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Joan fumbled with the walkie talkie from her car and tried to remember what channel Eddie's radio was on. A part of her didn't want to warn the guy, let him deal with the boys, but Lucas had betrayed them and Joan's car decided to crap out on her.

"...is anyone there? Dustin? Eddie?" Joan tried with a frown, walking the length of her bedroom over and over to calm herself. No answer and Joan tried again. "Hello? This is Joan, fucking pick up!"

There was only silence when Joan's thumb left the receiver and a huff of air left her. "Fine, but listen to me. There's someone coming for-!"

"For you."

Joan almost dropped the radio in shock and turned to the rectangle mirror in her room as Agatha-Joan stared at her in a world almost deteriorating behind her. Joan's heartbeat increased rapidly at the cruel smile on the teen's face and took a few steps back to run, run run!

"Not so fast." The door slammed shut behind her and Joan twisted back to the mirror with panic. "A beautiful emotion..."

"L-let me go! What do you want?!" Joan demanded shakily. Before the corrupted mirror image could reply, a loud bang came from the mirror and shook her bedroom. Thoroughly scared, Joan dropped the radio and attempted to use all her strength to pry the door open. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Oh, sweet naive little Henderson." The hairs stood up on the back of her neck and ice froze her body at the low voice behind her, a hand carefully moving hair away from her ear and a whisper in her ear. "You can't leave now..."

Joan ducked below the arm attempting to choke her and took a few steps back to stare in horror at a smirking Billy Hargrove standing in her bedroom. "I-oh, oh, what the fuck?!" She cried out at the blond and could only dodge the attempt to grab her once more before slamming out of her bedroom door.

As she ran from her bedroom, she was stopped by Heather holding up a tray full of brownies and a wide grin. "Made these for you, homegirl. Why don't you join us for dinner?" Joan swallowed her tongue and ran out of the front door.

And into what seemed like hell.

A tremor ran through her body at the corrupted and perverted version of Hawkins on the 80's in front of her, vines suffocating the world and the air around her thicker than it had any right being. Devoid of any life that she could see and the sky was filled with tremors and lightning.

"It's not safe out there, Jo'." Billy called out from the porch, leaning up against a pillar as Heather lovingly held onto him like a dutiful housewife. "Come, join us inside. It'll be so much better for you..."

"Go to hell." Joan whispered out and took a step back, away from the house. The ghosts of her past only shook their head mockingly as if she were a child evading her bedtime.

"We're already there, Henderson."

She blinked and Billy was behind her with a hook to the back of the head. Hissing, Joan ducked around the next punch and forced her arms to block another. The strike to the head had pounded a headache into her skull, an audible pulse on tune with her heartbeat playing as she tried to dodge Billy's aggressive attacks.

Until Heather joined the fight, knocking her onto the grassy sidewalk and Joan's chin bumped one of the large vines on the ground.

Groaning, Joan tried to fight against the blond as he threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potato's, but could only stare upside down at Heather smiling softly at her. It was surreal and mind bending... and it hurt.

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