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This is after they reclaim erebor, thorin, fili and kili survive
Y/n's pov
"Oh my flat arse it sounds like a bloody funeral" i complain making everyone of the company laugh including thorin who is sulking about behind me "change the tune will ya, its like im at a funeral" nori says looking to the harp player behind him before bofur jumps on the table beginning to sing lifting the mood completely, even thorin dances about with a smile on his face "kili you hit an elf" i say bumping him seeing one of the elf guards wiping potato from their face hearing this he bursts out laughing "you positively have the worst aim" i say as he tries to chuck another roll at fili but misses "oh really you try then" he says handing me a roll to which i go to throw it and somehow end up hitting thorin with it "and you said kili had bad aim lass, im standing behind you and you still hit me" thorin says smiling "im tipsy, you male dwarfs have such high drink tolerance but im drunk after a few bottles" i whine as bofur sits beside me again eventually i can see lord elrond growing annoyed of us "alright alright enough fun for one night lets leave the elves in peace you gremlins" i say and thorin nods as bofur him and i herd the rambunctious group of dwarves out the fancy looking place towards our rooms "alright fili, kili and dwalin in this one and the rest of you can pick" thorin says walking into the only single room "y/n can stay with me" someone shouts sparking a mass debate before thorin walks out his room "enough y/n will stay with bofur and if i hear one complaint i will happily make you sleep outside" he warns making them all nod as bofur grabs me "looks like your stuck with little old me" he says as we walk into one of the double rooms "you should sing more often" i say and he smiles "oh really why lass" he says and i smile "i haven't ever seen thorin in such a good mood" i say and he smiles "next time you should join me" he says making me laugh "me, i sound like a strangled cat" i say and he laughs "don't think we haven't heard you singing whilst you bathe" he says and the tips of his ears go red "you caught me, i can sing i just get scared in front of people" i say and he smiles "now lets get to bed" he says patting the bed beside him and that when i notice he's only in his trousers "do you ever take that hat off" i joke sitting beside him after taking off my heavy armour and cloak, leaving me in a top and a pair of shorts i had underneath "nope" he says making me laugh "last time i took it off bombur sat on it and kili shot it with an arrow before it fell in a river" bofur say and i go wide eyed "is that why you have a stitched up patch on the top" i ask and he nods "as much as i don't like elves, the beds are comfy" i say laying on the bed "i can agree with that lass" bofur says laying back knocking his hat off his head "i won't touch it" i say seeing him looking at me worriedly "thank god normally when it falls off someone grabs it" he says with a smile before placing it on the bedside cabinet "why don't you have any fancy braids" i ask noticing he's the only one i haven't seen with braids "there's only one person who can touch ma hair other than family but i don't think she like me back" he says and i look at him "what do you mean" i say and he looks away "i met a lass a year and a bit ago, i cannae get her out of my head but she's always looking at someone else" he says and i see him looking at me from the corner of his eyes "bofur?" I say and he continues "she came with us from a dwarf settlement a few months ago and has stuck with us" he says and it clicks "bofur are you talking about me" i ask and he laughs "yes lass" he says and i smile "bofur, why do you think i don't like you back" i ask as i look in my cloak pocket for my sketchbook "because your always with someone else and if i try to talk to ye you look away" he says and i sigh "bofur look through this" i say handing him my sketchbook, he flicks through it finding that most of the sketches are of him "im impressed lass but why me" he says and i lean my head on the headboard "you really are bone headed at times" i say and he laughs "of course i like you back, your the best looking out of the company" i say and he laughs "so does this mean i can court you now" he asks and i smile "of course, why would i say no" i say making him smile brightly "finally now ma brother can stop teasing me" he says and i raise an eyebrow "bombur, he's my brother and bifur's my cousin" he says and i go wide eyed "what" i say and he laughs "did ye not know lass" he asks and i nod "no one told me, i knew that thorin and the boys were related And dwalin and balin are brothers but i wasn't sure about everyone else" i say and he smiles at me "do you want me to put the courting braid in your hair tonight or tomorrow, mind that thorin is intent on getting up early tomorrow morning to get closer to the shire" he asks and i smile "your more than welcome to braid my hair bofur" i say and he bounces up quickly smiling brightly "i made you something" he says smiling as he looks through his bags "well actually