It's Megatron. And Starscream is following just behind him.

Why are they here? It doesn't make any sense.

I pick my dropped jaw back up off the floor and examine the situation closer.

Megatron is carrying himself with an air of confidence, more confidence than normal. He's moving like he knows something that no one else does.

Starscream on the other hand is moving completely differently, cowardly, his terror more obvious with each step he takes.

"How intriguing" Megatron speaks, his powerful voice echoing around the mine.

Starscream stutters for a brief moment, before putting on a growl, "Incompetent fools!" he tries to sound not bothered and strong as he storms ahead, "This mining equipment should have been relocated!"

Oof, it's painful to watch. For a bot that schemes this much, you'd figure he'd be better at lying.

"Why is it still here?!" Starscream continues to rant, only for his tough posture to be broken by Megatron's words.

"A most valid question"

"My apologies Master, I believe Soundwave was in charge of coordinating transport"

Oh, is Starscream passing the blame? I hadn't missed that. I suppose that this time it is half true, I was in charge of coordinating transport, and I was damn good at it too.

Wait a second, is he trying to pass the blame onto me? A bot that's meant to be dead? Has he suffered a head injury?

Megatron continues to stare Starscream down, and Starscream continues to slowly back away as he continues to speak.

"Although I suppose that with him being on his secret mission a few things would fall through the cracks"

Secret mission? Has Megatron not called me out as a traitor yet? Or even announced my death? Why not?

"Clearly" Megatron coldly answers back. He then suddenly turns to his right and swings his arm into the cave wall, A terrified squeal escapes Starscream and admittedly even I flinch.

Megatron then slowly retracts his arm from the wall, revealing a large chunk of raw energon.

"Every last drop of energon extracted?" He speaks as if he's quoting some lie that Starscream had told him.

"M-m-megatron . . . I c-can explain" Starscream stutters out but is stopped by Megatron's interjection

"Explain what Starscream? That you've been hoarding a supply of energon for your personal use?"

Oh Starscream, you've really stepped in it this time.

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