Hostage situation

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I feel my optics slowly open; I quickly notice my vision seems to be normal again, the concrete ceiling looks grey again, did the Autobots repair my optics?

I try to sit up, only to be held back by my restraints again.

"You're up" I hear Ratchet's voice over at his terminal. "I assume you're wondering why you've been repaired?" He says without looking over at me.

"-Yes-" I play an old clip as I continue to stare, I then notice that, while not activated, my visor has been returned, which is good.

"Megatron made a deal, we get a large amount of engergon, he gets you"

That's . . . odd, Megatron isn't the type to make a deal like that.

"Admittedly" Ratchet continues, "We don't want to take this deal, but we need the supplies, and you were never going to give any information up" he looks over to me, a frustrated look on his face. "You would have died for Megatron" He then turns back to his machine.

"-yes-" I play the same audio; I would have died before I betrayed our cause.

Ratchet opens his mouth to say something, but simply signs and goes back to typing.

The terminal screen is just outside of my line of sight, which is rather irritating, but they weren't going to make it easy to see I suppose.

I try to lean forward and see my body, it's still highly dented and broken, but my limbs are in functional state now, which is something I suppose.

I try to perform an internal scan to see how my insides are doing, yet I can't do so, they must still have that part of my system controls on lock down.

"Trying to scan yourself?" Ratchet asks, that terminal must show what actions I try to perform.


"Well, you are damaged, but not critical, I was mainly undoing my previous handy work" He gives me a side look, "I'll leave the full repairs to that joke of a doctor Knockout"

I'm not sure if that's just an insult, or if he doesn't know of Knock out's rather impressive qualifications.


"What?" He asked, looking over at me.


Ratchet sighs, "I know he has Qualifications, he is talented, but to be a doctor you have to follow certain rules, knock out isn't a doctor, he is a sadist"

Who does Ratchet think he is? Why should he get to determine what a doctor is? And look where he sets the line, you can be a doctor and torture people, as long as you don't enjoy it, yet pointing things like this out to a bot like Ratchet is pointless, so I'll ask something else.

"-And-Break down?" I ask, wondering his thoughts on Breakdown.

Ratchet returns to his terminal, "I haven't met him" he speaks calmly.

That's odd, Breakdown and Knockout are nearly always close to each other, I mean rumours have spread about those two for a reason, although I try to not pay attention to rumours.

My thoughts are interrupted by a sound, I may not have access to the database, yet I know that sound anywhere, that's a rather iconic notification sound from a terminal system that was in use centuries ago, the Autobots are on very old tech. Assuming their firewalls haven't been upgraded then this could prove to be very useful.

Ratchet also reacts to this notification. "Well then" he says to himself.

"Soundwave" He turns to face me "According to this a part of your power regulator failed, I'll have to place you back into stasis"

Well, that's unfortunate, I can't imagine that being forced in and out of stasis this much good for my processor, although my thoughts are then interrupted by Ratchet yet again.

"I don't have much time to fix your regulator, it wouldn't surprise me if you don't wake up here, the deal with Megatron will have likely gone through by then"

That is very good to hear, it will be good to finally be out of these restraints and away from the Autobots.

I then feel everything go black.

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