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That was all that Eddie said after Joan had spilt everything to him in the light weed smelling living room. There was a silence and then the metalhead silently walked out of the house leaving Joan to stare down at the carpet in a whirlwind of emotions.

The first person to know that no, she wasn't that Joan had just left her.

She laughed at herself cruelly, before giving in to the exhaustion begging her to lay down and sleep. She walked sluggishly upstairs into a second bedroom that did not hold a make shift interrogation chamber and laid down over the bed sheets, trying to push aside the mental question of when the bed was last cleaned and made.

Instead she spiraled down the path of where Eddie Munson could possible be in the future. While she wasn't a huge devourer of old school rock and metal, she figured someone from Hawkins High School who made it in the industry would have been known by her. Especially someone so close to her dad.

Hopefully in the future he isn't creeped out by the fact that he lost his virginity to...

Oh God, no.

Joan's eyes widened at the implication and shook it from her head, praying that she never would meet Eddie Munson in her future. With that last thought bouncing around, Joan drifted off into a dreamless sleep ignoring the soft ticking melting into the background with what sounded like smooth scribbles on parchment.


As if she'd be so lucky.

Joan's eyes snapped open quickly as she recognized the familiar feeling up infinity touch her skin salaciously. In front of her was already a scene unfamiliar to her with characters she remembered clearly.

Who she assumed to be Agatha-Joan giggled on one of the Harrington's couches next to Patrick while holding onto a red solo cup nearing empty. Around them sat various jocks and preps, including Steve himself and a few other seniors she only knew briefly from parties or outings with the girls. She knew they couldn't hear or see her, yet Joan took slow steps over to the crowd giggling and laughing loudly, talking animatedly while smoking what she assumed could only be weed.

"Totally got that freak good last night." A random senior chuckled out, his voice echoing around them, as he let out a sigh of smoke and passed it on to his girlfriend, exchanging snickers with his buddies over the matter. "Threw his little demonic dice summoning set in the toilet. Watching him scramble his hands in the toilet bowl was disgusting."

Girls let out complaints of the vulgarity, but still giggled. Guys laughed loudly and some offered a pat on the shoulder in congratulations.

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