Fili and kili

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y/n is the non related little sister like friend of thorin, she starts to travel with him and eventually she begin to date his nephews fili and kili much to thorin's annoyance

Y/n's pov

I had travelled with thorin up north whilst everyone went to hobbiton with gandalf, when we get to the hobbit hole thorin bumps the door, a small man answers looking stressed "thorin, y/n good to see you again" gandalf says smiling as he bumps the hobbit out the way "y/n" i hear kili and fili shouting somewhere in the house "through here" gandalf shouts and they come running through "there's my boys" i say smiling happily as my boyfriends run through "love" kili says his dark hair landing in his face as he skids to a halt in front of me, making me laugh as fili does the same his blonde hair flying about. "I missed you both" i say moving their hair out of their faces to see them smiling widely "love what happened to your arm" kili asks seeing the fabric wrapped round my arm "i might have" i start but thorin sighs "she walked into my sword when it was on the side of my horse" he says making fili and kili look at him annoyed "fili, kili i wasn't looking where i was going it's alright, don't go grumpy dwarves on him, he's still my best friend and your uncle" i say making thorin smile slightly before continuing to interrogate the hobbit as fili and kili hug me tightly "your hair the colours changing at the top" fili says running his hand through my long hair "i know i couldn't exactly get the colossal grump over there to help me fix it so i left it" i say smiling at them as they pull out an apple for me "we found you the reddest apple" kili says and fili nods "had to fight bombur for it" fili says smiling as they take my hands and walk out to a bench outside the hobbit hole "we really did miss you darling" fili says making me smile "i missed you both too" i say smiling leaning my head on fili's shoulder holding kili's hand "are you sure your arms alright love it's starting to bleed through the bandage" kili asks looking at my arm which like he said the bandage is turning dark red "i must have opened it again before thorin and i arrived" i say taking the bandage off to see the cut on my arm opened up again "love let me help" kili says pulling bandages out his pocket "alright" i say still leaning in fili's shoulder as kili bandages it "ow" i mutter when his hand grazes the centre of the cut "kili be gentle you idiot" fili says making me laugh slightly "what's so funny darling" fili asks running his hand over my hair "nothing baby" i say smiling up at him as kili finishes bandaging my arm

Time skip to after they escape the goblins

"Thorin" i yell watching him fighting against that pale orc "leave him alone" i yell firing arrows at the creature drawing its attention off thorin who's lying unconscious, after fighting for a bit massive eagles grab us carrying us away as one holds thorin in its talons as he lays as still as a statue, fili and kili somehow ended up on the same one as me but i don't check them, my eyes never leave thorin, a smile grows on my face as thorin gets up "fili kili are you alright" i say turning to them but they don't look at me and even go as far as to walk away from me, but i shove the small twang of sadness to the side and check on thorin who after talking to bilbo looks to me "y/n, you may not be my family by blood but your quick jump to action saved my life, i am forever grateful little one" he says smiling as he hugs me "even if i disapprove of you being with my nephews" he whispers making me laugh "well they won't speak to me so i don't know if they still want to be with me" i say as he breaks the hug looking confused "gandalf had what i can only describe as massive eagles drop us here but on the way here i didn't look to them only watched you because you were unconscious but when i spoke to them they walked away" i explain quietly and he rolls his eyes "leave them be if they won't talk it's not your issue" thorin says loudly making me slap a hand over my face "thorin" i whine but i hear him laugh slightly "i'm helping you" he says and i sigh looking over to fili and kili who are looking at the view "and how do you suppose i deal with that" i ask thorin who laughs loudly "you want me to shout on them?" he asks and i shake my head "no because you would do something stupid" i say walking towards fili and kili "my loves" i say squeezing between them "come on fili kili talk to me" i whine pouting as they stay quiet so i sit on the ground between them "fili kili come here" thorin shouts and they run over to him "why are you ignoring her, i mean come on look at her, that girl never stops worrying about you" thorin says and its obvious he's pointing at me sitting on the edge of the small ledge with my knees pressed to my chest and my head on my knees just watching the view "eh we i em" fili stutters out making thorin laugh "so you have no reason to be causing my best friend any upset" thorin says and i hear both of them apologise before two sets of footsteps come towards me, fili and kili sit beside me "darling we're so sorry" fili says as he sits on one side of me and kili on the other "we shouldn't have ignored you" kili says as they both take one of my hands "you two made me feel like shit for worrying about my best friend" i say not lifting my head off my knees and taking my hands back "what else do we say, your obviously not going to forgive us so what's the point" kili shouts standing up "not if you keep shouting at me" i