Human interaction

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Then I feel the burning heat burn through my steel, I slam my optics shut and clench my firsts.

This will be painful

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My whole-body shakes, my fist would be clenched if possibly, but my destroyed digits leave clenching numbs that can't reach my palm.

My right optic shutter is broken and is covering half of my optic, unable to fully open.

The left optic is not obstructed, yet it is damaged, and the light scanners are assumedly damaged, the grey, concrete ceiling is flickering between grey, red, blue, purple and green.

I know they cut out a number of my energon channels and my depleted energon supply is pumping through my chest and head. Not reaching my limbs, stopping most of my ability to move them.

I feel bare, my armour plating was ripped off by that brute Bulkhead.

I wish I could do a full system scan, yet my internal scanners aren't functional, partly from the torture and partly from the fall so I can only really guess what state my body is in. but I never gave any information up.

My thoughts are interrupted by the shutter door opening, no, it hasn't been that long, why are they back?

But I don't see any autobots enter, I don't even hear footsteps. Odd, maybe some kind of power surge forced it open? Highly unlikely, maybe they opened it remotely just to mess with me?

I thrash when I feel something on my, on my leg, I feel it climbing up my body and I can't shake it off.

"Cut that out!" I hear a female voice yell, then I realize that this is a human. I know that autobots have humans with them, but they wouldn't let her in here?

I'm sure I could fool this simple-minded lifeform; I'll try to trick it.

"H-Help" I speak, playing up my agony, while I am pained, I am not currently being tortured. I also speak with my normal voice, although it is somewhat distorted, I'd use my recording, but I doubt it would have the same effect.

Soon the human has reached my visor holder and is standing before me. I quickly scan the human without their knowledge, they seem to be wearing attire made of mainly cloth and denim.

"H-Help m-me" I repeat.

"Help you? I'm not going to help a con" She taunts, out of the current autobots, Bulkhead typically calls us cons the most, the others stick to full names most of the time, plus the audited would match, I assume she belongs to Bulkhead.

"T-tortured, he-help me" I repeat.

She laughs to herself, "Yeah, you look pretty beat up, Bulkhead did a number on you!" she states as she mimics punching. Her mentioning of Bulkhead would fit my previous assumption, plus the punching mimicking.

"Autob-bots, ev-evil" I state.

"You're one to talk to 'con" she states.

This one would seem to be steadfast in beliefs, worth a shot. I may as well get some revenge for this.

I blare a screeching sound, my speakers were damaged in the fall, and it wouldn't have been able to hurt the autobots, but a human has much weaker sound receivers.

She grabs the sound receivers on the side of head, she screams in pain. I have never enjoyed causing pain before, but this feels very therapeutic.

I continue to blare the sound, but then I hear heavy footsteps running into the room, I quickly realized that if I continue to play the sound, they will likely fully break my speakers, so I shut the sound off, they know I played the screech, but they also understand I stopped.

Three Autobots run in, Bulkhead, which figures, Acree, well she's been repaired then, and Ratchet, and Optimus hasn't shown up for a change.

Bulkhead quickly runs up and takes his human, putting her on his palm.

Ratchet and Acree stop next to him and glare at me as Bulkhead starts to speak to his human.

"Miko! What were you doing through here? Soundwave is deadly!" he says, very worried and somewhat angrily.

The human named Miko takes a second to reply, holding a hand to the side of her head as she does reply.

"Aah, sorry Bulk" she says, sounding a lot more sheepish than before, "I wanted to see the prisoner".

Bulkhead sighs before crouching out of view, when he gets back up the human is gone, he points to the open shutter.

I would assume he's letting the human walk off.

He then turns back to me, a furious look overcoming his face. "You wanna hurt Miko? Why don't I rip the rest of you apart!" he yelled.

"Bulkhead!" Ratchet speaks firmly, "Leave him, we'll force him into stasis till Optimus decides what to do with him".

"I'd feel better if we just destroyed him" he grumbles.

"I'm with Bulk on this, we know how dangerous he is, we ought to snuff his spark" Acree adds, looking at Rachet who sighs.

"I want him gone as well, but we must follow Optimus orders" Ratchet states firmly as he walks over to the terminal next to my berth and types a command in.

The three of them stare at me, I stare back. I've never had an urge for revenge before, but something is different, I feel a hatred I haven't felt before now.

I then see the world go black as I'm forced into stasis.

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