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Joan turned around on her heel swiftly, looking over at a concerned Eddie Munson dressed in a Metallica T-Shirt and usual jackets holding onto a record

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Joan turned around on her heel swiftly, looking over at a concerned Eddie Munson dressed in a Metallica T-Shirt and usual jackets holding onto a record.



The 80's.

"Oi, prissy pants. Are you all there?" Joan flinched back at the snaps in her face and swatted the hand away, Eddie sighing dramatically. "Oh good, you're awake. First you run in here like you're running from cops and then you zone out? What's got you in the clouds?"

Joan opened her mouth but was interrupted by an aggressive door chime and snapped around to watch Steve Harrington burst through with a large stick followed by Robin Buckley holding up copies of The Breakfast Club and The Nightmare on Elm Street as if they were weapons.

Steve examined outside once for danger, before coming in and looking at his ex in heavy confusion. "Ags?" Steve lowered the stick and walked over to Joan, eyes flickering up to the high school drug dealer with a newly formed scowl. "Is he bothering you?"

"Who?" Joan's brain was not measuring up to her mouth right now, all too cluttered with the knowledge that she had totally seen Kaleigh headed towards her, same as she had all those nights ago in the future. She licked her lips at the look of incredulous on Steve's face as he gestured behind her.

Joan looked back to see the familiar head seemingly glaring down at Steve with a gaze that reminded her of their first meeting more than a month ago. "I-oh, him."

"Yes, him!" Steve sighed sharply, grabbing her wrist and pulling her along. "I-I don't know what Dustin was thinking when he ran into our store saying some weird shit that you had lost it, but I see why. That freak is not good news."

"Brynnyn, listen. If you keep hanging out with a weirdo like her, you're going nowhere in life, okay?"
"Oh God, Hannah. You forgot something."
"What? What are you-?"
"You forgot that I don't give a damn."

It wasn't right, what Steve said about Eddie when the guy was right there and obviously heard what he was saying. Steve hadn't stopped there, continuing his mini-scolding about the drug dealing super super-senior who lives in the trailers. She looked back over at Eddie who was no longer glaring at Steve but looked at her.


"U-uh Steve, maybe you-."

"What? What is it?"

"Hey, don't mean to Eddie. Why are you treating him like this?"

But she didn't say that.

Instead her eyes flickered to a disgustingly hopeful Eddie holding a familiar Motörhead album and swallowed. What would Agatha do? She wasn't currently Joan the Rebel, she was Joan the Cruel which meant playing the part.

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