The king and the communications chief

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I slowly walk down the hallways of the Nemesis on route to the throne room, catching up with Laserbeak on the way. Our topics of discussion are mostly everything that happened whilst he was away. While I didn't want to, I had to ask about his kidnapping, and what happened.

It seems like this group known as 'M.E.C.H' kidnapped him after the Autobot attack on Seeker elite, much as believed. The reason he was kept alive was because of his ability to interface with machines like I can, he was used as a translator between cybertronian tech and earth tech. We both owe a lot to Break-down, and I suppose to the green autobot as well, although I have no intention of thanking the autobot.

I tell him about everything going on with Starscream and how I'm doubting my loyalty to Megatron. Laserbeak is a good listener.

"So what do you plan to do?" He asks.

"I wish I knew" I sigh, "I know what I want, I want the bot that liberated Kaon back, I want the bot that dreams of a better future"

We continue to walk in silence for a brief few moments.

"I have my hatred of the Autobots as well, but why must we go through this never ending conflict with them?" I ask.

A chuckle escapes Laserbeak, "Not long ago you would regarded that as treason"

I give a somber laugh as well, "Well things change it seems"

"For the better"



We're silent for another little bit before I speak again.

"I'm surprised you're with on me, after all Megatron's done for your kind"

"Megatron's done nothing for my kind" He states, much to my surprise,

"What do you mean?What about all the reforms he tried to bring in for minicons?" I ask in bewilderment.

"That was you! You've done everything you could for my kind, more than any other bot, we all owe you a lot Soundwave" I smile behind my visor at this, it's nice to hear him say that.

"I will always be by your side Master" He continues, "No matter what"

"Thank you Laserbeak."

Our conversion comes to an end as we continue down the hall, I actually spot Starscream speaking to a vehicon at the other end of it, luckily I won't have to deal with him as my last turn is in the middle of this hallway.

I take the turn and continue down the cold and dark hallways of the warship, stopping in front of the throne room.

'That's odd' I think as I walk up to the control panel, normally a pair of Vehicons guard the throne room. I've seen our numbers, we aren't running out of troops, did Megatron order them away? This meeting must be really important if so.

I press my digits on the panel, the door sliding open as I do. I walk into the dark and dimly lit throne room, and of course I see him, Lord Megatron.

He's bathed in the shadow, his obscured figure sat on his throne, his deep red eyes piercing my spark from the side of the rounded room.

"Soundwave" He calls out, standing up slowly as he does, "It's good to see you here"

As he says this, he presses a button on the arm of the throne, closing the door behind me, I also clearly hear the sound of locks engaging.

I look back and clearly see the control panel on this go dark, I also see a few metal poles extend from each side and cross to the other side of the frame, barricaded.

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