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Joan slammed her calc book on the table

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Joan slammed her calc book on the table.

"The walls behind you slam shut after your party enters the golden room, narrowly crushing Bol with its aggressive slamming. A feel of dread fills the human's and a soft chuckle airs from every direction around you, the timepiece warms significantly in reaction." Joan let out a chillingly soft chuckle as she dipped into Aevum's character effortless, glancing at each player with cynically, creating goosebumps and shivers on their bodies. "You've entered my world on your own accord, for what? To defeat me? My dear mortals, you are mistaken for I have already won!"

"And what about sleeping beauty over there?" Steve inquired to the group, bringing attention over to Joan whose head rested comfortably on Eddie's lap while he played with her hair, having put on the zebra scrunchy over his wrist to do so. "I still don't understand how or why we have our own personal Marty McFly."

"I think I can answer that." Joan spoke suddenly, sending everyone including Eddie into various stages of shock. Slowly she opened her eyes and smiled up at the metalhead, before sitting up and looking around at the baffled group of teens. "El says hi, by the way."


"Also, she thinks your plan is dumb, but respects your decision."


"Also..." Joan began before leaning over and whacking Dustin on the back of the head with a satisfying pop. "That's for calling me a dumb bitch and thinking I was asleep."

All at once questions began to fly her way and Joan considered them all, before waving her hands to grab everyone's attention. "No, no, no. You're not asking the right question!" She insisted, standing up with a grin.

"In 2020, I started writing a custom D n' D campaign centered around a time-traveling boss that I called Aevum Clemmons. Ironically enough, I named her that because my name means gracious and so does Clemmons and Aevum is another way to say age, or time." Joan explained rapidly to the group, feeling the time slipping from her every second. "Honestly it's a brilliant campaign and I'm really proud of it, but uh, not the time... anyways, look, I modeled Aevum around Kas and, uh, myself."

"I don't know if I should ask." Steve interjected with pain on his face and his palm over his mouth, uncovering it only to speak. "but who is Kas...?"

"Kas the Bloody-Handed was the most trusted lieutenant of the despotic lich Vecna, and wielder of the Sword of Kas." Eddie recited the lore with furrowed eyebrows, not even glancing away from the nearly vibrating Joan. "It's D lore. He eventually betrays Vecna, leading to his defeat..."

"Bingo! But in this campaign Aevum was a halfling who was promised peace by Vecna and was given the Hand and Eye of Vecna-"

"Oh my God, I-it's not a foot Steve, it was an eyeball." Dustin interjected as the puzzle pieces clicked in his mind faster and faster. "The journal-"

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