Biology Closet

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A/N: I miss them.

Joan's hands were sweating

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Joan's hands were sweating.

And it was making her angry enough to grumble out load while pacing the small biology closet trying to ignore her pounding heart trying to kill her. She had a plan better than running at a Russian gunman with a serrated knife, she mused as she again glanced through the small crack in the door to the outside hallway viewing all the kids trickling into their classes for their next block. The bell had already rung and she was skipping her English class - she already read Of Mice and Me and was content never thinking about it again.

But she knew his schedule by now.

While he was supposed to have gym right now, Joan had left an anonymous letter about buying in his locker, so instead of going down the hallway for gym, he'd make a u-turn and go to his spot behind the school to make a quick sell. The metalhead would be at the perfect spot to grab, waking left to right, so she waited with baited breathe for Eddie.

But the leather and denim started from the right and headed towards his class. She watched him read the note so he knew -thought- there was someone there, but he was choosing to go to gym instead...? Eddie was a deal maker.

He hated gym!

With a frown, Joan bursted out of the closet perhaps a little too dramatically than necessary and Eddie let out a shriek at the sudden invasion of Joan. She took into stock the second-hand gym clothes with a curious eye while grabbing him by the arms and pulling him into the small room.

"Jesus H Christ, Henderson!" Eddie hissed out in surprise with his hand over his rapidly beating heart that switched its reason for its movement from fear to proximity. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"If I wanted you dead, you'd be that way already." Joan deadpanned obnoxiously, a hand gesturing to the gym clothes. "What's that?"

"Prissy, I know I don't have to explain the concept of gym clothes—"

"I meant, I thought you hated Gym!"

"Of course I hate gym!" Eddie shrieked back in a high pitch voice, shaking the clothes in front of him with wide eyes. "But there's some dumb assessment and if I miss it, shit goes sideways so-!"

There was an awkward silence between the two before Joan nodded awkwardly, reaching around the Metalhead to open the door and lightly pushing him out with a small blush on her face. "Right, right. Tell them you brought someone to the nurse or whatever." Eddie grabbed the wrist from the hand on his chest, pausing the assault and staring down in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing! I-I just was trying to scare you." Joan replied honestly with a weak grin, feeling like a piece of shit for not thinking about her friend and what class meant. He needed to graduate this year, he had to! "Go do class, and I'll see you... tonight yeah?"

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