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The air was suffocating as Eddie slowly started to put things together and swallowed the idea that there was something supernatural out there easier than most really should

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The air was suffocating as Eddie slowly started to put things together and swallowed the idea that there was something supernatural out there easier than most really should. Vecna, a dungeons and dragons fictional character, was a real threat to everyone in the shitty small town of Hawkins, Indiana where the population was too fucking small for most major maps to display.

"This is fucked." Eddie nearly wheezed out breathlessly and leaned into his hands. "I can't believe..." his voice trailed off because he could believe. He was there and he had seen Chrissy become... horrendously broken in midair.

"For the first time, I think we agree on something. It's super fucked up." Steve agreed and ignored the incredulous looks sent his way for the slight quip. Dustin let out an aggravated eye roll as his best friend disrupted the atmosphere and turned back to the processing metal head with every intention of diving deeper into their experiences.

"Listen, Eddie-"

Chills ran up Dustin's spine at the sound of his sister's voice shouting in panic in the distance and everyone's head snapped towards the entrance. Without even thinking, Dustin clambered up and followed an already running Steve slamming the door open. "Oh, shit."

Steve ran over to the young teen lying on her back in the sand with her head towards the lake, eyes wide as her pupils darted back and forth, seeing invisible movement, and lips twitching in a silent conversation as small waves splashed over her face.

"Ags?!" Steve demanded, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her onto the grass out of the water where Dustin joined him in trying to shake the girl awake. Robin and Max ran outside of the house with towels in their arms, throwing them over the girl in a panic. "Joan Agatha Henderson, stop the bullshit right now before I tell the entire cheer team about how you and Jim T made out behind the bleachers your freshman year!"

"Oh, ew." Robin's nose scrunched up and gagged despite the situation. "Jesus freak Jim? The one who played tuba?"

"Now is not the time Rob."

"Right, right." Robin nodded her head quickly and frowned at the scene before her. Joan wasn't the best of characters from her time at school and although for some mysterious reason she had a major attitude adjustment, the cheerleader still turned a blind eye when Missy tripped a band kid in the hallway or made nasty comments about their appearances. It was like she changed but instead of being active she watched from the sidelines as the high school caste system continued its torturous ways.

But there was this look that was almost haunting on Eddie Munson as he stared helplessly from a few feet away, Joan remained unresponsive, and that face drew Robin's attention. His ring laden hands gripped across his cheeks as he stared down at the body with wide terrified eyes.

"Oh god it's happening again." He moaned out in despair as he turned away and walked back and forth frantically. "It had to be her?!"

"We don't have time for panicking, Munson!" Steve hollered out as he watched Joan start to spasm out violently. Her legs kicked out like she shaking off boiling water and her arms went to attempting to scratch her body where ever she could as if she was covered in ant bites from head to toe. "Shit shit shit, hold her down!"

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