A day offboard the Nemesis.

450 20 7

I press my back against the damp wall. Even in this small alcove I'm disturbed by rainfall, it's pouring down rapidly, I grit my teeth as it goes down.

I'm not in danger from it. It's cold but not even slightly close to dangerous levels, and it would take a lot of time in the rain to cause any rust. And yet I'm still annoyed by it, it's making it hard to concentrate. Anyway, where was I?

Ah yes, so to defeat Megatron and take control of the Decepticons I need a few things.

First I need to defeat Megatron himself, and a straightforward fight isn't going to be my path there considering what happened last time.

I could lure him into a trap of some kind, maybe isolate him and find a way to lure the Autobots there? Let them fight for me.

No, I need to be involved if I'm to take control, and asides, if the Autobots beat Megatron then the entire Decepticon faction may collapse.

I could lure him into an explosive trap and destroy him that way? No guarantee of success, especially considering what happened with his space bridge.

Maybe I could make that first plan work? get some fellow Decepticons to do it alongside me? That could work.

But who would help me? I have good rapport with the Vehicons but they were genetically altered to be furiously loyal, I doubt I could overcome their mental programming.

Normal bots then, who would support me? Knock-out would support whoever wins, but he wouldn't switch sides until Megatron was in the ground.

Break-down? Now that's hard to say, he was willing to betray Megatron to help me and we do get along, but I'm not sure he'd be willing to join me in a coup.

. . .


No I can't.

No I won't.

I grit my teeth and slam the back of my head against the cold, stone wall. Starscream is my best bet, Primus you are a cruel god.

Ok, lets think, would Starscream really be willing to help me? He's always wanted Megatron out of the way, would be happy for revenge, and it would give a level of legitimacy.

There is one downside, he would never let me be the leader, or he'd kill me before I could take control. Maybe I should let him be the leader?

Starscream did a good job as leader, he had logistics under wrap, our presence was subtle and we weren't playing about with Dark energon.

At the same time, if me and Starscream defeat Megatron I'll have a claim to power, and even if I let Starscream have power he'll never trust it to stay that way.

He'd probably have my throat sliced while I slept.

I could assassinate him before he got me. We fight Megatron, gain power and then Starscream thrusters tragically fail mid-air? It could work.

Ok, that's the plan, now I just need to get in conntac-

Energon reserves: low

Oh. that.

I had spent a good few hours flying aimlessly before the rain came down and I went to the ground in order to find cover.

Energon, how do I find energon?

Starscream's secret base in the desert was presumably ransacked by the Autobots, plus I don't want to risk Starscream finding out about me yet, not until I know how I'll convince him of my plan.

I have the locations of our Mines stored in my personal database, I could find an empty mine and look there.

No point, I'd need a energon converter to turn the crystals into a drinkable form, and asides, no guarantee that I'd find any.

A activate mine? I'd no doubt find crystals and converters but I'm not certain that I'd be able to win that fight.

. . .

The autobots! I can contact them and sell the location for energon. I don't like the idea but what choice do I have? I need energon and the Autobots would sell.

I sigh as I stand up and walk out of my alcove. Walking onto the rocky, cliffside beach. I look out to the ocean as I open a secure channel that the warship shouldn't be able to detect. As the channel opens I speak out.

"Autobots, this is Chief Soundwave broadcasting to you, I have the locations of several energon mines that I'd be willing to sell to you in exchange for energon, track this signal and we can negotiated"

I end the recording and set the message to repeat.

And then I wait, waiting for the Autobots to receive the broadcast.

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