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Note: If you see any spelling mistakes, or situations where it looks like I forgot a word or anything like that, then please tell me. this goes for the whole story.


It's warm.

It shouldn't be, I'm flying at high speeds through the night skies, and my sensors detect sub-zeros temperatures yet I'm warm.

It feels like it's coming from my spark, the burning desire for revenge against those butchers of M.E.C.H

They will suffer for what they've done.

I'm fast approaching the M.E.C.H base. The Autobots radioed in and said that they started the attack. Their objective is to destroy the SAM turrets, which will allow me to fly in and level the place. The Autobots also groundbridged Bulkhead in to help with the assault, which was a smart move, his weapons are powerful.

My primary objective is to destroy the watchtowers, as they're likely armed with those pulse rifles that take us Cybertronians down easily.

My secondary objective is to destroy the main hanger and the smaller, secondary hangers. They are secondary as the Autobots could theoretically take those down as long as the watch towers are down, although it'd be better if I could just take them down.

My Tertiary objective is to land and assist the Autobots, whether that is to help defeat the remaining M.E.C.H threats or if it's too sift through the ruins depending on how well I do my primary and secondary objectives.

I'll be honest, I forgot how rewarding fieldwork is, I've spent too long behind a terminal.

"Soundwave, do you copy?" I hear the feminine yet authoritative voice of Arcee. The autobots switched to a new comm channel and gave me the frequency and decryption code. I'll keep them in mind but I doubt they'll help me crack their normal comms.

"This is Soundwave, go ahead" I answer back.

"One SAM turret is down, we've been driven back by minor artillery fire, after you deal with the remaining turret you'll need to take out the artillery, is that clear?" She explains.

"Affirmative, I'll take care of it"


Ok, I assume she means field artillery, that does sound difficult. It would be more than capable of destroying us, I hope they're o-

. . .

It would be a shame if I lost such valuable assets.

I see the M.E..C.H base in the distance, I give full power to my thruster as I approach. I zoom in with my Alt's forms viewing systems to see what's happening with my own optics.

Small artillery pieces that look to be getting dragged by a mix of trailerless trucks and large off roading vehicles. I also spot a number of enclosed armoured vehicles.

I strafe down and open fire, about a hundred bolts of energon are fired at the warehouse, destroying the SAM turret next to it and setting the building ablaze.

I pull up and keep flying straight forward. I go for a stall-turn and turn around back to the base.

Even from the sky I'm able to see the fear, they've lost all organization they had. I see humans escaping from their armoured vehicles and towards trucks and smaller vehicles, I can hear sirens blaring.

I switch paths and go right, I then perform another stall turn and go in for an attack.

My previous flight path would have me attacking the rough line of defence side on, with this new path I'll be attacking up the line. One strike will wipe out their nearly entire line.

I open fire, a few hundred bolts of energon light up the night and destroy the line. Tanks, artillery, APCs and missile trucks blown up in a grand display of Cybertronian power.

After I've passed the base again I go for a roll-off-the-top manoeuvre and as I turn back to the M.E.C.H base I see the Autobots rushing out of the forest and towards the base, firing upon any remaining vehicles.

A trio of Helicopters that I hadn't seen till now are fired upon by the Autobots, destroying all but one of them. The one that survives performs some admittedly impressive manoeuvres and is able to avoid the incoming fire.

The Autobots are forced to refocus their attacks on the ground forces shooting at them, so I'll deal with the last helicopter.

"Soundwave! Some assistance!" Bulkhead calls over the commlink, I sigh internally but turn back towards the base.

I quickly switch from my Alt into my main form, I come landing upon a LAV, completely crushing it.

I turn and see a Tank, its turret spinning around to me. I rush at it and grab the turret, I'm forced to really put my spin into it but I'm able to force the Tank onto its side. I draw my tentacles and latch onto the tank, I pull my hands off the turret and send approximately four thousand volts through the vehicle.

The death might have been barbaric, however I'm not too considerate, partly because they'd deserve it and partly because at the voltage I sent they were most likely killed in less than a second.

I spot a number of trucks driving away, I turn to the Autobots, who seem to have finished with the remaining soldiers, and yell out "They're getting away! Blast them!"

No one does as I command, nor do they even reply, instead I receive glares, granted, the glares seem to be more of general distress at what I said rather than hatred or anger.

The Prime is the only one to reply, his face shielding slides off as he speaks.

"Soundwave, they" He points to the ever distance trucks, "Are retreating"

"And?" I answer back, not completely getting his point, I mean, I know they're retreating, that's the point.

"We aren't firing upon retreating foes," he explains.

. . .

I blink behind my visor, We're not going to destroy them? After everything they've done?!

"Prime, tell me that this is joke"

"We're not hurting those who aren't a threat"

"They are threats!" I yell back, "They're terrorists! Terrorists that are Unicron-bent on vivisecting our entire race!"

"After the destruction they face tonight, M.E.C.H will fall apart" He tries to explain, his voice a mix of sternness and understanding

"Did you fall apart?"

"What?" He seems caught off guard, having not expected that to be the reply.

"When we took Iacon, did the Autobots fall apart? When Cybertron died at our hand, did the Autobots fall apart?"

He's quiet, he closes his eyes for a few seconds and sighs before speaking again.

"Our code," he states, "it is not always easy to follow, it does not always make things easier, but it's the right thing to do"

. . .

We continue to stare each other down, he's either waiting for a reply or for an attack.

. . .

"Your code," I state, "Your code will be the reason that you join the Allspark before me"

I turn around and jump, switching to my Alt-mode and activating my thruster sends me flying into the sky.

I can't believe this. I can't believe the short-sightedness of this, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! How could he, a bot with the power and knowledge of the Primes be this stupid!

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