kili's twin

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Fair warning the ship of thorin and dwalin features in this however
they are not related in any way in this story
as well as kili and tauriel, and poly bi fili
Tilly is a few minutes older than kili
Tilly's pov
As im walking with fili to meet uncle thorin i hear some of the girls talking about kili "he shouldn't even be allowed to go with them without a beard" one of them says and fili is still oblivious but i storm over to them annoyed they're talking shit about my baby brother so my swords are in my hands "tils whatcha doing" fili asks but i ignore him as the girls notice me "who do you think you are" i say spinning my swords "no you know what i don't want to know, but i do know if you continue to talk shit about my twin brother like he isn't one of the best fighters in this city, i will cut your hair and whiskers off, followed by you arms and shove them up your arse" i warn with my swords held against their necks "your as pathetic without any whiskers as your beardless brother" one says as she spits at me "oh ho ho i know you didn't just spit on my sister" fili says as he walks over "prince fili, my apologies" she says making me laugh as i put my swords away and i grab her hair "your a desperate bitch, talk shit about my brother again and i won't be so kind, oh and just so you fili's got a girl and a guy already" i say giving her hair a rough tug before letting go once tears run down her face "i will tell everyone what you did" she says and fili laughs "who's going to believe you over us when you so harshly hurt my sister" fili says as i smirk "fili tils" i hear uncle thorin shouting so i put on a realistic fake cry "uncle thorin she hurt me" i shout and he runs over with dwalin and bombur "treason, a hundred years in the dungeon" uncle thorin says to the three girls making them look shocked "dwalin bombur mind taking them" uncle thorin says and they nod walking away with the three girls "so what actually happened" uncle thorin says as we walk to the meeting room "they were talking shit about ki and spat at me" i say and he nods "still verifies what i did" he says with a nod "tils" kili says running over and hugging me tightly "hi kili" i say smiling at my younger twin's hug "you okay ki" i say and he nods still not letting go "here ki" i say lifting him up and we continue to walk to the meeting room where everyone from the company is "hi to you too kili" fili jokes making kili shug "you having a cuddly day ki" i ask and he nods "that's fine" i say sitting at my normal chair and kili just stays holding onto me whilst sitting on my knee "young master dwarf are you alright" gandalf asks and i smile "he's alright gandalf, he has days where the fear of losing fili or i to azog like he almost did during the battle comes back, ending in him sticking to fili or me for a few hours today seems to be a me day" i say and he nods "i do think young kili has fallen asleep" balin says and i smile "fi check for me" i say and he smiles seeing kili sound asleep with his head buried in my shoulder "i will take him to his bed after the meeting" i say and uncle thorin nods before starting the meeting "thranduil has requested us to travel to mirkwood to discuss something" he says and i yawn leaning my head on fili's shoulder "you can sleep tils i will carry you both up the stairs" fili whispers and i nod leaning on the soft fur of his cloak listening to the meeting for a few more minutes before falling asleep
Thorin's pov
"When do we leave" bifur asks as he makes something, "three days' time" i say before seeing my nephews and niece sound asleep at the meeting table "we will travel the same way we did on our original journey, this will take a few months of travel so pack essential stuff and no bombur cheese wheels are not essential when its seventeen of them your maximum is four" i say and he grumbles as he eats a block of cheese "master oakenshield it appears your nephews and niece have succumb to their exhaustion" gandalf says and i smile "you do not need to be so formal gandalf thorin is fine" i say and he nods before i look to them kili still planted in tilly's lap and her leaning on fili who in turn is leaning his head on hers and an arm round both of his younger siblings "let them be dis is making them train harder than usual, the longer they are with me the more sleep they get" i say as everyone watches them "i don't remember the twins having a scar on their arms" balin says looking carefully at their arms where almost perfect letter shaped scars are, tilly having a k and an f kili having a t and an f "i can guarantee that fili has them too" i say and he seems to wake up at that "ma did it a few weeks ago when we skipped training to go hunting, she burned my initial into them, kili's into tils and i and tils into kili and i, never have i heard them scream as much not even when they broke their arms" he says and i raise an eyebrow "broke their arms?" Oin questions looking at their arms "yeah ma hired a trainer at the start of her training, he was a brutal man he hated dwarfs, he had the twins fight him but he was quicker, pinned them and twisted their arms until their arms made a sound it was a sickening crunch worse than hearing trolls eating deer whole" fili says and i run a hand through my hair with a sigh "you three stay here let me deal with your mother" i say beginning to stand "no don't uncle thorin please, its to please the man she has started to see" tilly says as she lifts her head off fili's shoulder "he thinks if kili trains enough he will grow a beard or i will grow one" she say and i sigh "im going to presume your mother is staying outside of erebor then" i ask and they nod "has been for the past three or four months, she comes back for a couple hours a day to make us train and scrutinise tils for not being lady like before leaving, he arrives with her some days spends ages with ki but he will never tell us what happens" fili says as the door opens and dis walks in with a human man holding her hand "dis get out