two things" he says pulling out a bigish box and a small box "what have you been making bofur" i ask and he raises his eyebrows quickly, in the big box is a copy of his hat which is obviously hand made "bofur" i say smiling making him smile brightly as he bumps the little box closer to me "bofur are these?" I ask and he nods as i look in the small box at a set of handmade courting beads "i made them when we first arrived" he says making me smile "well you can braid my hair if you want now bofur" i say and he smiles happily before sitting behind me and braiding my hair in his version of a courting braid "can i braid yours once your done" i ask and he smiles again "of course" he says adding the beads into my hair "i love it" i say as he shows me the braids "its perfect" i say as he kisses my cheek "i might have got you something" i say turning to him after grabbing a small box out my bag "eh okay" he says confused until he opens it "did you get me" he says and i nod "i got metal courting beads made for you" i say and he smiles happily "go ahead and braid them into my hair" he says and i smile jumping up behind him and braiding his hair a more intricate version of his normal pigtail braids and adding the beads "its perfect lass" he says before laying down on the bed "im so happy" i say laying beside him with my arm across his chest and my leg across his "i am too lass, more than happy" he says kissing my head "we best fall asleep so we aren't late tomorrow love" he says and i nod "love you bofur" i say with a yawn "love you too lass" he says before yawning, after a few minutes we fall asleep
"Bofur y/n get up you lazy dwarves" thorin shouts making me sit up with a jump "yeah" i say sleepily making bofur wake up as i lay down again "get up and meet us downstairs" thorin shouts making us yawn "yeah thorin" bofur says back in his morning voice "good" thorin says before walking away "morning lass" bofur says sleepily "morning baby" i say with a yawn as i sit up again "i can wear my new hat" i say smiling as bofur puts his hat on "yes you can love" he says with a smile as he puts his top on and i put my trousers on and start to change my top "bofur can i borrow a top mine is ripped" i ask and he smiles "here lass" he says chucking one to me "thank you" i say pulling it over my head "lets get downstairs before thorin hollers again" he says with a smile "yeah come on" i say setting my hat on my head and grabbing his hand "you look so cute with that hat on" he says making me blush "bofur" i whine making him laugh as we get to the stairs "lass" he says back making me pout "okay okay, i love you lass" he says making me smile and say it back as we reach the whole group "is that a courting bead" kili asks pointing to the small wooden bead in my hair "maybe" i say taking my hat off showing the braid, bofur doing the same "my lass" bofur grumbles grabbing my waist as kili goes to grab my shoulder "oh mahal, dwarf possessiveness" balin says making me raise an eyebrow "when male dwarfs find their one, they get possessive for the first few weeks after confession" thorin explains making me sigh "so basically he's going to be stuck to me for a few weeks" i ask and they all nod "and he won't let you near us as close as we normally all are" balin says making me shrug "alright now its bath day so the elves have arranged for y/n to have her own separated room whilst we get the main bathroom" thorin says pointing to the two doors next to him "but im guessing bofur will go with y/n" kili says and bofur grumbles behind me "yeah kili he will" i say and he nods "understandable" fili says and i can feel bofur practically growling behind me "let me speak to them, my grumpy dwarf" i say turning to him "not grumpy" he mumbles with his head on my shoulder "okay my grumbly dwarf" i say turning so his back is towards everyone and i can see them "right this one is yours" thorin says looking to me pointing to the left door "thanks, bofur come on let go so we can walk" i say and he grumbles but lets my waist go so we can walk into the bathroom
Time skip
"Your mean bofur" i whine as he carries me out the bathroom, "next time keep the noise down little dwarf" lord Elrond says with a raised eyebrow "sorry lord elrond but i can't help it" i say as bofur glares "he's not glaring intentionally" i say seeing elrond looking towards bofur "dwarfish possessiveness is a pain" i say as bofur holds me tightly "i've heard" he says before leaving "mahal bofur" bombur says looking horrified at his brother "sorry bombur" i say as bofur keeps his head on the crook of my neck "man your loud" kili says as he walks out of the main bathroom followed by everyone "i apologise for what you heard blame him" i say pointing to the still grumbling bofur holding me "if i have to separate you two at night i will, do not make as much noise next time" thorin says with a grumble making me smile "i promise nothing but that i will fall asleep in the next ten minutes" i say making them laugh "very well but we need to meet with Gandalf later so we can discuss our next stop before getting to bilbo's" thorin says making me nod with a yawn moving my lower