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Steve had seen a lot over the years

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Steve had seen a lot over the years.

Some things he tried to block out at night during episodic nightmares and others he embraced as morbid lessons or reasons to be grateful for the life he lived. His rather unconventional friendship with Dustin was one of those things that kept him waking up and continuing even if the days were long and strenuous.

There was a small point in his life that he thought maybe, maybe the kid's sister would be the perfect match. Nancy Wheeler aside, Joan was hot, smart, popular, a cheerleader, and most importantly a Henderson.

He had envisioned himself freeing himself from his absent parents and keeping his initials, but going the unorthodox route of taking her last name. The idea seemed full proof and perfect. The dingus would actually be his little brother, he'd have the wife he wanted for all the kids he dreamed of, and a caring, loving-

But that was the issue.

Joan was nearly the opposite of Dustin.

She wasn't kind, caring, compassionate like she had been before high school when she stuck up for Heather or the little brats Dustin hung out with. Joan had warped into the stereotypical bitchy cheerleader and when he had opened her diary, it just sealed the deal. Turned off in every way, the dream of becoming a Henderson shattered.

But after listening to Destiny's explanation that only Dustin and Eddie seemed to really understand, Steve felt tired and in need of a long, long nap. She spoke rapidly and only took breaks to sip the canteen of water that Robin had given her, going off topic only to go back on topic and the transferring back to the original topic, before going on a mother tangent and-

Definitely a Henderson.

"-so in conclusion I am Joan Destiny Henderson from the twenty-first century and I am being haunted by two twins of me along with a freshman from my time, who I think was, or is currently, possessed by one of the versions of me. I'm still getting used to my tenses, by the way." Joan took another long swig of water and sighed, slumping down against the rock next to Eddie who was silently nibbling on some junk food. "There's a great chance that the good version is the real Agatha-Joan while the bitch - the one who tried to kill you guys, sorry by the way- was the one who had started possessing her in high school. Yikes, any questions?"

No words were shared amidst the orchestral delights of the forrest, Joan nervously looking at the wide eyes of each individual and fearing she had broken them all. Until Robin slowly raised her hand and everyone looked at her.

"I-I have a few..." Robin admitted, fidgeting with her hands and Joan nodded encouragingly. "So, uh, if you're a Henderson does that mean you're, uh-?"

"I call her Agatha or Agatha-Joan." Joan supplied helpfully and Robin only nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Right, Agatha-Joan's daughter?"

"Oh, uh no." Joan replied awkwardly, biting her cheek and looking up at the sky, because they would draw conclusions without her and she didn't want to say. "T-that'd be kinda weird to have two Joan's in the same house..."

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