Secret meeting

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"Scanning over sector A3 has yielded no results" The trooper from unit 7 states clearly.

I quietly sigh under my visor. I've gotten some Vehicons to volunteer their free time with helping me find Laserbeak.

"Sorry, but same news with me and my squad, no Autobot activity in sector B5" the leader of unit 20 speaks.

I grit my jaw together, This has been going on for a week and we've found nothing. We've been meeting down here inside the reactor in secret and we've got nothing to show.

"Sir" The unit 20 leader says "I'm sorry about our failure, although I'm sur-" He is interrupted by the sound of the door sliding open.

We all turn and face it. My immediate fear is Megatron, I know how he gets about secrets.

We sigh in relief upon seeing who it is, another Vehicon trooper, and I can assume it's the leader of unit 5.

He quickly jogs over to us, "Where were you?" Another trooper asks him.

"Sorry! I was held up, I had to fill in a report" He explained.

I display a question mark symbol over my visor, expecting to hear what the report was about.

He looks over to me and takes a second to figure out what I mean before his jolts a bit "Oh, well, I was actually rushing over here to say, as it'll interest you, my unit was attack over sector Q14"

I display an Autobot symbol, hoping that we might finally have a lead.

He shakes his helm before continues "Human, a large group of them, but they weren't using normal human guns, heavy rifles that fired wire, which delivered massive voltages onto us"

I somewhat tilled my head in confusion, while that is odd, it doesn't really matter, he was rushing here just to tell us that?

He holds his arms up, like he's expecting me to realize something, or at least he was before sighing and continue.

"To us! That voltage would kill a human, so why not use normal human weapons? And not to mention, they, you know, fought us, why wouldn't they run after seeing us? We should have terrified them but we didn't".

Is he saying what I think he is? Is he saying these humans were prepared to fight Cybertronians?

"I think this might be a lead on Laserbeak, I mean, think about it, didn't Knock-out's report say that humans wiped SE out?"

"-It's certainly part of Laserbeak, but I couldn't find any engeron burns on the metal, and the wing was clearly broken, not slashed. But what did I find? Bullet holes-" I played back what Knock-out had said after examining Laserbeak's wing.

"Ha, see? They mu-" I cut him off as I continue the audio "-quite different to what happened to troopers-" A statement that gets him to place his his hand to the base of his helm as he thinks, I go to play some audio that would half prove him wrong before he snaps his digits and speaks.

"Wait, maybe the Autobots did attack the SE, then after they left, Laserbeak went to examine the corpse and then these humans attacked? It's not perfect but I could make sense, plus it would explain why the Autobots haven't made any demands!"

My visor goes blank as I think. It's not impossible, and it does explain the lack of Autobot demands. I think I'll need to read his report before I say if it's true or not.

"-I had to fill in a report-" I repeat as I display a question mark yet again.

"Yeah, I had to explain why half my unit was injured," He explains.

I quickly scan the database yet I can't seem to find anything, the report is likely classified so my visor can't find it, I'll need to find a terminal.

I turn to the over two Vehicons and nod, they nod as well and turn away to leave, I wait till they are out of earshot.

"-Name?-" I requested from the leader of unit 5.

"VH55, unit 5? My squad nicknamed me Fives I guess? Umm why?" He answers and asks.

"-Thank you–Fives-" I answered with some old audio as well as my recording of him.

I turn and start to walk away, planning to reach the bridge in order to read this report.

"You're welcome" I hear Fives call from behind me.

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