back causing pain "bofur your mean" i whine making everyone look confused "aye, i did something right then" bofur says making me sigh "ew" i hear kili say as nori covers ori's ears "don't even continue that conversation, have you no consideration for the younger ones" dori warns looking slightly annoyed "oh go off and bath in a pond" bofur grumble making me laugh as dori looks mad "what was that" dori says as bofur puts me down beside thorin "i said go off and bath in a pond, toad face" bofur says getting closer to dori, who lunges at bofur landing a punch to his face "oh you've done it now" bofur says grabbing dori with strength i've never seen from him before and walks away everyone going to follow them "hey i need help" i say and thorin sighs helping me to walk beside them outside to the nearby pond that bofur is walking towards "you drop me in here and i swear to mahal bofur i will cut your hat up" dori shouts but bofur's not listening as he throws dori in the pond and walks towards us "bofur why are you fighting, its not like you" i say and he raises an eyebrow and takes me off of thorin who shrugs letting me go as ori and nori help dori out the pond "im going to kill that hat wearing bastard" dori yells somehow getting a small dagger from somewhere and running at bofur who scoffs, grabbing the sword fili had on his waist and spinning it a couple times "bombur what's going on with him" i ask and bifur says "its his normal self" being in dwarvish it takes me a minute "oh okay" i say beginning to wobble on my shaky legs "bofur" i say and he shrugs continuing to walk towards dori "hey that's mine" fili shouts noticing his sword's gone "bofur" i shout and he doesn't turn "bofur if you don't stop im not letting you near me" i say and he stops with a sigh "what am i doing" he says dropping fili's sword like he was snapping out of a trance "bofur did it happen again" bombur asks and bofur nods "i don't remember anything from just before the bath to now, what did i do bombur" he says and bombur sighs "threw dori in the pond and called him a toad face" bombur explains and bifur laughs "not funny bif, i could have hurt someone" bofur says before his gaze turns to me "oh mahal lass what did i do to you, im so sorry" he says looking panicked "bofur baby its okay, you didn't do anything i didn't want and it was fun" i say earning a laugh from him "im going to get murdered by dori" he says standing behind me as dori storms over "woah woah stop dori, dori stop it" i say moving to keep him away from bofur "no i smell like a bloody pond now because of him, i want his head" he grumbles making me sigh "you touch him and i will rip your beard off dori, do i make myself clear" i say grabbing his shoulder tightening my grip as I speak "get off of me psycho" he says pulling his shoulder out my grip "then leave my bofur alone" i say making him sigh and move away before balin clicks onto something "oh mahal not you as well" he says as i glare at dori "what's going on?" Thorin asks as dori walks closer making me spin a dagger from my belt round my finger "y/n" kili says bumping me snapping me out of the anger trance "wha-what am i doing" i say dropping the dagger and stumbling back "fili,kili, nori, ori dori go get Gandalf and Elrond quickly" balin says looking concerned "bombur, bifur grab bofur, thorin, dwalin grab y/n this is not a nice thing to do" balin says as i struggle against their tight grips "let me go" bofur yells struggling against his brother and cousin "im sorry, this has to be done your a danger to each other and us" balin says and i shake my head having seen him do this kind of thing before "your not using gandalf to do that to me balin, i will cut your beard off" i yell as gandalf walks over "i have no choice" he says as gandalf sighs "anger trances" gandalf says and balin nods "do not rewind my memories gandalf i swear on durin's name i will kill all of you" i yell fighting against dwalin and thorin "re-rewind our memories" bofur says stopping struggling against bombur and bifur "bofur he's going to make us forget about last night" i say standing still "im sorry baby, your not going to remember telling me you love me if they do this or the fact we're courting" i say as tears run down my face "no they cannae do that, it took so much courage to tell you please you can't do that" bofur says reaching his hand out towards me "lass im so sorry" bofur says as our fingertips meet before gandalf says the spell and i feel my eyes begin to droop before i feel myself go limp in thorin's arms
