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Eddie could pretend to be hard inside and out, but the reality of it all was that the guy was just a kid who had to grow up way too early

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Eddie could pretend to be hard inside and out, but the reality of it all was that the guy was just a kid who had to grow up way too early. He was kind to a fault as shown in the way he'd give those struggling to get by a little better of a deal or the way he picked up the outcasts to give them a sanctuary. His issue wasn't with the world but with those who tried to make the world an issue, and Joan always found that... endearing.

He was an enigma of shy, brazen, headstrong, soft, and outspoken. If caught at the right - or wrong - moment he'd hide behind his hair like an 8 year old child with a sheepish grin and constant twist of his hair around his fingers.

But the hellish fury he could summon in an attempt to keep the world from hurting him was unmatched. He made Joan feel like a poser back in her old life.

Real life.

The moment Joan had woken in the crack of dawn on the old couch she had blearily gotten herself up and took into stock what had happened like a train to the guy. The pain in her head made her dizzy enough to stumble as she forced herself to the kitchen for a glass of water to fix her dry mouth.

However when she arrived she was met with a topless Eddie Munson eating the last few handfuls of cereal as he distrustfully stared out the window with his eyes nearly glazed over. It was a great sight of dark jeans and chains laying loosely over his hips with the muscles of a mechanic showcasing the strength underneath. Her presence seemed to be invisible as he slowly chewed his way through dry cereal in a way that had Joan gagging.

Oh, wait.

Joan barely had anytime to grab the trash can before she vomited into it what little stomach contents she had. Most of it was stomach acid that made it even more painful as she continued to retch violently.

"Oh shit." Was all she heard before she felt a presence behind her before it quickly walked away. The sound of a glass filling up and when Joan looked up she saw a weary Eddie holding out a cup of water as far as he could. "Here. Drink some of this slowly."

Damning enough was the way Eddie made sure their fingers didn't touch and almost made the cup drop. Her heart tugged and she channeled the bitch in her to protect her heart as she whispered a dry thanks.

It was weirdly quiet and tense, awkward and stiff, after that. Small comments here, questions, but no conversation that led Joan back on the couch with finger-brushed teeth and a new glass of water in hands.

There was an old grandfather clock in the living room that made a constant tick tock, tick tock in the silence that had Joan teetering on the edge of insanity because she was feeling like shit, not in her house, alone with Eddie Munson - who was the opposite of anything friendly and refused to speak or be near her - and by God what the hell happened last night?!

"Listen, I-!"

"So, u-uh-?"

The two teens winced as they spoke over each other and Joan cleared her throat, sipping her water to make a gesture for him to go first.

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