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After one miserable dinner filled with moments that either Heather - who Joan went to kindergarten with - never told Joan about or were simply lies and Heather trying so damn hard to her to drink the stupid tea, Joan was quick to offer her assista...

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After one miserable dinner filled with moments that either Heather - who Joan went to kindergarten with - never told Joan about or were simply lies and Heather trying so damn hard to her to drink the stupid tea, Joan was quick to offer her assistance with preparing the brownies and ice cream while Billy talked with Heather's parents. She needed to figure out why her bestfriend since diapers was acting this way.

Or at least... Agatha's best friend.

"Heather, is everything okay?" Joan asked quietly, hoping Billy couldn't hear them. The brownies were being reheated in the oven and Heather was grabbing some dessert ware from the cabinets.

"Why wouldn't everything be okay, Joan?" Heather asked seemingly innocently, but the tone and speech felt like a kidnap victim on the telephone. As if she was being told what to say and the words were copied off of another. Joan licked her lips and tapped on the kitchen counter a tune that she played earlier, the name unimportant.

After a moment she walked over to Heather who only stared down at Joan.

"...I-is he hurting you?" Joan asked quietly, forcing Heather to look into her eyes by grabbing her by the arms with a firm, yet friendly grip. She licked her lips when Heather's head only tilted to the right in confusion, but once again her eyes did not match her reactions. "S-serious, Heath. Just one word and I'll beat the shit out of him. We can run away t-to Washington like we talked about, find some cute boys, and-"

"Joan." Heather cut Joan off firmly, her face become wide and intimidating. Unnatural. "Billy and I are fine. We are fine. Everything is fine." Joan's arms fell at the look of excitement and greed that came across Heather's face and the brunette took a step forward. "Do you want to be fine too?"

"All those thoughts you've shared with me about how in pain you are... how terrible it feels to exist in this world..." Heather sighed softly and Joan walked backwards, trying to get some space from the girl. "You could have a purpose that gives you an identity... self-worth."

"Heath? This isn't funny." Joan whispered out harshly as Heather's eyes continued to grow manic with that damned smile on her face. Heather continued to walk towards Joan, hand grabbing a knife out of the sink. "Are you serious, Heather? If this is some cruel joke that Billy is making you do I swear I-"

"Shhhhhhhh." Heather whispered out, finally in front of Joan whose back hit the fridge. "We can all be one... I'll never leave you again." The knife lifted up to Joan's chest and Joan was a hair away from screaming and fighting back when Heather's head snapped to the living room. Immediately the emotion changed and Heather took a step back with a giggle. "Gotcha."

Heather set the knife on the counter next to the sink all while humming and putting some ovenmits on. She grabbed the brownies out of the oven and looked over at Joan, who stood frozen and staring in shock, and winked.

"Join us, Joan."

She left the kitchen and Joan took a moment to attempt to process watch just happened.

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