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9 August 1985Hawkins, Indiana

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9 August 1985
Hawkins, Indiana

There were some stories that were better left untold to the world and Joan was prepared for this to be one of them. The dread that filled her stomach was heavy and her body was already starting to heat up in an anger that had her fists clenched tightly over her knees. Was Joan a She's All That victim?

"A dare?"

Steve winced, holding up his arms defensively. "N-not like that, but-but remember when we were at Jason Carver's party and we all played Truth or Dare?" He spoke quickly as if he only had a few seconds left to live - perhaps he did - before taking a pause to look at Joan in expectation. Joan shrugged her shoulders noncommittal, but Steve took it as a yes and continued. "Jason dared me to play 7 minutes in heaven with you."

"Riiiiight, and you just decided to date me for a while and then drop me because....?" He flinched and Joan felt bad for saying it so rough and accusatory. She hadn't meant for it to come off so aggressive, but something about it all made her feel icky for Agatha. "Sorry, go on..."

"Not exactly. You know I had just gotten out of a relationship with Nance, and I was drunk, and you were infamous for knocking me down a peg in the past... we didn't even hold hands in the closet, just whispered stories from years past and giggled at ourselves." Steve shrugged, his hand running through his hair as a gentle smile appeared on his face at the memory. "I liked how you made me feel - alive."


Perhaps the one syllable word said in a surprised tone wasn't the correct reaction for something like this, but Joan Destiny Henderson wasn't known for her social skills back home. Steve let out a baby of a sigh, a whisper in the wind with the weight of a thousand lives behind it, looking down in contemplation.

"But Joan, I know you've been happier lately, or at least before that night...." he tried to hide the comment under his breath, but Joan heard and winced at what he was referring to. "-but you... you worried me. A lot." Steve's eyes were so very sad and Joan had to look down to escape the worried gaze, unsure where it came from or why. "I-I know I probably shouldn't have addressed it the way I did, but... shit, I'll say it again, Joan you really need to see a-a therapist or a counselor. And not for what happened at the mall."

The conversation both proved useful yet only created more questions about that break up.

"Why... why do you say that?"

"Joan, don't make me repeat what I said that day." Steve was so quiet and caved in on himself dejectedly.

"Steve." Joan said seriously, reaching over the table and grabbing one of his hands in both of hers in encouragement. "Please. I need you to say it again."

He hesitated, looked anywhere else but her, bounced his legs a few time, before giving in with a heavy sigh laced with trauma and guilt. Steve's other hand covered her own and he leaned forward to whisper it out to Joan.

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