Conflicting orders:

749 25 3

That is very good to hear, it will be good to finally be out of these restraints and away from the Autobots.

I then feel everything go black.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Light slowly reappears as my optics shutter opens. I take note of the ceiling instantly and its lack of grey concrete. I feel a wave of relief wash over me to see the dark walls and dim lights of the Nemesis once again.

I quickly turn my head and see myself within the medical bay.

I try to sit up only to find myself still restrained. I thrash violently trying to break free. I don't understand why I've been restrained yet again and why I've been restrained by my fellow Decepticons.

"-ANYONE-!" I blare some old audio I had saved in hopes of someone hearing.

"AH! You're awake!" I hear a voice yell out. I turn to face where it came from. It came from the other side of another medical berth. I recognize the voice as Knockouts.

He quickly rises from the other side of the medical berth; I assume he is performing maintenance on it.

"-Restrained-" I play audio to him.

"Oh, that" he states as he starts to walk towards me. "Your energon supply was in the red when we got you back, so we injected you with a high amount engergon."

He walked over to a console next to me and started to type something in. "Although we made a mistake with it and your body went into spasms, so we had to restrain you till you woke up. Anyway, let me releases you"

He finished typing on the console and my restraints vanished back into the berth.

I quickly jump from the berth and back onto my own limbs. I stretch my arms up and out, hearing them click as they adjust to be mobile once again.

"-Current orders?-" I request as I turn back and face Knockout.

Knockout moves away from the counsel and over to a table covered with equipment and engergon tanks.

"How would I know?" he waves an arm flippantly, "I think Starscream said something needing to talk with you when you return."

"-Starscream, Location-" I request.

"He's either on the bridge or his personal quarters" he says dryly, clearly not interested in the conversation. "The only other place he ever seems to be is around here" he mumbles.

I turn away from him and start walking towards the exit of the clinic. As I walk out into the hallway, I see Breakdown walking into the clinic, engergon syringe in hand.

"Good to see you're back 'Sound" He smiles at me. I nod to him as I walk past him. I'm not fond of this nickname but it's not worth the effort to complain.

I continue to walk down the halls towards the bridge. I'll see if I can find Starscream there.

As I walk, I suddenly stop and briefly stumble before falling onto my right knee as I feel a sharp pain in the side of my torso.

My arms jolted to my side to try and apply pressure to the pain as I hastily started an internal scan.

I see data come across my visor. The pain comes from my power regulator, the regulator is working. Its lack of use as of late has left me unprepared for full functions again, nothing can be done to repair this as there is nothing to repair, I simply have to deal with some shooting pains till it has adjusted.

Luckily it is not constant pain, and it will likely be occasional shooting pains.

As I start to slowly stand up, I hear a voice behind me "Umm, 'Sound?".

If I didn't recognize that voice, I'd recognize that nickname. I stand up and turn to face Breakdown, now without the engergon syringe

"Umm, you alright? Feel free to head back to the clinic if you need to." He states.

"-Status: Functional-" I played a very old clip from when Shockwave was still alive.

"Right" He seems to think about what to say for a second, "Oh, by the way, I think Megatron was looking for you, pretty sure he in the engergon storeroom." He smiles as turns and walks off.

Well then, do I go find Megatron or Starscream?.

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