Alive but Alone.

465 19 1

System reboot: complete.

My optics fly open as I violently and suddenly sit up, air floods through my oxygen intake as my panic levels stabilize. I normalize my oxygen intake as I take in my surroundings.

The sky is very gray, not dark, little sunlight. estimated time: 5:45 AM to 6:00 AM, in human units of time.

Tall trees all around, about twice my height, Humans call this type of tree a 'black spruce'

As I stand up I take note of the ground, muddy water, ground in all directions is of the same consistency. This is either marshland or a swamp.

What even happened? I need to get my bearings.

Me, Laserbeak, Megatron, the throne ro-, ah, yes I remember, that battle where Megatron baited me into doing something he had a plan for.

How am I alive? Megatron would not have shown mercy, let alone repair me. I guess it was Knockout or Breakdown who saved me.

Actually, no it was Breakdown, there's not a chance Knockout would do that for me, granted, I can say I'd do it for him so fair enough.

I can't help but sigh at all this, I'm smarter than that, I should have known that Megatron would have a plan for fighting me. Using the same plan I used centuries ago, I can't believe I was that stupid.

Isn't that right Las-

. . .

Oh no.

I feel an increase in panic as my oxygen intake cycles rapidly.

"Oh no" I quietly mutter.

"LASERBEAK!" I yell, praying to Primus that I'll hear him.

. . .

Silence. Nothing more than the cold wind howling through the air.

I activate thermal vision and spin around, trying to catch sight of him.


I try to feel him through the sparkbond but there's nothing, it's just . . . empty.

As I look around, knowing that's he's most likely gone for good, I feel something strange, something I hadn't thought I feel in a moment like this.

It's not sadness, it's not grief, it's not anything like that.

It's Anger.

I feel my energon bubble and boil with an indescribable rage, a rage that replaces everything I've ever known.

I clench my digits together and grit my teeth, I look to the gray, cloudy sky.

I yell pure in hatred, anger, and a burning, all consuming desire for revenge.

I look at the closest tree and I march over, I raise an arm and slam it into the tree, ripping the half rotten tree in two easily.

I storm over to another as the previous falls into the water.

"I will crush his spark!" I yell as I kick another tree, destroying it .

"I will tear him limb from limb!" I yell as my tentacles draw out and latch onto another tree, snapping clean in two.

"I will erase him from existence!" I yell as they latch onto another tree, sending a powerful and continuous bolt of electricity through the tree, the heat generated vaporizes the moisture in the tree and causes the tree to combust into flames.

I start to walk to another tree but I stop, I can't bring myself to move. I fall onto my knees as I cycle air rapidly.

I feel lubricant well in my eyes over everything I've just lost.

I've lost the closest thing I had to home, I've lost the only people I cared about in anyway, I've lost that who I would have called family.

I've lost it all to this forsaken war.

No, I haven't lost it all, I still have one thing left.

I am going to end this war, I am going to destroy Megatron, I am going to destroy Optimus Prime.

I will end this war and avenge all of those I have lost.

I force myself to stand up, I look in a random direction, west according to my visor, and walk that way. I need to think of a plan for the time being.

(Sorry for the shorter length this time round, I already have the next chapter planned and it is well under way, so stay tuned for the next couple of days. Hope you enjoyed!)

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