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I lay across the berth, my personal consol providing the only light in my small quarters aboard the ship.

I stare at the empty rack upon the wall, Laserbeak would normally disconnect from me and land upon that rack when it came time to rest our processors.

I had been attempting to power down for a number of earth hours, but I had given up, something about Laserbeak being out there gave me a bad feeling. I was normally fine when Laserbeak went out on missions, but I just felt uneasy about this one.

I check the clock on my visor once again. 02:13 earth hours. Three hours since Laserbeak went on his mission.

Enough, I'm sick of sitting here, He's outside of sparkbond range so I'm going to access the tracker we have on him.

I turn myself to get off the berth. I get up and stretch my joints, I then take a couple of small steps over to my console. I draw a tentacle from my chest and connect to the system, a map of this planet quickly pops on the screen, A yellow dot appearing just a few seconds later, Laserbeak.

Vital signs: operating at 88% capacity.

He's been operating at around 88% since before the war, nothing wrong there. I open the tracker history in order to see where he has been going.

The yellow dot on the map should begin to move as it retraces Laserbeak's flight path, but it's not moving. I skip two hours back, he's still in that one spot.

That makes no sense, his vitals are fine, why hasn't he moved?.

I quickly search for Starscream's SE unit.

I stare at the screen in confusion.

They haven't moved in a few hours yet either, all very close to Laserbeaks position.

It was then I felt it, A horrible sinking feeling in the pit of my energon pump.

I turn from the console, haphazardly disconnecting my tentacle from the system as quickly face the door and slam my hand onto the handprint reader.

As the door opens I charge out and start to frantically run to the right, I need to make sure Laserbeak is ok, I have to make sure he is ok.

I continue running to the flight deck, keeping his coordinates in mind.

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