say back as everyone begins to watch us "well what do you want us to do, we apologised but you didn't even acknowledge it" fili now shouts as he stands up "just let me sit for a bit quietly you two hurt me" i say looking away from the view and to my feet "whatever" kili says as he walks away with fili "are you alright" thorin asks as he sits beside me "they made me feel like shit for caring about you but then expected me to forgive them straight away" i say leaning my head on his shoulder "i don't think i have ever seen bofur and balin as angry" thorin says and i can hear bofur's thick accented shouting "they're still so protective" i say and he smile "mahal she's the one wanting nothing to do with us so bugger off the lot of you" fili shouts making tears well in my eyes "i never once said that, i told you two i need to sit quietly for a few minutes i didn't tell you to leave me alone i didn't tell you i wanted nothing to do with you" i say walking to them both "you know why i only looked to your uncle when we were flying, he was the first person to make sure i was alright after the goblins and the trolls mahal even in mirkwood thorin protected me more than you two did, huh what did you two, flirted with a guard and pissed off another not once did you check on me but thorin did" i yell looking up at them both "i did not flirt with an elf i was making conversation in a boring situation" kili says looking offended "you realise i understand their language, the prince literally said that she shouldn't let you speak to her because you were flirting" i say and he grumbles "there was ample reason for me to be pissed at you two but did i voice it no, we were going through enough shit without me acting like a bitch" i say and fili scoffs "what are you doing now then huh" he says making me look at him "take that back" i say my voice now just barely above a whisper "no, your acting like it, we had every reason to be annoyed, we're your boyfriends and you didn't even see if we weren't injured once just assumed we were fine did ya" he says and i look down "no because i watched the eagle pick you up and i seen you both check each other, i knew you were alright because neither one of you would have stayed quiet if you were hurt" i say beginning to shake "love" kili says trying to touch my face but i move back "don't kili just don't" i say stepping back with tears running down my face "lass" i hear dwalin say but i shake my head sitting against a nearby rock, my heart beating out my chest and everything spinning "y/n look at me" i hear thorin say but i shake my head "its happening again, i can't i can't" i say crying uncontrollably now "darling" fili says running over with kili not far behind "its okay darling, im so sorry" he says holding his hand out to me which i slowly take as kili sits beside me "im so sorry love" kili says holding his hand for me to take which i do slowly "count for us darling" fili says but i shake my head "i can't fi i can't" i say shaking "love look at me, come on love look at us" kili says lifting my chin up "we won't shout anymore, we're not upset with you at all, so come on count with us" he says and i nod slightly as they begin to count with me "feeling better darling" fili asks as i lean against him with kili holding my hand "i think so, im sorry" i say quietly as the rest of the company looks at us concerned as they have dinner "you want to go get something to eat or stay here for a bit" kili asks and i yawn "eat" i say quietly "lets go then, i think bombur made stew or something" fili says standing up and holding his hand out for me, kili doing the same "im cold" i say as we walk over "here darling" fili says putting his cloak round me "thanks fi" i say making him smile "you alright lass" bofur asks as we sit down "i think so now" i say and i notice balin and him glaring at fili and kili "please don't be mad at them" i say as bombur hands me some food "thanks bombur, as much as thorin's my best friend their right, im their girlfriend and at least once i should have made sure my boys were okay" i say smiling as fili and kili kiss my cheeks "they have every reason to be mad love we were the ones in the wrong, as much as we're your boyfriends you've been friends with our uncle for longer" kili says before fili smiles "my brother's right, uncle thorin has helped more than we have" he says making me smile before sighing "i need to tell you two something" i say and they look confused "the story thorin and i told you about how we met was made up and so was my age to protect me at the time" i say and kili raises an eyebrow "im 79, i was two when thorin saved me, my real father dropped me off at the local tavern and left me there luckily thorin was there and he helped me, he took me with him since the barmaid knew of my situation, she told thorin and" i say but thorin cuts me off "i took her with me to the blue mountains, which is why bofur and balin are so protective of her, she was just a toddler when you were born kili, i raised her with their help, when she was old enough she lived with bofur, bifur and bombur for a few years as i travelled with you two, until i got her letter, telling me the man who left her in that tavern came to the blue mountains to get her, which is why i left you two with dwalin for a few days, i killed someone that day, i walked into that house and found that bastard about to smack her with bofur and bifur tied down and bombur no where to be seen, from that day on i refused to let her leave my side" thorin says making me smile at his protectiveness
