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Let it be known that Joan Destiny Henderson was dramatic to a fault and she knew where it came from. Her father had a dramatic yet sensible demeanor and her mom while kind wasn't one for such theatrics. She was always clinical and logic driven.

It was more so her grandmother who she got it from.

The moment Claudia had picked up the phone her heart had been pumping overtime because only one of her two offsprings were accounted for within the safe confines of her home. When her daughter's name came through on the receiver along with the words crime scene the woman was already frantically picking up her purse while a genuinely concerned Dustin stared at his mom.

"Mom? Mom! What's going on?"

The woman paused at the door, feeling a little bit guilty that in her rush she had forgotten about her youngest child. She swallowed and attempted to hide her nerves, but she already knew it would be a failure. Her son was scarily good at reading situations and it worried her enough that she could admit she wasn't present enough as she should be after finally leaving her husband... it was hard raising two children alone.

"It's your sister. She's... stuck and I need to go pick her."

Dustin eyes turned suspicious and concerned, she could see the gears turning in his head at the possible scenarios. "Why? What's wrong with her car? Is she okay? She never came home last night... was that her on the phone? Can I come?"

He was too smart for his own good and had a heart of gold for those around him. She was so proud of her boy.

"No, Dusty. Stay here and I'll be back in a bit. There's... there's nothing to worry about." The smile on her face was strong and Dustin relaxed only fractionally at the familiar hand in his hair. "Be good and watch Mews for me, okay?"

Dustin sat on the couch in the stillness of the living room, a feeling of shadow looming over him as his mind started to make conclusions he probably shouldn't. He hadn't even realized his mind had wondered so far until a ring at his doorbell led to a distraught Max in his living room.

"My sister saw what?!"


The calm arms around her had Joan melting and she was thankful that the tears were all gone.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Claudia asked softly, hands on her daughters shoulders as she looked the girl over with a click of her tongue. "You haven't changed or had a shower... and you're telling me all you've had is a sandwich?!"

"I-it was ham and cheese." Joan provided weakly, hoping her mom would calm down so that she could get out of there quickly. Nancy had left a few minutes ago and Joan was itching to get away from thos place forever. "C-can we go, please? This place is making me..."

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