Eventually i open my eyes again im in a room, balin's sitting in the corner and thorin pacing "what happened?" I ask quietly making them look to me "what do you remember from the last few days lass" thorin asks sitting beside my bed "why don't i remember anything, balin did you do the thing to me" i say and he looks away "im sorry y/n you were in an anger trance" he says making me look up at him "so i found my one?" I ask and thorin looks down "yes lass you found your one, neither you nor him will remember" thorin says making me shake my head "get out" i say making them nod and walk out leaving me to try my hardest to remember eventually bits and pieces come back but the face of the person doesn't neither does the memory of his voice "why do i have bofur's hat" i say to myself seeing his hat on the side cabinet "are these courting beads" i say seeing two small wooden carved beads "lass" i hear bofur shout from the door "come in bofur" i say and he opens the door carefully "i wanted to come see you, dwalin said you were in a similar boat to me" he says almost sheepishly "i remember bits and pieces but not the person themself" i say and he nods "i know its the same with me, i don't understand it or the fact i have courting beads but i don't remember confessing to anyone" he says before his eyes catch the hat and he goes quiet, a small smile tugging his lips seeing his smile i get a flashback and i remember everything "it was you" i say as he looks exactly the same as me "lass" he says with a smile growing on his face "im so glad i remember everything" he says as i hug him tightly "i told you not to let him out your sight" i hear thorin yell before the door opens "found him uncle" fili shouts as he stands in the door with kili and ori beside him "mahal" thorin grumbles but i ignore him holding bofur tightly "you stay away from her" bofur says his arms tightening slightly as gandalf and balin walk in "im done with all of you" i say glaring at them as tears well in my eyes "you promised balin never to do that to me" i say as bofur wipes my tears "you were a danger to us and each other you think i wanted to, both of you nearly killed dori" he says but i shake my head "i gripped his shoulder and bofur put him in a pond he never touched him with a blade nor did i" i say and they all sigh "as much as i want to see bilbo im not going with you lot" bofur says as bombur and bifur shove past thorin "im going with my brother, what you lot did was against what the dwarves of the blue mountains believe" bombur says as he and bifur stand in front of us "blue mountain dwarves only have anger trances for a maximum of two weeks, go anywhere in the blue mountains you will not find someone who didn't make it through them" bifur says making thorin, dwalin, balin and gandalf look down "what you did broke every belief we have about finding our ones" i say and bofur sighs "this cannot leave this company or if we go home they will have y/n and bofur seperated and married off" bombur says and kili, fili and ori look shocked "we're so sorry y/n, bofur we only did as we were told" ori says and i smile "boys c'mere" i say and they cautiously walk towards us "im not upset at you three in anyway, you were following an order from one of the older dwarves" i say and bofur nods "you lads are never going to be able to make me as angry as i am now, never in a million years" bofur says and the three of them nod still looking quite worried "bof your possessiveness isn't back yet is it" i ask and he shakes his head "okay" i say and i let go of him and hug the three younger dwarves "i will always be about to give you a hand, no matter what, you three can send me a letter and i will come as quickly as i can" i say and they nod as i let them go "bye auntie" they all say before running off smiling "master dwarves as much as we have upset you this next quest needs all of this company" gandalf says but i shake my head "ishkh khakfe andu null" bifur says and i snicker holding onto bofur "well said bifur" bombur says and i feel bofur take a deep breath "gandalf if you ask me or my family to come with you to the shire one more time, i will personally shove your magic stick up your wrinkly arse" bofur says and i smile looking up at bofur "i love you bofur" i say and he smiles down at me "i love you too lass" he says and i can't help but lean against him more as gandalf looks like he's going to explode "you four will come on this quest as decided months ago" he yells making the room go dark causing me to flinch and hide my face in bofur's chest "you better make this room go back to normal and stop scaring my girl or i will break your stick in half" bofur says one hand holding me and the other holding his pickaxe "threatening a wizard isn't a good idea brother" bombur says and bofur sighs "fine" bofur says letting his pickaxe go and sitting on the bed pulling me with him "after this im done" bofur says and thorin nods "we are leaving in the next five minutes so get ready" balin says making bifur and bombur walk away to their room and everyone else leaves "lass" bofur says as i hold onto him tightly "its alright my lass, we only need to do this quest then we can spend the rest of our time together" he says rubbing my back "im scared bofur, what if word gets back to home i'll never see you again" i say and he looks down at me "lass you know full and well if they try to seperate us we can just leave the blue mountains" he says making me nod slightly "now lets get our stuff packed up" he says and i nod letting go "lass" he says as we stand up "yes" i say turning to him, he just smiles and plants a kiss on my lips "i will never leave you again" he says making me smile "i love you bofur" i say and he smiles "i love you too