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The last time she was arrested was nothing like this time where she sat in a living room with everyone's parents including her grandma staring worriedly at all four of them

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The last time she was arrested was nothing like this time where she sat in a living room with everyone's parents including her grandma staring worriedly at all four of them. Compared to the interrogation room that attempted to masquerade as a minors box with random stuffed animals in the cold grey cell, it was a breeze. The three kids sat on the comfy couch while she was placed on a dining room chair beside Max and still cuffed behind her back.

At least she found out that her dad was always a bad liar under pressure, trying to hold in the snicker at the raise in pitch his voice went at the attempt to convince the police officers that the four of them were out to take a swim.

"And do you have anything to say, Miss Henderson?" Officer Powell asked Joan suspiciously, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes. "You've been awfully silent."

"It's quite the shame that they don't teach your amendment rights until your sophmore year, Chief Powell." Joan replied innocently but a glint in her eyes. "Free RAPPS, two bear arms, three's a crowd, four car doors closed, and I plead the fifth."

"Agatha!" Her grandmother let out scandalously, holding her hands to her chest as if she were to have a heart attack. "Tone the sass."

"Bite me."

"Joan!" Dustin admonished, looking oner at her in disbelief along with the other two kids on the couch. "Rude!"

"Who do you think you are, my dad?" Joan snarked back, but without any real heat intended behind it. The humor of the statement and the intensity of the situation bringing out the best and worst of her.

"Yeah, Dustin." Max agreed, turning to look at Dustin with an attempt to hide the smirk trying to grow on her face by scratching her chin. "Who do you think you are, her father?"

"Dustin, you need to calm down, man. That's your sister, definitely not you daughter." Lucas played along with a nod and all four sniggered at the inside joke, unable to hold it in much longer.

"I can't believe the four of you are making jokes at a time like this!"

"Someone's been murdered, Dusty..."

"And that's our problem how...?"

"Joan Agatha Henderson!"

"We were just at the lake, how's that a crime!"

"We put the city under curfew, missy."

"And how was I supposed to know that?"

"I guess it would be kinda hard if you were kidnapped and brainwashed by a murderer."

"Mmm, or maybe I just know how to have a good time."

"Holy shit Jo." Dustin exhaled breathlessly as everyone choked on the meaning behind the wagging eye brows and the crude words. He closed his eyes and shook his head, starting to see the 2% crazy mixing with the Henderson curse in the worst, yet best of ways. "You're mad..."

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