Time skip to the battle and thorin is ontop of the waterfall
"Azog leave them be its me you want im carrying the princes offspring" i yell seeing him holding fili "wipe out the line at the new ones sure" he says throwing fili to the side and jumping to beside me "any thing to say to them wench" he snarls making me laugh "goodbye azog" i say smirking before using a blessing given to me by Galadriel i scream sending a high pitched noise into azog causing him to explode into four pieces "mahal" kili says looking at me shocked before i hear a snarl behind me and i turn to see bolg trying to walk towards me but an arrow goes through the top of his head "no time to explain we have company" i say as orcs run at us "kili help fili" i say seeing him being surrounded, i scream again at the multiple orcs running at me causing their heads to explode, we continue fighting until their all dead and my gift runs out, we make our way down to the see the company tiredly sitting on the floor "wait a second what did you say to azog" kili says grabbing me and fili nods staring at me "im carrying your children" i say and they freeze "no no no" kili says stumbling back as fili drops to his knees tears welling in his eyes "why" he says and i tilt my head in confusion "what do you mean" i say as i look between them confused and growing scared "we haven't been together for almost four months" kili says making me look away "do you two not trust me" i say as a tear runs down my cheek "im five months along" i say lifting the armour covering me to reveal my bump "how did you cover that for five months" thorin asks ignoring his nephews "easy with the clothes fili and kili gave me and wrapping a cloak above my belly to make it look like i had just gained weight" i say and he smiles "welcome to the crazy durin family officially" he says hugging me "thank you thorin" i say making him smile "no matter what happens with my nephews if you need anything just ask" he says letting me go as the company comes over smiling "we're going to be uncles" bofur asks and i smile "of course, my babies need their crazy bunch of uncles" i say and they smile
Time skip
"Mahal" i say seeing fili and kili with another thinner dwarf woman making me tear up "love" kili says looking at me his hand still holding the woman's hand, i walk off to thorin's throne room tears streaming down my face as i get there and see him, dwalin, balin , bofur and bifur talking "y/n lass what's going on?" Thorin says walking over to me quickly "they they" i stutter as he hugs me "darling" fili says running in with kili, i let go of thorin and turn to them "im eight months pregnant and your already trying to get with other people because that sure as hell wasn't your mother" i shout making them go pale "how many times" i say as thorin puts a hand on my shoulder "love" kili says but i feel so mad "HOW MANY TIMES!" I yell ripping the courting beads out my hair "three or four times" he says making me let out a sob "take these and shove them up your arses" i say throwing the beads towards them "run" i hear dwalin growl as he, bifur and bofur go past each wielding their signature weapons, balin following them with a sword in his hand but when i let out a pained scream they stop "thorin" i say clutching my bump "hang on lass" he says lifting me "bofur, balin, dwalin bifur with me" he says as he passes them "y/n" fili shouts but thorin looks at him "you two stay there, i will deal with you later" he snaps before carrying me to the royal infirmary "it hurts" i say as he lays me on a bed "it will do lass" bofur says sitting beside me
Small time skip
"Here you go your majesty" the healer says handing me two beautiful babies one girl one boy "you did so well" dwalin says smiling at me "can i see fili and kili please" i say but thorin looks at me "they may be arses but they shouldn't miss seeing their kids" i say and he nods walking away "have you thought of names" balin asks and i nod "belladonna and gilli" i say and they smile "there perfect, belladonna has your eyes" bifur says as he smiles at me "mahal im exhausted" i say leaning my head on bofur's arm "giving birth for seven hours will do that to you i suppose" he says wrapping an arm round me "y/n" fili and kili say running in "we're so sorry please forgive us" they plead kneeling beside me "you will have to gain my trust again, and go through some things before i even think about putting those beads back in my hair" i say before belladonna lets out a cry "oh my sweet girl such a noise" i coo rocking her before gilli lets out a cry as well "kili, fili hold them please" i say and they nod taking a baby each and rocking them as i drift off into an exhausted sleep
Time skip - 19 years later
"Bella gil come on your going to be late" i shout to them as they get ready to see thorin "coming amad" bella shouts back running down the stairs with her cloak trailing behind her "gil come on" i shout and he stumbles down the stairs with his cloak over his shoulder "where are we going amad" gil asks making me smile "to visit someone" i say with a smile "amad where are our adads?" Bella asks making me sigh "who knows bella, who knows" i say as we leave to go see thorin "uncle thorin" bella shouts as she spots him sitting on his throne "belladonna durin do not run in my throne room" he says teasingly as she runs to him "sorry your highness" she says back before hugging him tightly as gil does the same "its very nice to see you gilli" thorin says making gil smile "amad taught me to use a sword" he says making me smile "correction your uncle bofur and uncle dwalin