Old friend.

528 23 1

I walk through the cold and dim hallways of the warship, I've checked my personal terminal and I'm now on the way to the clinic. I'm going to get these dents and slashes buffed out, I don't care much for my paint finish but I'd still rather be clean. Of course, I also want to see how Laserbeak is doing today.

When I checked my terminal I saw that Megatron had scheduled a meeting in his throne room. I assume he wants to discuss the fact that I've not been at my station too much, although I have a reason lined up.

I can't help but wonder what Starscream will think about me leaving him in the desert. I can't imagine he'll be happy but what will he do? Tell Megatron? He wouldn't risk his hideout.

His hideout, I wonder if the Autobots took everything from there, I mean we didn't exactly close the door behind us. I can't help but snarl at that fight with the Autobots, I had won, I had beaten them, and then my regulator fails which causes my drive to crash?.

I sigh, it's not worth thinking about, my regulator simply needs more time to be fully functional again, regardless of how much I don't like it.

Soon I reach the clinic, as I approach I can vaguely hear talking inside the room, I tune my audio receivers to try and hear, I can recognize Knock-out's voice easily enough, he's clearly talking to someone, but I don't hear another voice.

I shrug, guess I'll find out soon. I press my digits into the panel and wait for it to open. My optics shoot open at what I see.

First I see Knock-out, and then I see Laserbeak, hovering right next to Knock-out.

I stand there in shock, my optics focused on Laserbeak, in pure shock that's up. Knock-out's optics look up from Laserbeak and to me.

"Well well, now isn't this great timing" He states with a smirk, Laserbeak spins around towards me. He lacks the ability to show emotions visibly and yet I can still sense the excitement through the bond.

I slowly move forward a few steps, unable to move faster in pure disbelief. Laserbeak flies forward towards me, turning up at the last second and landing on my chest.

"Soun-Master Soundwave It's . . . it's good to be returned" He speaks through the bond, still speaking in 'proper' way when referring to a superior, he's always been like that, always cared for protocol.

"It's good you're back old friend" I say. I can feel his spark again, a warmness I've missed.

"Stutus?" He asks.

"86%, status?" I answer and parrot back to him.

"79%, master Soundwave"

Knock-out gives an exaggerated cough to draw my attention, when I look up at him I see him rolling his arm in a motion that I can only read as 'aren't you forgetting something?'

"-Thank you doctor-" I play back to him, he smiles smugly as he turns off.

I go play some audio to get his attention, I want to get the missing parts of my paint reapplied and some dents buffed out after all, but then I hear a voice over the PA system.

"Chief Soundwave, Lord Megatron wants you in the throne room at once" Huh, that's odd, our meeting isn't for a few hours yet. Did Starscream tell him something?

"Any clue what he wants?" Laserbeak asks.

"I have a few ideas" I answer as I turn to leave the clinic, I hope this meeting is short.

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