Sweet dreams

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"I still can't believe it" I speak, although not audibly, "Millions of years spent in war, and then? Peace"

"Forgotten what it was like?" Laserbeak chuckles back through the sparkbond.

I can't help but laugh, "A little bit"

Silence follows it, just a calm, peaceful quiet—a strong smile behind my visor.

"What'll we do?" He asks.


"Like you said, we've been fighting for so long, what will do now?"

"Not sure" I confess, "Although I am sure that we'll still be needed"

"Yeah, the Autocons'll need us around. hunting down extremists for one thing, but also for more... civilian projects"

"You sold on the name?" I can't help but ask, still not sure of it myself.


"Yeah, what do you make of it?"

There's another silence, followed by a burst of laughter.

"It needs some work" Laserbeak chuckles back.

"To be fair, it does the job it needs to"

"Gets the point across"


My eyes dart from the door in front of me to the screen above the door, this elevator is painfully slow. However, soon enough it comes to a stop and the door slides open. I walk through, squinting briefly as my eyes adjust to the bright, orange glow of the morning son.

"S-sir" Laserbeak mutters out. I realize why as I look around the rooftop. I see Megatron as expected, looking out across the land from the edge. But scattered across the floor I see the Autobots. Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, even Optimus Prime. All dead.

"Megatron? What happened?" I ask, terror gripping my spark.

"What happened? Operation Autoconned of course" He explains with that voice of fake kindness he mastered so long ago.

"All vitals are zero" Lazerbeak quickly mutters to me, confirming that the Autobots are dead.

"Megatron, we had peace, why?"

"Because I wanted to win"

"Win? Win what?!" I yell.

"My rivalry with Optimus" He explains like it's nothing, like it's not him destroying everything!

"Three figures approaching" Laserbeak notes, his voice still hoarse.

I spin around to see three figures, first, there is a Breakdown. He's injured, his eyeshield is ripped off, and dents and gashes cover his body.

To his left is Sky-Quake, and to the right is someone I don't recognize immediately. He looks like a discolored Sky-Quake. It then dawns on me that this is his twin, Dreadwing.

"Lord Megatron, this one refused to participate in the slaughter" Sky-Quake spits out and grabs Breakdown's shoulder and forces him to the ground.

"I see" I hear Megatron mutter as I spin around to look at him. "Soundwave," He continues, "You weren't able to partake in the operation, prove yourself and deal with this traitor"

I grit my teeth and scowl behind my visor. "Never"

"So be it" He replies calmly, and for a brief moment the galaxy is still.

Then a sword draws from underneath his blaster cannon as he lunges at me. I raise my arms up in a desperate attempt to defend myself-


I jerk forward, gasping for oxygen as I do. I quickly examine my surroundings, I'm in a confined space with rocky walls.

The cave-in, of course, that must have been some kind of horrible nightmare, I guess.

My breathing slowly returns to normal as I activate my highlights, tainting the dark room in a purple glow.

It's then I notice him, Starscream. He's curled up against the other wall, his right arm trapped between the rocks.

"Nice to see you've woken up" He mutters.

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