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"What? No, you can have that one. I look like total ass in this one." Eddie swapped the photos from her hand with the one he had been holding, smirking at the small whine that Joan let out. "Whining gets you nowhere."

"But I wanted that one..." Joan grumbled out, but shoved the photo in her glove box over her CDs all the same. "Anyways, I'm thinkin' we should go to that diner outside of town for lunch before I have to go pick up Dustin from whatever nerdy thing he's doing at the Wheelers."

"I tasked him on map making for the next campaign, so him and the freshies are probably doing that." Eddie jumped in the smaller car and closed the door behind him with a grin on his face. "Also, I'd never turn down food."

It was the third Saturday of August after school had already began. Joan had introduced Dustin to the club and then cornered Eddie to apologize for her words, explaining that she hadn't been in the right mind since the accident and insisting she should never had reacted that way.

Eddie accepted the apology under circumstance.

"I demand compensation for distress."
"...what do you want?"
"That's... three practices you missed? I require three meals, only then will my stomach, and consequently myself, forgive your transgressions."

So they were on their second meal, but they had been on numerous outings in between. The two had taken to an unspoken rule of trying not to be seen together - for reasons neither could pinpoint - and met in secret. They had found a spot further in the woods with a small hill when're they had messily covered up with a tarp in the trees, cackling as they sat underneath it with ice cream about whatever dumb bullshit went on that week.

Joan had brought Heather's camera to their current meet up, insisting on a photo of the two for later. Eddie comically refused, rolling around in the grass and dodging every attempt at a grab and hold while Joan could only laugh until tears were in her eyes.

Eddie had too much energy as displayed with his tree climbing and constant fake screams of distress.

Eventually Joan was unable to continue to keep up with the multi-year Senior, gave up the chase with a sigh and sat down on a log to catch her breath. Joan smiled at the sight of Eddie Munson grinning at her upside down, legs hooked around a tree branch and hair lightly dancing across the ground. His shirt bunched up around his neck, his familiar vest and jacket sitting next to her, and the teen couldn't help the way her gaze went towards the pale skin with a few tattoos.

She took a triumphant snapshot and Eddie whined, awkwardly falling down and tried to steal the photo halfheartedly. Eventually he pushed his hands on her shoulders and rested his hand on her head, and Joan accidentally pressed the button on the camera twice during their scuffle.

When they had gotten back to her car, because his was conspicuous, Joan marveled at the photos with a huge grin.

The accidental photos were nearly identical except one had her mid laughing loudly while Eddie had his hair nearly all in her face. And the other was in her glove box.

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