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Dedicated to VermillionSpades for being the best supportive commenter on this story (:

Joan was feeling particularly nosey opening all the cabinets and drawers to the motor home while humming her favorite songs from her time. She had gotten to see Halestorm just a couple years back back and the memory of the band was still strong. As fond as she had grown to the classics of the decade, she heavily missed the punk influenced music of her own time.

The wardrobe opened up to a surprising sight that had Joan cackling as she ran outside the home with her prize in hand.

"Wow Ah-Joan, finally decided to come help prepare for our survival?" Steve asked sarcastically as she came over with a smirk on her face and showed off the acoustic guitar in one hand and bottle of whiskey in the other, the objects clicking together since her wrists were still latched. "Ah yes, molotov guitar? Gonna kill Vecna with your horrendous singing?"

"Fun fact, Eddie and I broke up because he and his band mates had tried to get me to sing in front of people after telling me I sounded good." Joan shrugged her shoulders as she heard Eddie trip over himself at the announcement. "Had a whole plan to embarrass me."

"B-because we thought you had bullied Gareth!" Eddie blurted out in defense of his honor, with Dustin underneath him struggling to get the upper hand in their wrestling. "It was like brocode!"

"Oh no, totally fair. I get it." Joan agreed with a nod of her head, while turning to prevent Steve from nabbing the bottle to make it into a Molotov. "No no no, this one is for drinking. If you really want to cause some shit, mix some gasoline and styrofoam."

"Joan, seriously? Now is not the time-, and she's gone..." Steve rubbed his face and covered his mouth, deep in thought as he shook his head. "How am I going to put up with two of them?!"

Joan rushed outside with various glasses and fumbled around to fill them up with less than a fifth of whiskey, before forcing the guitar into Eddie's hands with narrowed eyes and withheld his ability to say no. "Remember the song I told you I made up and made you learn?"

Eddie let out a resigned sigh and allowed his fingers to play on the fretboard, getting a feeling for the instrument while grumbling out that yes, he knew what she was talking about. It had simple chords and progression, and he had been severely tempted to turn it into his song.

"Well, I lied. Not my song, but it's my favorite band from my time and my voice might be pretty bleh, but I've never drank alcohol before, there's a slight possibility I might not make it past tonight, and how many people get to say they got to give their dad his first drink?"

"...there are so many things wrong there that I don't even know where to begin." Robin decided to be the spokesman for the group, but grabbed a glass anyways with a sigh. "But sure, I'm for corruption. Nancy you literally just showed a six year old how to saw off a shotgun, don't look at me like that."

"I'm twelve!"

Eventually Nancy relented and picked up one of her own with a defeated sigh, while Eddie continued to silent strum the melody on the guitar. Lucas and Max already had their glasses, and Joan had already handed Erica a glass of water, because she wasn't that irresponsible.

"Here you go, daddio." Joan snickered as Dustin grabbed the glass with a pained face before looking over at Steve with wagging eyebrows. "It's barely a fifth, uncle Steve."

"...you know, when did peer pressure ever kill anybody." Steve rolled his eyes sarcastically and grabbed the final glass, toasting it up mockingly to the smug brunette with his pinky out. "To whatever bullshit awaits."

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