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Fifty-six minutes and twelve seconds.

I don't know whether I should smile at how the Autobots have taken twice as long to respond compared to last time or if I should yell about how long it's taking.

Are they even going to respond? They responded last time, but last time I hadn't cussed The Prime out.

To borrow some human slang, makes me want to pull my hair out, it's infuriating.

I guess it isn't as important as last time, at least not to them.

. . .

They have my coordinates, they'd be right to assume that I'm near the M.E.C.H base, they haven't just groundbridged nearby and started searching, right?

My oxygen intake speeds up at the thought but quickly calms down, it would be pointless, they'd need me for an effective assault on the base.

It's just then that my audio receptors are blown out and optics are briefly blinded by the opening of a groundbridge about twelve meters away from me.

My optics shutters rise and fall a number of times in in order to get used to the bright light. I also take a few steps backwards from the glowing portal.

Through the green gateway, I see a figure, then two, then three. The prime is first through, none of his weapons are active nor his face cover.

The two-wheeler follows by his right side, both blasters on and up, ready to fire at a moment's notice, her optics darting around the surroundings.

On The Prime's left is the one known as 'Bumble bee' often shortened to Bee, a bit like Break-down's shortening of my name. Both of his wrist blasters are activated but his arms swing freely by his side.

"Soundwave" The Prime speaks, his voice sounds more monotone than usual, it doesn't sound like he's in the mood for this, I'll stay on his good side for this.

"I see you received my message," I say. I notice the two-wheeler's optics widen for a brief moment, she had no doubt been informed that I've started speaking yet I'm sure it's still a surprise to actually hear.

"We have" The Prime answers back, "And it forces me to ask a question" he states as he slowly walks forwards toward me.

"And that is?" I ask.

"First, clear your visor"

"What?" I mutter.

"I want to see if you're lying to me"

There's a tense few seconds as we stare each other down, neither of us wanting to back down. A quiet sigh escapes me, I suppose they've already seen my face.

I deactivate my visor's shaders, allowing The Prime to see my unplated mechanical face.

"Are you and M.E.C.H attempting to lure us into a trap?" He asks, blue optics piecing my spark.

"N-no" I stutter back, I feel very off-kilter right now.

There's another tense standoff, as he determines if I'm lying or not.

"Ok Soundwave" He speaks, "Tell us what you've learned"

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