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I bounce off the boulder and onto the rocky floor, the optic shutters behind my visor snap open and shut quickly, blurring my view.

The last thing I see is Optimus Prime slowly walking toward me.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

I try to open my optics, yet something is stopping me from doing so, yet my wonder of why is interrupted when I feel the effect of the fall on my body, I feel every dent, I feel the broken bits of my visor that got stuck behind my optics, I feel my broken and nearly completely destroyed wings.

Yet there are two things I don't feel. I don't feel my left forearm or left lower leg, not that I don't feel the ringing pain through those parts of my limbs, I just don't feel them.

I also don't feel my sparkbond with Laserbeak, yet I remember him going through the portal, wherever I am has some level of signal protection which means I can't be in the mine, and I couldn't have been found by decepticons. I can only be in the custody of one group, the Autobots.

I try to move, yet I feel restrictions on my wrists, neck, peds, knee and elbow joints. I was caught, I was truly caught, I was truly caught by the autobots.

I try to thrash my limbs about, trying to break free, oddly I cannot move at all.

After a number of minutes of trying to trash my right limbs about, I can understand it will not work.

Ok, let's think this through, I feel something hard against my back, and the restraints would line up with where the restraints on medical berths are, plus the fact this would be the smartest place to trap me.

So, trapped on a medical berth, in the Autobot base, highly damaged with no way of receiving help.

They are likely waiting for me to try and call upon them, well I won't give them satisfaction. I'll go power down and wait for them to call upon me.

Shutting systems down in three, two, on-

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Hey con! Wake up" I hear a voice, I cannot tap into the database to compare the voice, but I don't really need to do so, I can remember the voice as that of Bulkhead.

"Alright, his brainwave activity is up, he's awake" I hear another voice say, the voice is clearly not Bulkhead's, sounds to masculinity for Acree, Bumblebee doesn't have a normal voice box, and the voice is worn down and sounds older, so it is unlikely to be Optimus.

By striking everyone else off the list then it must be that of the rarely seen medic Ratchet.

"Alright, should I take the Joint Disabler off?" I hear the femme voice of Acree, so that's how I could move before.

"Yes, go ahead, just be sure not to depower the restraints" Ratchet answers.

In that moment I feel a surge of power through my system, then I feel my optics shoot open and my limbs try to move only to be caught on the restraints.

I quickly scan my surroundings. I take note of the gray room first, I also notice the massive shutter door with a small window leading to a hallway.

I then notice the autobots in the room, Ratchet, Bulkhead and, as I should have assumed, I see Optimus Prime.

Ratchet is standing by a large computer system; he looks very focused on the screen. Bulkhead is right next to me with a most angry look on his face. I can assume he is still angry at my attack from before. And Optimus is standing across the room next to the shutter, Optimus has a neutral expression on his face.

I decided to establish dominance and play one of the recordings.

The Autobots expressions shift as my recording plays out. I play the audio from my attack on Bulkhead and Arcee, Arcee's screams from when I shocked her with my tentacles.

Ratchet looked over to me, a disgusted look on face, a look shared between Bulkhead and Ratchet, although Optimus is good at hiding emotions.

"Oh, you think that's funny? Why don't I smash the rest of your body?!" Bulkhead yells.

"Bulkhead" Optimus speaks, "Calm yourself, remember that while Arcee is injured, she has survived"

Bulkhead sighs and steps away.

Optimus turns his attention back to me. "Soundwave, I want the locations of all Decepticons mines, intel on how to track the warship and to be told of any plans Megatron has in the works, tell me now and I will have you repaired and released unharmed"

I laugh internally at this, like I would ever give up information on Megatron. I stay silent.

"Soundwave, I am unwilling to risk the people of this planet, tell me or I will allow the use of less civil methods of integration, understand?" He continues

I continue to look at him through my cracked and damaged visor, normally I would hate being seen without it, but only my red, left optic is viable, you could see more but you would need to be at an angle that Optimus isn't at.

I stay silent.

He sighs, "I'm sorry Soundwave" He turns to walk away. "Rachet, Bulkhead, do what you must" and with that, he opens the shutter down, walks out and closes it behind him as he leaves.

I see Ratchet walk up to me, shifting his right arm into a blowtorch.

"Last. Chance." He speaks, holding the unignited torch to the side of my helm.

I turn my helm and stare into his eyes, leaving his torch just above my visor. "-Never-" I play an older sound from Megatron.

He huffed, "Fine, have it your way". He says as he lights the torch and presses it to my helm.

I try to shut down my pain processors, only to find that I cannot, they must have disabled my ability to do so.

Then I feel the burning heat burn through my steel, I slam my optics shut and clench my firsts.

This will be painful.

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