this is a private meeting" i say and she scoffs "my children are in here so i think i can come in if i want" she says and i laugh standing up "keep your bullshit going dis, your kids are exhausted trying to keep up with their schooling which i doubt their doing due to lack of time and your training, keep going and your kids will be dead from exhaustion and stress, they will be hollow shells not anything like they were before, i will not allow you to continue to do this to them dis just for your new boytoy" i say standing between her and them "balin does the scar situation count as enough evidence for uncle thorin to get guardianship" tilly asks and balin stays quiet for a second "i suppose it is" he say before walking in front of me "as the second in command of the royal council of erebor i hereby take custody of tilly, kili and fili durin off of you dis durin and grant it to the king if he so chooses to take it" he says and i nod "yes of course i do" i say and he continues "so as of now those kids are legally under the care of their uncle" he says and dis looks mad "for what cause" she yells and kili wakes up with a jump "your okay ki, its okay your safe" tilly quickly says calming him down again so he goes back to sleep "scarification of children and causing excessive exhaustion due to over training and probably more if the three of them tell us" balin says making me smile as dis leaves huffing with the guy she brought "so we can finally sleep all night" fili asks and i go wide eyed "fili what time was she starting your training" i ask and he looks away "she started our training at midnight and it ended at lunch time the next day" tilly says looking up at me hearing this i feel tears pricking my eyes "you can sleep as long as you like" i say smiling as i wipe my eyes dwalin notices "thorin" he says and i look to him "im okay" i say and i can see both fili and tilly crying which in turn just causes every tear im holding back to run down my face "its alright their safe now" dwalin says hugging me "its alright my love" he mumbles against my shoulder
Tilly's pov
"Tilly why are you crying" kili asks as he wakes up a second time "uncle thorin's our legal guardian now ma can't train us anymore" i say and he smiles still holding me tightly as tears of relief run down my face and he begins to cry as well "so im safe from damien's constant attempts at making me grow a beard" he says and i look at him "yes but what did he do to you" fili asks looking at kili as he wipes his eyes on his sleeve "he used to try all sort of potions and mixtures on my face to make me grow a beard and if it didn't work he'd hit me" he says and i feel anger bubbling inside me "he did what!" I say lifting him off my legs and onto his own chair "he used to hit me" kili say and i begins to crack my joints in anger "im going to kill him" i say grabbing my swords from the holder and storming towards my mother's room where i know she will be "damien" i bellow as i reach the main part of the room and find him sitting on a chair "im going to kill you, you hurt my baby brother" i shout walking towards him "oh so the little shit told someone" he says making me grow furious "that's my brother your talking about asshole" i shout cutting his arm with my sword "i should kill you" i say holding my swords against his neck as ma walks in "tilly durin stop that right now" she shouts but i ignore her "i was going to be nice and leave" i say slicing my swords together against his arm causing a deep cut "stay away from my brothers" i snap at both of them before going back to the meeting room where i notice blood running down my arm "mahal what did you do" fili says jumping up "i don't know fi,i just cut his arm, my arm it hurts so bad" i say not daring to look anywhere but him "your arm is covered in blood and theres an old orc dagger in your arm" fili says and uncle thorin jumps up "mahal, that's identical to the arrow head used on kili" he says lifting me up and carrying me to the infirmary but i black out before we get there
"she should be in the dungeons" i hear ma shouting as i wake up but don't open my eyes "she should not she defended her brother, if you think i will put my niece in the dungeons for that your delusional and it should be you down there for exhausting them" uncle thorin shouts and i open my eyes "uncle thorin" i say "you're okay" kili says smiling as he lays beside me with fili on the other side sound asleep "im alright ki" i say as he snuggles up to me "you go back to sleep ki" i say before fili's arms wrap round us both making me smile as kili and i drift off to sleep in our big brother's arms eventually after a few hours someone gently shakes us "kili, fili, tilly your uncle made you three something to eat its dinner time" i hear bofur say making me open one eye "hi bofur" i mumble sleepily "evening lass" he says and i bump my brothers making them wake up "time is it" fili mumbles with a stretch "about half past seven" bofur says "you three feeling better today" he asks and i nod "i don't feel exhausted anymore" i say and he smiles "alright do you three think you will be alright to come down to dinner, your uncle cooked his pesto pasta said you three love the stuff" he says and the three of us sit up quickly "uncle thorin's made his pasta" kili says and bofur nods, we jump off the bed shoving some outer shirts, trousers cloaks and boots on quickly as we run to the dining room where bifur, bombur, dwalin and balin are, bofur walks in a few minutes after us "alright pay up i told you they'd come running" dwalin says before laughing seeing the state we're in, im wearing kili's top and a pair of fili's trousers and fili's cloak, with one of kili's shoes on and one of mine and my hair in a mess, kili's wearing his bottoms with fili's top and my cloak somehow as well as one of my shoes and one of fili's, his hair like a birds nest, fili looks the worst out of us his normally braided blond hair is in a state between a birds nest and a tangle, he has kili's cloak on with one of my tops and kili's trousers and one