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"Get off the table, freak

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"Get off the table, freak."

Joan hissed out from underneath Patrick's arm, moving to stand up but unfortunately shoved back down by the arm and a cheerleader's hand around her wrist. Eddie sent her a grin followed by a middle finger, Joan's eyes narrowing and once again she struggled for freedom while Jason Carver stood up in defense - devil horns up - and Joan returned the finger with her own before he turned around.

"I still don't understand your problem with the Freak, Jo." Patrick asked in confusion but Joan was feeling similarly to Jason - angry and fueled with a desire to smack the shit eating grin off of his face. "Sure he's a freak but this school year it seems like you've established him as a mortal enemy."

"...Two of my keys are out of tune." Joan grumbled out while messing with her food and trying to ignore the pandemonium going on just tables over. She stiffly moved sideways so that the arm around her fell behind her and Patrick took the hint.

He was weirdly attached to her.

"How the hell are we supposed to know what that means Joan?" Jason butt in with a scoff as he pulled Chrissy in closer under his arm. He didn't really care for her to answer that and Joan just rolled her eyes as he changed the subject. "Anyways, people like Munson distract us from what really matters. We can't let people who participate in devil worship bring us down."

Mmmm, right. Joan nodded with the agreements even though her car radio definitely had a Black Sabbath CD inside of it and kept her face in her food frowning over at Chrissy beside her. "Hey, everything okay with your food?" The two girls were ignored as the table dissolved into laughter and jokes amongst each the basketball team.

Chrissy's eyes widened at the question and Joan frowned here eyes flickering to the captain's untouched lunch box. "You, uh, haven't eaten anything."

"I-I, uh, I ate it during my third block."

"You can have my pudding if you want."

A hand covered the cheer captain's face at the offers as if she was about to vomit right there. Instead Chrissy took a deep breath before smiling at Joan and shaking her head. Joan frowned as Chrissy excused herself from the table in a hurry.

"Woah, woah, Jo. Where are you going?" Jason stopped Joan with a hand on her binder pinning it to the table. Joan stopped her pursuit, looking over at the basketball captain with annoyance all over her face. "Patrick here wanted to ask you something. It'd be rude of you to leave so suddenly, don't you think?"

There was some history between the two and she was drawing a picture that it wasn't the prettiest of relationships.

"No, it's fine Jason." Patrick moved the binder from under her hand and out of Jason's bind, handing it to the girl with a weak smile. "It can wait."

Joan wasn't expecting the kindness that wasn't forced. She blinked and stuttered a quick thanks before heading off in the same direction that Chrissy had ran to.

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