A/N (Remaster inbound)

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This will be annoying to read, like, really annoying. I am done with this version of the story I am writing. I started this fanfic two years ago and have improved drastically since then. I re-read the first chapter of this story today and I was embarrassed at how poorly it aged.

Like I said, I know this is annoying. If a fanfic I was reading and invested in suddenly was put on hold so the author could redo it I'd be pissed, but I can't bare knowing that people's first impression of this story will be that bad. I could edit all the chapters until now while still uploading new chapters, but I feel that isn't enough.

I don't just want to fix grammar or broken sentences, the story itself is busted and filled with mistakes. There is small crap I want to fix (Like Soundwave having a blaster in chapter two or three) and bigger crap I want to fix (Like Soundwave figuring out that MECH captured Laserbeak because he learned they had weapons built to take down Cybertronians, while straight up saying how normal bullets took down Laserbeak)

Also, I am an 'ideas as you go' kind of guy, I don't have a big, overarching plan. I have a few story beats I want to do and I am making it up as I go, which has led to a lot of dropped ideas and dead-end story beats. For example, the character of Fives (A very shameless reference, I know) was in one chapter and brought up again in the following one only to never be mentioned again. I had things I wanted to do with him, but I hadn't built him at all before that and I couldn't figure out how to use him again without it being jarring and unexpected.

This story will get no more updates, within the following days a new story shall be uploaded that will start with a remastered version of this story's opening chapters.

Sincerely, Preston Blackwell.

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