In the jaws of former foes

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I wince and flinch as the welding torch is applied to my side. "Stop squirming," I hear Ratchet mutter as he continues to hold my arm up and out of the way. I try to distract myself by looking around the base.

I'm inside what looks to be an old nuclear storage facility. Large concrete walls— I assume the main atrium was a later addition, considering how half the walls and the ceiling are rock. I'm currently sitting on a concrete ledge beside what appears to be full-body scanners.

The snapshot of the Decepticon database I have downloaded is far from complete, so I don't have any files to compare that scanner with. Although, if I had to guess, I'd say it's an older model.

Do the Autobots have any up-to-date tech? I remember thinking this when I was given the injector back when I traded with them. That injector wasn't exactly a new model. I'm also impressed. Did they raid the museum of technology before fleeing Cybertron?

Out of the corner of my optic, I spot the three humans high up on an elevated section. Makes sense to keep the humans there; you can't really stand on them when they're about eye level. In terms of these elevated sections, you have the ground floor, then a slightly raised section high enough for me to sit down on, and then the third, very high section where the humans are standing.

Currently, they're staring at me and mumbling among themselves. I'd listen in, but I can't bring myself to care too much about their ramblings. The first thing the male and female humans did upon returning was rush up to the third one and relay the day's events to him.

Speaking of things that happened upon arrival, there was Ratchet's reaction. He was not pleased to see me, scowling at me before berating his allies about bringing me here. I can't say I blame him.

Bulkhead left Arcee to handle the argument. He returned the humans to their designated platform before scurrying off down the halls. I assume he was locating the Prime. Smart call to alert him— not obtaining his permission was not a smart call. I can't imagine the Prime being particularly angry at his soldiers, but I don't expect him to be pleased at my presence. Much like Ratchet, I couldn't blame him.

The two-wheeler was able to convince the doctor to heal me. She's currently on the other side of the room, keeping an optic on us. Yet another thing I can't blame.

"I'm done," the medic speaks, letting go of my raised arm and pulling away from me. "Stay here. I need to speak with Optimus."

I don't respond and simply nod, not much point considering how he was already facing away before he finished his sentence. I move my right arm to my left side, feeling the now-fixed wound. Credit where it's due, he did a good job.

I also notice Arcee move off the wall and follow Ratchet. Have... I been left alone and unsupervised here? I am not nearly at that level of trust. I could easily rush over to the terminal, download everything, then groundbridge out of here.

No, they aren't stupid. They'll have put a lock on the terminal's controls and are probably watching me on the cameras. I lean forward and rest my arms on my knees, just waiting for... for the Prime, I suppose?

"Hey!" I hear the human known as 'Miko' yell at me. I turn my helm and look up towards her and the other humans. She's standing on the first metal bar that makes up the railing. The other two humans look concerned and panicked that she's engaging with me.

"Can you talk? He didn't believe me when I said you could." She motions to the humans next to her. I assume she's referring to the human known as 'Rafael.' At least I assume that, mostly because the human known as 'Jack' and I have spoken to each other before.

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