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Joan was pretty confident that Dustin was as stupid as he was intelligent

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Joan was pretty confident that Dustin was as stupid as he was intelligent.

The kid was able to solve calculus and engineering problems in middle school yet thought screaming out for a drug dealer in the middle of the night was the best way to find Eddie Munson, possible psychopathic killer.

"Christ, Dusty. If you were suicidal you could have just told us to give you some space." Joan hissed out at her brother in disbelief from the bottom steps of the house. "You can't just scream that out!"

"What? Why not?" Dustin asked defensively, turning around and flashing his light in his sister face. Joan hissed like a vampire and covered her eyes while Steve quickly shoved the kids hand down in annoyance.

"Stop blinding people, dingus." Steve ordered with a roll of his eyes before proceeding with looking through the house blinds the best he could. "You can't just... scream about drugs o-or a possible psychopath in the darkness of the night!"

"Eddie is not a psychopath!"

Joan let out a noise of disagreement from her throat, her own flash light looking around the woods as she kept everyone in her vision along with a clear escape plan.

Murderer? Probably not.

Psychopath? Still debating.

Max and Robin had already started their path toward the back of the house and Joan suspected it was something to do with the loudmouth.

"Guys, there's a shed!" Max interrupted the sibling dispute and Joan made her way towards the red head, making sure to butt her hip with Dustin's in revenge. "It looks like someone's been here." The girl shined her light over the back and forth dirt trail from the house to the shed in example.

Robin carefully opened the door and Joan watched as everyone filed in with careful eyes, a grim pool of fuck that settling into her stomach uncomfortably. For a second she thought about how far her car was and how easy it would be to just... go home.

"Hello, anybody home?"

Joan snorted as she took a careful step inside and sneered at the dirty conditions of the boat shed. "Yes, cause a possible psychotic murderer is just gonna answer hi honey, I'm over here! Dinner's in the oven!" It came out crueler than she intended, the atmosphere was raising her blood pressure unhealthily and her body yearned to bolt.

"Hey, coming home to a nice dinner would be appreciated." Steve said sarcastically as he turned towards Joan with a smirk. The senior scoffed and walked up beside the graduate because if there was anyone here she trusted with her safety... it was him.

God her choices were slim.

"I'll get you a cookbook for your birthday, big boy." Joan smiled thinly and patted Steve on the shoulder roughly, nearly sending him toppling into the boat behind him. "Geese, Steve. Need some gymnastic lessons to work on that balance."

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