Claustrophobia part 2

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"N-no" Starscream stutters out, "Not exactl-"

"DO NOT TAKE ME FOR FOOL STARSCREAM!" Megatron yells out, throwing the chunk of energon to the ground. A receptor-piercing sound rings out as it's shattered.

Starscream whimpers and starts to back away slowly, fear clear across his face. Megatron seems to take a deep breath before he slowly starts to walk towards Starscream.

"I have been wise to your transgressions from the beginning, not only did you pluck the shard of Dark Energon from my chest, in a failed attempt to snuff my spark" Megatron's rant continues. "But you tried to raise your own undead warrior, it's not secret that you lost an arm in the process"

"You know about that?" Starscream asks, his fear rising by the second.

"And finally, I know of your dealings with Soundwave" He puts a particular emphasis on my name, "How you turned him to your side is beyond me"

"W-what?" Starscream stutters out, confusion seemingly replacing his fear, at least for the moment, "What dealings?"

Megatron growls angrily, "You and Soundwave both groundbridged from the same place mere minutes apart from each other, when I confronted him he attacked me"

Lying scum, that is not what happened at all.

"I-I thought he w-was on a secret mission?" Starscream asks in both bewilderment and fear.

Megatron is silent for a few moments before the silence is interrupted by the sound of Megatron freeing the blade from his arm.

"He's dead" Megatron coldly replies, "You'll join him"

"N-no!" Starscream yells out before launching into an ill-prepared speech about his innocence, all the while Megatron moves into an attack pose, preparing to strike Starscream down.

I have to help him, Starscream is a valuable ally, both in terms of the internal politics of the Decepticons and in combat.

"-He's dead-" I replay the recently recorded audio as I move to the middle of the opening in the wall.

Megatron spins around to look at me, his jaw hanging open and his eyes wide in shock. Starscream's speech is stopped dead in its tracks as he looks up at me as well, equally in shock.

"-He's dead-" I repeat, I move forward and jump from the high ground down to the even flooring, "Not exactly "

"Soundwave?" Megatron mutters, "How?"

"Maybe I stole some dark energon" I sarcastically reply, to which Megatron growls and charges forward at me, raising his blade to strike.

I smirk behind my visor, this is another one of his impromptu and unplanned attacks, I can avoid this.

As Megatron draws near he goes for a horizontal strike against me, I move forward and duck just underneath his attack. Sliding past and in between him and Starscream.

I keep moving for a few moments more before spinning around and staring Megatron down, "Starscream, hit him with a missile!" I yell out, not looking at him.

I hear a yell behind me and sudden pain in my right side, and I immediately realize what happened. Starscream plans to use this to get back into Megatron's good books, hoping to kill me and protect his Master.

I raise my right arm and swing it back, I can tell my elbow hit his face both by the yelp that escapes him and the loud crashing sound of him getting knocked down.

I can see Megatron has turned around again and is charging at me, he won't fall for the sliding trick again. I have to escape, this has gone very bad but I can at least escape alive and mostly uninjured.

I turn and jump over Starscream, I'll make a run for it and then transform to fly out through the gash in the cave ceiling.

I barely make it a step past Starscream before I'm tripped up, Starscream grabs my Leg and pulls me down to the ground. I turn as I fall and can see both Megatron still charging forward, but also Starscream about halfway up, a twisted grin on his face.

Before my life can flash before me, I see Megatron's sprint interrupted by a blast of energon hitting Megatron in the helm, he stumbles back and yells out.

More bolts continue to fire at him, Megatron falls onto one knee and covers his helm and torso with his arms, although I can see the arm cannon starting to glow as he prepares to return fire.

Starscream's grin has shifted into fear, the backstabbing snake gets up just to leap behind a nearby rock for cover.

I start to get up, turning in the process, both so I can break into a sprint to make space and so I can see who has come to my rescue.

Arcee? The two-wheeler? Is there a single bot not in this damn cave? Although I'm not going to complain, I'm more than aware of her competence. And aside, if I've learned anything over the centuries, it's that if you see one Autobot, another isn't far away.

I scramble to my feet, spinning back around again to properly assess the situation. "T-thanks" I manage to stutter out, my breathing still heavy.

She doesn't reply as she continues to fire upon Megatron, although Megatron is getting up and his blaster-cannon is glowing bright.

I go on the offensive and run straight at Megatron, tentacles extending from my chest as I do.

As I run a few thoughts rush through my mind. First off, this wasn't what I planned, but honestly? I couldn't care less, I'll happen to destroy Megatron, regardless of how it affects my chances of taking leadership.

As I look at Megatron now I don't see a fallen hero, I don't see the bot who liberated millions from the mines, I see Laserbeak's murderer, I see red.

He's stood now and has adopted a proper stance, sending cannon fire at Arcee. Arcee has ceased fire and has presumably started to dodge.

Megatron's helm turns to me, but it's far too late for him to attack me. My tentacles latch on and start shocking him. Megatron yells out in pain and flails wildly.

Unfortunately, his cannon was very much still armed, and several blasts of energon were fired off in random directions, hitting the cave walls and ceiling.

I suddenly remembered something about this cave: it's unstable. I end the attack on him all too late, as I see cracks appear in the cave walls and hear it start to collapse around us all.

'Oh no' is the last thing to run through my mind before it all goes black.

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