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I can't believe it.

I can't scrapping believe it.

We had them, we had them dead to right and that fool Prime lets them get away!? Why? What foolishness caused him to do that?!, and why did those brainless followers not argue with him?! Did they all hit their helms on the way to Allspark?!

This sort of thing is why I joined Megatron way back when, at least he has it in him to do what has to be done, or at least had.

Of course these days Megatron isn't half of the leader he used to be, from grand warrior and freedom fighter to addict, just great.

On one side I have useless morons who are just begging to be destroyed, and on the other, I have a Unicron worshiping, megalomaniacal addict leading an army of clones' bread to be too loyal and too stupid to EVER rise against him.

And even the normal members are useless, Knock-outs' too busy admiring his paint job to do what needs to be done, Starscream's too much of a coward, and Break-down's too dim-witted to even thi-

. . .

. . .

That's not fair, not fair at all. I sigh and begin my descent, getting closer to the ground. I'll come in for a landing and try to clear my helm.

I'm just . . . I'm just so angry, I finally had a real victory, a real win and it was lost.

I suppose I should be happy with what we did accomplish, but it feels so hollow now.

I transform and flip, leaving a large impact on the dirt beneath me. I take a deep breath and start to look around.

Wait a minute, how long was I flying? It was the middle of the night when I took off, and an orange glow filled the sky above me. I go and check my energy levels, fairly decent but I'll need an injection of it soon enough.

Anyway, what's around here? Well, I've landed in a clearing, with large trees surrounding it.

There's also a large, rocky hill near me, I see a massive tunnel leading into it. Odd, I mean that looks like Decepticon mining work, but there's not a mine out here, is there?

I checked on my visor and . . huh, I guess there IS a mine here. According to this it was rather unstable, I cleared unstable mines from my initial search so that's why I hadn't realized.

. . .

I've been flying for a while so I could use a break.

. . .

Oh, what's the harm in it? I'll go in and power down for a while, then I'll fly back to the cave I hid my supplies in and continue the search for a base.

Who knows, maybe I'll find one of Starscream's Energon caches here.

(Sorry for how short this chapter is, the next chapter will be a lot better (hopefully))

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