taught you" i say leaning on a pillar as the doors open "my king your nephews are causing issues at the forge" the forge master says and i sigh "lead the way master drion" i say and he nods walking the way to the forge "fili durin, kili durin" i shout seeing them mucking about with the gemstones and iron "uh oh" kili says his now braided beard swinging as he turns "throne room now" i say and they dash past "sorry about them" i say to master drion "you don't need to apologise lady y/n" he says making me smile and head to the throne room "you're not kids anymore, you have two children to take care of, plus not to mention the fact y/n has another bump or have you two been too blind to notice that as well for the past four months" thorin yells as bella and gil play with their wooden swords since thorin won't let them fight with real ones yet "amad is it true we're getting a baby brother or sister" bella asks running over "yes bella, im carry another child not that your adads noticed, their more interested in other things than me" i say and she smiles slightly "i can't wait to be a big sister" she says as gil runs over "im going to be a big brother again" he asks and i smile "of course darling" i say as thorin tears into fili and kili "how about we go get some snacks and we can have a picnic with your uncle bofur and uncle balin in the hidden garden" i say and they nod "we'll see you later thorin" i shout and he smiles before going back to shouting at his nephews "uncle bofur" bella yells running into his workshop "sorry princess belladonna but master bofur has just left for a meeting with master balin" bofur's apprentice malin says making me nod "thanks anyway young one" i say and he bows "lady y/n my apologies for not noticing you sooner" he says and i smile "nonsense its not a problem" i say before we leave and eventually find bofur and balin walking along the hall "uncle bofur, uncle balin" both gil and bella shout running at them "oh mahal incoming" bofur says with a smile catching them both as they jump on him sending them tumbling to the floor "belladonna, gilli you apologise to your uncle bofur now" i say trying not to laugh "sorry uncle bofur" they say together making him smile "its alright kids, it did no harm, however i think yer due someone else a hug as well" he says and they hug balin as bofur stands up and give me a hug "hows the wee one" he asks and i smile "its growing" i say and he smiles "fili and kili finally noticed, only when thorin mentioned it of course" i say and he sighs "those boys are a nuisance" he says and i nod "yep but i can't exactly leave them now, it would break bella and gil" i say and he lets me lean on him "amad can we go get snacks now so we can have our picnic" bella asks and i smile "have you asked your uncles if they can come with you yet" i say and she smiles "uncle bofur uncle balin can you have a picnic with amad, gil and me in the hidden garden please" she says looking between them "i suppose i have spare time" balin says with a smile "of course" bofur says before letting out a squeak as someone grabs him "bifur that's cruel" he says and i burst out laughing as even balin does as well "you sounded like a squeaky door" bella says as she laughs "uncle bifur come with us for a picnic" gil says calming himself down "sorry kiddo i can't i have to go back to work, how about i go for a walk with you before you go to yer bed" bifur says and gil nods "okay uncle bifur" he says as he and bella begin to walk to the kitchen, balin, bofur and i following behind them "amad amad, uncle bombur's in the biscuit tin again" bella shrieks making me laugh as bofur runs into the kitchen "stop it ye'v had plenty" he says bumping his cousin out of the tin "but bofur come on there so good" bombur complains "they were the ones we made for our adads" bella says but gil shakes his head "no bella that tin we put on adad fili's chair remember" he says making her nod, bofur gets bombur out the kitchen with a sigh before coming back to help bella and gil make their picnic as balin and i talk "im hoping that when this little one decides to enter the world it won't be in the middle of an argument like them" i say and he smiles "we're ready amad" bella says as she and gil hold a picnic basket "alright then lets go to the hidden garden" i say and they run off carrying the basket making me smile as bofur follows after them followed by balin and i "amad" gil shouts running back to me looking worried "bella fell and hurt her arm" he says and we follow him back to where bella's sitting screaming her head off holding an obviously broken arm "mahal, lets get you to the infirmary bells" i say and she just continues to scream and cry "bofur can you get thorin, gil you stay with your uncle balin for me please" i say and they nod bofur running off to get thorin, as i try to help her but im pretty much useless as my bump gets in the way "y/n stand up and let me carry her" thorin's voice makes me sigh as i slowly stand back up with a sigh "lets get you to oin little lass" thorin says lifting bella up and disappearing in the direction of the infirmary "being pregnant is a pain in my ass" i mutter following in the same direction, eventually getting to the infirmary where bella is screaming her head off as oin does as he needs to help her "oh mahal no" i mutter feeling a gush of water hit my feet "thorin" i say and he turns before going wide eyed "mahal's hairy balls" he mutters as the midwives come over to me "why do they always do this?" i mutter

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