Insider trading

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 I stand atop the pebbled beach, observing the ocean before me, observing its vast, unending nature, it's almost hypnotizing.

Where are the Autobots? I set that broadcast to repeat precisely twenty eight earth minutes and six earth seconds ago?

I sigh as I turn from the water and look behind me, the small alcove I had been resting in. I also look up at the truly massive cliff the alcove was in, it's rare that I feel small on this world.

When will they be here? Did they not get my broadcast? Did they just . . ignore it? No, that's not in the Prime's character, I hope.

I keep looking up to distract myself and focus on the gray skies, the rain's clearing up a bit, that's good. It's getting less gray than before, I can almost see the blue coming through it.

Oh for Primus's sake, where are they? This is ridiculous! How hard is it rec-

My internal rant is cut short by a crackling sound piercing the air which is followed by a faint, low hum, that and the green glow of a groundbridge.

I turn around and stare into the twisting vortex of the groundbridge, waiting for them to arrive through, wondering which Autobots I'll see.

The waves of the Groundbridge are interrupted as figures walk through, figures I quickly recognize.

Front and centre I see him, Optimus Prime. He's slowly walking forward, left arm held up in blaster mode, face shielding activated.

Three figures emerge alongside him, two on his left and one on his right. Bumblebee and Bulkhead on his left, and Ratchet on his right.

Bumblebee and Bulkhead both have all their blasters activated, the medic has none, instead he's carrying a pair of Energon containment crates. There's also a injector on top of the pair, that'll be handy.

The group soon stops, apart from the medic who continues on a few paces more before stopping, he places the crates on the ground before backing up to the others.

Here we stand, me and most of a group that I've spent the past few centuries trying to kill, it's almost funny.

"Soundwave" The Prime speaks, "Before we ask for the information you promised, I must ask why you are willing to give it up in the first place?"

"It doesn't concern you" I state blatantly.

They all seem surprised about hearing me actually surprised, shocked looks across all they're faces, well apart from Optimus Prime, he seemed to have expected it.

"You're talking?" Bulkhead interrupts in bewilderment.

"Evidently" I answer.

"Since when?" He presses.

"Soundwave" the Prime interjects, bringing us back to the topic at hand, "Would I be right to assume you aren't on the side of Decepticons anymore?"

I'm silent, I don't want to answer, plus anything I mention may be used to deduce my plans, and I can't allow the Autobots to learn of my goals.

Optimus Prime's left arm shifts from blaster to hand, which he lowers to his side as he takes a few steps closer, face shield dividing as he does so.

"No" Optimus speaks, more to himself than me, "you loyalty has not passed from the Decepticons, rather it has passed only from Megatron"

"I came here to trade, nothing more"

There's a quiet that follows as me and the Prime stare at one and other, only the faint hollow of the air.

"Very well" The Prime sighs, "Rachet?" He calls upon the medic, who raises an arm and throws something over to me.

I catch it mid-air and bring it close to examine it. It's a date drive, I can connect it to a port on my arm and transfer stored data onto it.

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