Returning to the fold

690 28 1

I stand at my console upon the bridge, reviewing reports, granting boarding requests and groundbridge requests.

"Unit 6, permission to depart to sector A7 for patrol"


"Mining teams 10 and 11, permission to groundbridge Engeron supplies on board"


"Unit 12, permission to groundbridge aboard with special delivery for Megatron"

Unit 12? Now I remember that Megatron had them bring some special cargo on board, what is he up to?

A thought enters my processor, is he working with Dark Engeron again? His Dark Engeron plans almost got him killed before.

"Umm, Do we have permission then?"


I got lost in my thoughts there, oddly, I'm typically very focused. I hope this doesn't become common.

"Master, status?" I hear Lazerbeak through the sparkbond. I made sure to pick him up from my quarters before I made my way here.

"Functional" I answer, I told him about the shooting pains I faced a while ago and he's been asking after my status every 20 minutes since.

I see a camera notification appear on the screen, I quickly access it via my wired connection to the console.

Starscream, he has landed upon the flight deck. I have a small system set up on the ship's security network that informs when Starscream returns to the ship.

The system also keeps note of his normal activity and informs of any change in routine. Megatron ordered me to keep an optic on Starscream but it wasn't practical to do so any other way than this.

I wonder if it would be wise to do the same for Megatron, although it will be going off at all hours with his strange behaviour as of late.

It was then I heard the sound of the left door to the bridge open, I recognized the footsteps that soon followed it. Megatron is here.

I don't look away from the console, my duties are important. I slowly hear his footsteps walk towards the front of the bridge.

"Seeker elite, permission to depart from the landing deck?"

Seeker elite? That unit is the one under Starscream's direct command, and has been since before the war. They've always been loyal to him rather than Lord Megatron.


"Commander Starscream ordered us to go sector B1 and practice formation and manoeuvres"



I quickly disconnected myself from the console and turned around and started to walk towards the bridge. I'm unsure of this request and want to feel Lord Megatron should hear of it.

He hears me approach and turns around to face me. "Soundwave, what is it?" He asks, already sounding disinterested.

"-Seeker elite, permission to depart from the landing deck?-"

"Starscream's unit? Where are they going?" He asks, sounding a lot more invested.

"-Commander Starscream ordered us to go sector B1 and practice formation and manoeuvres-"

He puts his hand to his chin and takes a few seconds to think before responding

"Give them permission, but send Laserbeak out to follow them" He orders and I nod before I turn and walk back over to the console.

I don't like this, I'd rather not send Laserbeak to follow one of the most skilled units without them knowing, what if they see him and don't realise who they are? They'd open fire.

I reconnect to the console and send them permission.


I hear the link disconnect and wait a few seconds before I speak to Laserbeak.

"Follow them, keep your distance, retreat if they attack"

"Understood Master".

I feel him leave my chest and start to fly away, the sound of his thrusters slowly getting fainter as he flies off down the halls and to the flight deck.

I hope nothing happens out there.

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