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My optics slowly flicker open, it's so bright that I can barely see, although that troubles me much less than what I hear, or rather, lack of what I hear.

It's a cliche (or at least I think that's what the humans say) but it's quiet, too quiet.

I see something come up on my cracked visor. I squinted to read it.

'Drive A: Functional'

'Drive B: Rebooting'

'Drive C: System error'

That seems about right, the use of only one drive would explain why I feel horrid, my body is sore and sluggish.

Well, no point in sitting around doing nothing, I'd start a scan but it would slow down drive B's reboot. I slowly sit up and try to stand up, I groan as I do but I'm able to get up.

I'm not staring at the gorge anymore so I'm able to actually take in my surroundings now.

The first thing I notice is the lack of something, the Autobots, none of them are still around.

The second thing I notice is Starscream, who is still here. I see him lying against a pile of small boulders. He's not moving.

I start to walk over to him. Let's think, if he is dead, how do I explain that? I could say I found him like this? No, that's a pretty bad lie, not sure what I would say.

Well let's just hope he's still alive.

I soon reached him. I crunch down next to him and look him over. A number dents and slash marks, but he's still taking in air to cool his systems off so he's still alive.

I set my visor to switch vision modes and into a thermal sensor.

It's hard to see his parts due to how this cave in itself is hot but based on the heat of his organs and limbs it seems like energon is still pumping.

He'll be awake in a few hours, I turn around and switch off thermal vision as I activate my commlink.

"-Chief soundwave- -requesting groundbridge-"

"Granted" I hear a reply.

A few seconds later a glowing green portal opened up a few meters away from me. I much prefer to remotely open bridges but I can't connect to it from here, luckily the commlinks still apply here.

As I reach the bridge I look over to Starscream, he'll wake up soon, and asides, If I bring him back in that state then I'll be asked questions.

I feel my atoms get separated and moved across this vast difference. Admittedly, I have another reason for not taking him with me, that being that I simply don't care all that much about Starscream.

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