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"W-wait, Eddie are you-

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"W-wait, Eddie are you-."

Eddie turned around sharply, his hair flipping into his face from the force of his turn, and stalked back over to Joan fiercely. Joan tried to step away, but there was a stupid wall keeping her from escaping the inexplicable wraith of Eddie Munson.

"Are you here to buy stuff?" His voice was soft, but it provided a false sense of security because what was underneath the soft tone was dangerous.

"I-I mean, yeah." Joan stuttered out looking anywhere but the angry dark eyes in front of her. Why would she come to the mall if it wasn't to go shopping? She guessed she could have came just to hang out, but even then she would have bought food or at least ice cream to laugh at Steve again. "I came here didn't I?"

The DM nodded his head, looking away and licking his lips in thought. He didn't look at her, instead find some crack in the wall particularly interesting. "What are you looking for then?"

Lots of things, Joan supposed, trying to figure out just one maybe two things so she didn't sound like a material girl. Well, good denim for one and graphic t-shirts that didn't look straight out of the 80s.

Which was, to be fair, rather difficult to find.

"S-some good stuff, I suppose." Joan settled on eventually, cringing in on herself at how lame that sounded. What happened to her naturally talkative-self, her crazy attitude and inability to be still?! Joan frowned, a new question to be answered in this already inexplicable experience. "Quality. Not too expensive, not too cheap. Something that will last for a while."

"Do you have cash?"

Oh, did he need to break a bill or something?

"I-I don't have a lot of ones, but I have a twenty and I think about three fives." Joan said honestly, reaching into her purse to check her wallet and to count out her money. "How much?"

Eddie grabbed the wallet from the girls hand and Joan frowned, trying to grab it back but only watched as the increasingly-more annoying teen rifled through her cash and pulled out a few bills.

"I can do...this."

"O-oh okay." In retrospect, that really should have been the moment everything clicked together that no she was not helping out Eddie Munson break a bigger bill, but Joan never claimed to be good at social cues. It's why she was the captain of the fucking DnD club for god-sake.

Eddie grabbed Joan's purse and shoved her wallet back in it almost like he had a vendetta against the wretched thing, before grabbing Joan's wrist and making her open her hand up wide. She didn't even realize what was going on when instead of a bill Eddie dropped a small baggie in her hand and stepped back briskly.

Here is what you need to know about Joan Destiny Henderson.

She dressed in dark clothes and had a few piercings, listened to modern day Rock, Punk, and Metal, and a little bit of country - she actually listened to everything, she didn't care - and acted like a rebel, but in reality Joan Henderson was the goodest girl in possibly the entire school.

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