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I feel the cold air against my body as I fly through the open sky at high speeds. The weather's dry, and based on the climate it'll look like it'll stay like that for some time.

I've been searching for a place to operate out of, mostly old energon mines. I wish I could be done with energon mines, I've never liked them but I don't have much choice.

I've checked three off the list so far, all worthless. The risk of cave-ins were too high for all of them. I'm currently in sector NA-WA.

I feel tired as I begin descent, not tired as in needing an energon infusion, I had an injection before I took flight across this continent. Rather, I feel tired of all of this, the looking for a new home, the fear of running out of energon, the loneliness, it's all starting to get to me.

I take in the surroundings as I descend, large mountain ranges and massive forests as far as my optics see. This planet does have its moments.

My thoughts are interrupted as a very fast moving object flies by me, a loud whooshing sound hurting my audio receptors as I barely dodge the object that I now recognize as a missile.

I check my alt modes camera systems and spot a pair of jets following behind me, I briefly fear that it's Vehicons but I can quickly tell that it's not, too different of a design for that to be the case.

I may not have access to the warship's active database anymore, but I still have a slightly outdated version stored in my system. A number of vehicle scans included, comparing the database to these jets and it would seem that these models aren't in use anymore.

A previous scan of these areas also indicates that no earth military bases are located anywhere near here, nor do they patrol it.

As I dodge past the following two missiles I can't help but wonder who these jets are owned by. Then it, figuratively, hits me as I realize what's going on, the Autobots.

They must have put a tracker on me or something, and now they've got their allies on me.

Well they can try, but I'll destroy them, I'll always destroy them, these mere humans do not stand a chance.

I move into a loop, tail dipping downwards as I veer upwards and then back down into a normal flight path. Only to not see them,

I hear ballistic weapons fire rapidly, then feel it pepper my body from behind, they follow the loop manoeuvre and are still behind. It won't be able to kill me, but it won't take long for them to realize that and call in backup. I need to finish this up quickly.

These are well trained pilots, and I'm no seeker, if I want them dead then I need to do something they aren't prepared for me to do.

This would be so much easier with Laserbeak, he could disconnect, turn around and fly between them, turn around again while I enter a loop, his energon blasters alone would tear one of them apart, and then I'd be ready to open fire on those humans from behind.

I got it! I transform out of my alt into my main form, the moment technically carries me a small bit but barely so before I start to quickly fall.

I fall for less than three seconds before switching back. I shouldn't rapidly transformer like that, bad for the T-cog. However as I reactivate my thrusters I see them fly right above where I just was, moving in a straight line.

I take the chance and open fire, the right jet's wing is torn to shreds and I see spiral out of control so I focus my efforts onto the left jet. I come in close and open fire, a little close honestly as I'm blinded by smoke.

As I turned to escape the smoke I quickly spotted the plumes of smoke and a large trail of upturned dirt from the ruins of the original jet and I decided to begin descent, maybe I'll figure something from the wreckage, although I do doubt it.

I reach the ground quickly, a grassy and rocky hill surrounded by a massive forest at its base. I upturn before I hit the ground and as I start to head up again I transform back, backflipping as I come to land atop the grassy hill.

I slowly begin to walk over to the wreckage, tentacles extending outwards as I do. I'm not even sure what I'm looking for honestly, an emblem of some kind? Maybe I'll find a useful part or something.

When I reach the wreckage I stop and move my tentacles down to the burnt vehicle, I grab at pieces and rip them off, finding nothing. Although I do notice an insignia placed on the highly damaged left wing, I'd assume the right one had it as well but I can hardly make it out now. The symbol portrays a black circle with a white star in it. It's a fairly simple design and it's more or less in line with the style of this nation's military, although it doesn't actually match any of its symbols perfectly.

It's either a part of this nation's airforce that we didn't know about, which seems highly unlikely, or it's the branch dedicated to supporting the Autobots.

Autobot Scum! Planting a tracker on me so they're humans can attack me! I'll show them, I'll scrap the next Autobot I see, they won't be shown an-

My thoughts are interrupted by a faint nose and the feeling of something small peppering my back.

I turn around and almost laugh at the site, a chair with a parachute slowly falling to the ground, the man strapped inside shooting at me with a small one handed firearm.

I slowly walk forward towards him, outstretching my arm so I can catch. He soon falls into my hand, still firing into my visor, the ballistics not even marking my visor.

I'm grinning wide at this, it's ridiculous! This is just what I needed to cheer myself up honestly.

I hold back on laughing as I start to question him.

"Where are the Autobots located?" I speak in a monotone and threatening voice, I doubt I really need to but I'm still making the effort.

"A-autobots? H-h-how I'd k-know?" He stutters out both in fear but with a clear hint of confusion.

"You serve the Autobots, now where are they?!" I threaten.

"I'm not with them!" He yells in fear, "I'm with M.E-" He cuts himself off half through, a newfound look of fear on his face.

M.E? M.E? What does that- 

. . . 


He's with the people that dismembered Breakdown and kidnapped Laserbeak. I should crush this worthless human in my grip, although through gritted teeth I'm able to hold off on it, he may prove useful.

"Tell me this human, where is M.E.C.H?"

"I-I can't! They'll kill me!" He pleads.

"Your chances, take them with me or take them with M.E.C.H" I answer back.

He looks petrified, his eyes darting from me to the sky to the surrounding forest.

He gulps before he speaks, "thirty miles east" He basically yells. I smile behind my visor, good, it's good to avenge Laserbeak.

I slowly crouch down and let the human walk off of me, he shall be spared for helping me, a mercy his friends shall not get.

As I wander off and prepare to switch mode and fly off I can't help but grin, I'm about to have a very busy earth day.

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