claustrophobia part 3

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I growled as I pulled myself through the gap in the cave wall, further scratching my damaged torso. My already faded purple paint job was all but gone, revealing a dull silver beneath the faint shades still left on.

I couldn't help but think about . . . well, everything that had happened.

I couldn't help but think about Laserbeak, about Starscream, about literally everything that had happened over the course of this month. Of course, I didn't really have time for reminiscing currently, what with the gaping hole in my side. I was leaking energon pretty much; I'd need to get out of here and into the skies ASAP.

At the very least, I could stop tearing myself apart on small passages. The current tunnel, while cramped, did have enough room to walk through.

I should be prepared for who I might find here. Let's think.

If it's Megatron, I'll . . . I hope he doesn't notice me.

Now, if it's the Autobots? Well, that is a different story. I'll propose we work together till we escape and go our separate ways. Should I tell them about Starscream? They're bound to ask about the energon splattered across my arms and tentacles.

I honestly have no clue what their reactions will be. It could be joy and appreciation, or it could be anger and annoyance. Bloody Autobots, their morals are impossible to judge.

Just thinking about that battle with MECH makes my network glitch. I get that those morals are important to them, but we allowed a group whose only known goal is to kill us and turn us into suits for them to wear. Practical thinking seemed logical at the time.

Heh, I must be sounding like Shockwave with all of this logic. It's pretty ironic, me talking about logical decisions. If I really cared about the logical thing to do, I wouldn't have ordered Starscream to save Breakdown; that's what started this, I suppose.

Well, the downfall started there, I suppose; my feelings of descent started way before this. I still remember that day. I was simply working away sorting files when I took control of the bridge for all of, what? Twelve Earth minutes?

It's been downhill since then, I'd feel.

I still remember the feeling of seeing Laserbeak again that day. It felt amazing to see him, to talk to him. I remember thinking that we'd been away from each other for too long. That's almost a funny thought now.

I soon come across an oval-shaped section of the cavern. The path I took brought me in by the southwest side of the cave. I see another tunnel by the north. Of course, it's still dark, but it's not cramped anymore. I even see a small lake in the bottom-east section.

Actually, my scanners have detected something . . . off about the water. I approach and draw out one of my tentacles, plunging it into the lake and starting a proper scan of the minerals present, only to find a high amount of energon present.

Huh, guess my luck is beginning to turn around. I draw the tentacle back as I kneel before the water. I depressurize my cracked visor before slowly peeling it off my deformed and plateless face. I cup my hands together, forming a makeshift vessel, and dip them into the cool pond.

To use a human term, I bring the water up to my 'lips' and ingest it. I release a sigh of relief as I feel the cold liquid go down my throat and cool my systems off. Plus, the energon percentage doesn't hurt. I take the chance to clean my face, so I cup my hands in the water once again before splashing it onto my face, wiping away the dirt and grime from my metal.

I go for another drink, only to catch my reflection in the water. I see the bare and exposed wires and hydraulics, parts that should be hidden under faceplates. I quickly reach over and grab my visor, all but slamming it onto the connectors once again.

I force myself upwards and start to march up to the northern tunnel. Although I . . . I can't help but hear some strange sounds. I bring up my visor's interface and recalibrate my audio sensors.

I hear a faint, low, and continuous sound. I slowly approach the eastern wall. What in Primus's name is that sound? I reach the east wall and press the side of my helm against it. It sounds mechanical . . . and I hear a continuous crashing noise.

Did someone activate the energon drill?

Is . . . Is it getting louder?

The wall I'm leaning against suddenly begins to collapse; I jump back as the drill breaks through the walls. I dodge to the right, landing in the energon water.

I look up at the drill as it comes into the cave. I force myself once again. I draw my tentacles as I charge to the side of the vehicle. I leap onto the seating area, only to find myself between the side of the empty chair.

Where . . . Where in Unicron's name is the driver?

I suddenly realize where the driver is when I hear a yell; I turn to the control, and I see him, a human operating the controls.

I growl as I flick the drill switch, deactivating it.

"Soundwave," the human mutters as I scan him against my database. Jack Darby, male, sixteen earth years old, allied with the Autobots.

"What are you doing?" I growl, staring daggers down at the young human.

He, despite the clear fear he had just moments before, steels himself and stares back. "I'm trying to find Arcee and Bulkhead."

"And so you've commandeered a Decepticon mining vehicle?"

"Well, what should I have done then?" He yells.

"I . . ."

I stop myself; I don't really have a reply. Besides, I know a thing or two about doing stupid things for those you care about.

"Alright, kid," I mutter as I draw my tentacles back and sit down on the driver's seat, "Let's find your friends."


"You heard me," I answer as I flick a switch, causing the drill to power on again. I also go over the controls briefly and switch on a few features, the lights as well as the surveying instruments. I smile behind my visor as the screen lights up properly, showing a live scan that's revealing a few empty tunnels up ahead, give us a list of areas to check.

"Thanks," Jack mutters as I press on the throttle, driving the vehicle forwards. "But . . why are you helping me?"

I struggle to answer that for a moment; why am I helping them? What would Optimus say to that question?

"Because it's the right thing to do," I reply quietly.

(Hey! I'm really sorry about how long it's been, I was just really struggling with how to do this chapter. Although I'm quite proud of the final product, please do tell me your thoughts on it, good or bad)

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