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"So we're good for movie night Sunday, yeah?"

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"So we're good for movie night Sunday, yeah?"

"Of course, I might be a little late because I have to lock up." Heather admitted a little guilty, but sent a smile Joan's way anyways. "But I'll totally drive over as soon as I'm done, okay?"

"Yeah, as soon as your done with Billaaay, huh?" Joan raised her eyebrows up and down suggestively, and giggled at the lighthearted whacks sent her way. "Okay, okay! I'll see you when you're done. If the lights are off, just tap on my window or something so you don't, like, wake my mom and brother up if it's too late."

"I can do that." Heather hugged Joan one more time and went over to her car in the parking lot. Both girls grabbed their cars driver seat's handle before Heather paused and looked back over to Joan with a point. "And don't forget!"

"Forget what?" Joan asked in fake confusion, her head tilted to the side.

"The brownies, you ditz!"

Of all the foods in the world Agatha-Joan had to be good at making it had to be brownies which was ironic because Destiny-Joan did not like brownies at all. She had glimpses of an early memory party where someone had brought brownies and her dad politely hid them away because he knew how much she did not like brownies.

Joan made brownies too many times to count over the past month and sadly Heather was not a weird brownie hater like herself. The two made the perfect team where Joan was a baking whiz, Heather was a right chef and could make anything taste like it was gold plated.

"Oh right!" Joan smacked her head playfully with a huge grin on her face. "How could I forget those?"

"Love you, home girl!"

"Love you, Heath!"

It had been halfway through June when Joan had her first freak out. She had just came home from an awesome night out with the cheerleaders and had come home to an empty home when she figured it out. The constant buzzing that seemed to surround her life was gone and it was all too quiet.

The lack of electronics killed her and frustrated her every single day, but this had been the first time that she had been truly alone to her thoughts. No Dustin, no mom, no Heather, nobody but Joan and her fucked up mind left to race through what had happened to her. Kaleigh, Hellfire, the campaign... Was this some sort of sick hell after death or purgatory?

Maybe it was her overactive imagination in a coma and the sweet release of death would soon be upon her with its gentle embrace, leading her to an eternity of nothing.

Usually when the fucked up thoughts came Joan would drown them out with her AirPods, listening to the beautiful voice of Lzzy Hale screaming into her ears while immersing herself into fiction works either through reading or writing, but today she had nothing.

The first day started with humming the songs she remembered to herself and then twisted into writing down all the lyrics she could remember and then it eventually became Joan singing the songs to herself to keep her brain satisfied through the silence.

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