lass" he says back and we pack up our stuff and go meet the rest of the group "as much as we don't want to be here we have to ask you all something" we hear bombur say and bifur grunts as well, we are close enough to hear but not close enough to be seen "don't tell anyone about what happened. I have never seen my brother as happy as he is with y/n, but if this ends up getting back to home, i fear my brother will never smile again" bombur says and bofur smiles as bifur says "there's been a change in both bofur and the lass since they began courting, y/n looks so much more happier now she's courting my cousin, and bof mahal i have never seen him smile as bright as he does with her" he says in english making me look up at bofur confused "he lost his axe during the battle for erebor" he whispers and i nod, we walk over to them and bifur and bombur smile at us "at least now we will find you in the mass cluster of dwarves, just look for the two hats" bombur says and i smile "lets move" thorin shouts making my smile drop and i hold bofur's hand, we travel for about ten hours before stopping "mr bombur" ori says walking over as dori and nori begin to cook "can you make dinner please my cousins can't cook very well" he says and bombur smiles "of course ori, i can cook dinner for you" he says and ori smiles at him "thank you" he says giving bombur a hug before running off back to fili and kili "nori, dori stop and let bombur cook" thorin bellows and they sit down, bombur sets to work and in no time he made a stew which everyone devours quickly "thanks mr bombur" kili says as he takes everyones dishes "okay what's with the mr bombur kiddo" bombur says and kili looks away as fili and ori run over "thorin told us your not going on a quest with the company after this and told us that we should either call you mr bombur or master dwarf" ori says and bombur sighs "yes we're not going to do anymore quests but you can just call me bombur or whatever you were calling me before we got to rivendell, nothing that happens will make me want you to call me mr bombur" he says and they nod "thorin a word please" bofur says standing up from beside me and walking away with thorin "kili, fili, ori c'mere" i say and they all come over to me "yes y/n" ori says and i sigh "nothing that happens on this quest will change the fact you can call me whatever you want, you don't need to call bombur, bifur and bofur master dwarves or misters, just what you were calling them before" i say and they smile hugging me tightly "okay auntie" the three of them mumble making me smile "alright, off you go" i say after a few minutes, they all quietly go off and do whatever as we wait for thorin and bofur to come back "mahal its cold" i hear bifur say quietly "bif how come you never spoke english to me if you could" i ask and he smiles "you seemed to enjoy having someone to talk to in khuzdul so i thought why stop you" he says wrapping a blanket round his shoulders "thanks bif" i say and he smiles as bofur and thorin come back, both with bloody noses "mahal's hairy balls" i mutter standing up and walking over to bofur who has a torn bit of his coat on his nose "please tell me you didn't hit him first?" Bifur asks and bofur shakes his head "i only asked why he felt the need to try and change what the little ones called us, granted i was a bit snarky but he managed to catch my nose so i socked him back" bofur says and i sigh handing him a handkerchief from my pocket "silly dwarf" i mutter and he smiles "your silly dwarf" he says and i sigh "come on dipshit" i say dragging him over to where we were sitting earlier,

time skip - ten months later - bofur's pov

"im going to kill them" i grumble sitting up as music comes from next door waking mira up with a wail then waking y/n up she makes a sleepy whine that makes me even more annoyed by next door "i'll deal with next door lass" i say and she nods wandering into the nursery as i shove my boots on and grab my mattock, i walk to the door and bump it with the handle of my mattock, i don't even have my hat on "whatcha want old man?" the cheeky bugger says and i shake my head "either shut up and i won't call the guards or don't and i will because you've woken up my infant daughter and my wife, if i come back i will knock you on your ass" i say and he scoffs "shut up old man" he says and i look at him "this old man got this mountain back for ungrateful little shits like you to live in" i say before walking away, the music stops and i find y/n struggling with mira "lass let me" i say but she shakes her head "y/n love your exhausted, go back to bed" i say and she mumbles handing me mira before walking off "sweet little lass, its okay, yer papa's got you" i say rocking her as i walk round the nursery "my little lass, its time for bed" i say as she wails in my ear "i know lass i know" i say before humming a tune and she calms down enough to let me stop pacing as i softly sing a lullaby, once she's asleep i lay her in her crib before walking back into the bedroom to see y/n laying across the bed "lass" i say and she rolls over letting me in,

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