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Heather never came over last night and Joan was feeling like a bag of skittles where each color was a different emotion

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Heather never came over last night and Joan was feeling like a bag of skittles where each color was a different emotion.

The first thing she had done was call the pool where Heather's manager answered that she had left with Billy last night and then called in sick today, something Heather never did. The second thing Joan did was call the Holloway Household and had to cover for Heather because she never came home.

"Oh hey, Joan! Did you and Heather have a good time last night?"

"Yes, the best! Just calling to let you know we're going to, uh, the mall. She'll, ah, be home later."

"You two girls have fun!"

Joan stared at the ceiling of her bedroom from the circular carpet on her floor and tapped a beat on the fuzz. Heather was fine, she called in today, but she was last seen with Billy last night which meant she must have spent the night with him.

On one had she was happy her friend finally got what she wanted but on the other she could have at least called! Joan had stayed up the entire night waiting for her friend and now she was exhausted to the point that no amount of concealer could hide it.

"It's 9:01 in the morning Jo!" Her bedroom door started to nearly cave from the constant knocks that brought her out of her worrying. "Jo? Jo? Jo? Jo?"

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before pushing herself up in hopes that she could get any feeling of patience inside of her. Throwing open the door she didn't even laugh with Dustin fell forward in surprise. "What?!"

Quickly picking himself up Dustin looked at his sister expectantly. "You said you'd take me to the mall today to hang out with Steve while you and Heather did whatever girls do at the mall."

"So you woke me up at 9 in the morning?!"

"You said not to wake you up before 9 in the morning so I waited until exactly 9:01 to begin the process of waking you up." Dustin looked over his sister and confusion spread across his face, before acceptance. "But looks like you already are." He looked into the bedroom. "Where's your hot friend?"

Joan rolled her eyes and went over to her vanity to fix her hair and make up. "Never showed up."

"Why?" Dustin took the open door as invitation and once again occupied her bed, but quickly threw his feet off at the evil look sent his way. "Finally realized she was out of your league?"

"She had a date with a boy." Joan said simply, her face elongated while she put on mascara. "I guess the date went... well."

"What, did he take her home and meet her parents or something?"

Joan snorted and capped her mascara, fluffing up her hair. "Or something."

Dustin pondered the or something for a few moments before it hit and his body physically reacted with a cringe and loud groan. "Oh gross, Jo. That's digusting."

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