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"And where are you going?" Dustin asked as he watched Joan rush around the kitchen putting things in a bag

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"And where are you going?" Dustin asked as he watched Joan rush around the kitchen putting things in a bag. When she didn't answer, Dustin frowned and clapped his hands loudly. "Uh, Earth to airship, keyword air adding head, I asked where you were going?"

Joan paused to scowl at her little brother and grabbed her keys. "What are you, my dad?" Joan snorted at the irony and pulled out the bags of brownies she had premade last night into early this morning. Technically Dustin wasn't her dad yet so she refused to have the kid who still tucked his shirt in at all hours of the day and wrote his name on his underwear tell her what to do.

"Well, I suppose as the male of the household there is some responsibility put on me...." Dustin started matter-of-factly, trailing off at the dangerously narrowing of eyes. "Buuuut, but! As the big sister and first born there is a lot more to this family household dynamic than just traditional gender roles."

"Good answer, Dusty-poo." Joan gave Dustin a harder than needed pat on the had and snickered at the ouch! that followed. "I'm going to see Heather at the pool today if you really need to know."

"Oooo, are you bringing brownies to the lifeguards again?!" Dustin reached a hand into the bag filled with sweets, but cried out at the smack to his hand. "Ouch! Rude!"

"You can take one, one!" Joan reiterated with a finger shoved into Dustin's face. Excited, Dustin pushed the hand away from him and dug into the back for the biggest piece he could. After acquiring said brownie he paused. Joan's eyes narrowed. "What's with the face?"

"...I was just thinking about how much Steve and Robin would love to-"

Two more bags were shoved into Dustin's lap and the boy lit up like a Christmas tree, cackling as he ran out the kitchen happily. When Joan left the kitchen herself, Dustin had already stuffed the desserts into his bag and was halfway out the door.

"Bye, Dustin." Joan said sarcastically as the door closed. "Oh yeah, you're welcome Dustin." She sneered at the door with a shake of her head. "I hope you and you're new favorite siblings enjoy my brown-." Her hand paused at door handle.

Since when was she jealous of her dad hanging out with Steve and Robin?

With a shudder, Joan pushed the thought out of her brain and headed over to the community pool. If Heather wasn't there today, but Billy was, Joan was going straight to the cops. No one had answer her calls that morning and Joan was more than read to gouge someone's eyes out.

She wasn't sure if it was Billy or if someone had some kind of blackmail over the graduate, but either way Joan was a hair away from getting her own hands dirty in the mess and hopefully the brownies sweetened the deal. All she cared about was pulling Heather out from whatever mess she got tangled up in.

"Oh fuck yes." Todd moaned out, throwing the magazine down on the counter and making grabby hands towards Joan. "Bring me the sugar, sugar."

"I swear, Todd." Joan snorted as the girl behind him smacked his head lightly and he rubbed it with a groan. "One day you'll learn not to flirt with other girls when Martha's around, idiot."

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