of kili's shoes one of his own "mahal you three look like you've been camping on the floor for a week" dwalin says between laughs as uncle thorin walks in "what in durin's name" he says looking at us "bofur said you made pesto pasta" kili and i say somehow at the same time "yeah what they said" fili says trying to fix his moustache "aye i did but at least fix your shoes" he says walking into the kitchen before dwalin follows him "their definitely together" i mutter and kili nods "oh totally" he says handing fili and i our shoes back as fili and i hand his back before we put them on and look in the mirror to fix out hair and hand each other the right cloaks back obviously we can't fix the clothes situation but its fine we're all the same size anyway and my stuff is guys clothes anyway "you three got sorted quickly" bifur says as he makes a small wooden dragon "its a habit when we stay with uncle thorin we tend to rush getting ready when he says he made pasta or breakfast" fili says with a shrug as kili and i playfight "ha got you ki" i say pinning him down "all right" he says and i stand up he almost instantly grabs onto fili "oh hello" fili says smiling at kili who smiles up at him "im guessing its my turn then" fili asks and kili nods "just need big brother hugs" kili mumbles making balin, bofur and fili smile "i think all little brothers or little brother and cousin in my case need some big brother hugs from time to time lad don't be embarrassed, there's times i just really want a bifur hug" bofur says as bifur leans his head on bofur's shoulder continuing to make a wooden dragon "its funny how often dwalin actually wants a hug" balin says with a fond smile "your uncle is taking longer than normal" bombur says making me smile as i walk to the door "i was right kili" i shout seeing dwalin and uncle thorin kissing "right about what" balin says walking over "my uncle and dwalin" i say walking over to my brothers who toss me coin pouches "told you she'd win fi" kili mumbles "she always knows these things" fili mumbles handing kili a coin pouch "you three are so strange some days" bofur says watching us "we're not today, our uncle kissed dwalin, he's hid it from us for ages, i know you lot knew" i say and he sighs "yeah we did but we couldn't say anything" he says as uncle thorin walks in with a blush spreading across his face and ears "i knew it uncle thorin, why didn't you tell us" i say and he sits on his chair "you three can be terrifying in your own ways" he says covering his face with his hands "did you think we wouldn't like you if we found out uncle" kili says sitting beside uncle thorin "honestly yes, my brother didn't take it well so i was worried about you three" he says and i sigh "uncle frerin was stupid, uncle im courting a guy and a girl" fili says hugging uncle thorin, "i won't not like you for that" he says making uncle thorin smile "im not going to judge nor will i not like you for it" i say and kili nods "your still my favourite" kili says making uncle thorin smile "alright lets get you three something to eat" he says standing up "i want the biggest bowl" kili shouts running after uncle thorin with fili running beside him making me smile "you alright lass" dwalin asks making me sigh "i know why thranduil summoned us but i don't know how to tell them" i say watching my family interacting happily in the kitchen "what do you mean lass" balin asks but i shake my head "its nothing im just being stupid" i say fiddling with my hair "tils come get something to eat" uncle thorin says making me smile "im just coming" i say back before walking into the kitchen "what's wrong tils" uncle thorin asks after the boys walk out "i know why thranduil summoned us, he's going to try to get you to marry me off to legolas as a trade for protection" i say leaning my head on his shoulder "is that what you want?" He asks and i shake my head "i don't ever want to marry an elf" i say making him smile "don't worry then, i won't ever make you do something you don't want, now lets go eat" he says handing me a bowl before he lifts a tray of bowls and we walk into the dining room again "dig in" uncle thorin says placing the tray on the table before grabbing his bowl and sitting beside my brothers "elven bastards" i hear dwalin mutter after uncle thorin tells him what i told him "everything alright mr dwalin" kili asks looking up from his bowl "yes lad im alright" he says making kili smile before going back to eating "we will be leaving for mirkwood in a day i need a word with thranduil" uncle thorin says making me look down "you needn't worry lass i will protect you from the pointy eared bastards" dwalin whispers as he sits down beside me much to the annoyance of fili and kili who got shoved to the side "thank you" i whisper back with a smile "so does that mean since your courting my uncle that your now my uncle as well?" I ask and he smiles "if that's what you want lass" he says and i smile nodding "can you train me to fight like you" i ask and he nods "sure lass" he says before we all go quiet eating happily "alright bofur, bifur dishes" uncle thorin says as dwalin, fili kili and i walk out of the room towards our hall but end up just following dwalin "so how long have you and uncle thorin been together?" Fili asks and dwalin smirks "about twenty years" he says and i go wide eyed "how'd you hide it so well" i ask and he smiles at me "everyone just assumed we were close pals" he says and i smile "is he your one?" Kili asks and he nods "and you needn't worry about yer ma and her partner, if he comes near ye i will lop his head off" dwalin says as we get to the main room of uncle thorin's hallway "we don't have anywhere to stay" fili says as we sit by the fire "why do you think i brought you here lad, your uncle wants a word with you" dwalin says sitting in an armchair after a ten minutes uncle thorin walks in carrying three boxes, on the top of the top box is fili's stuff making us realise that he's been getting our stuff, he sets the boxes in the middle of us before smiling down at us "there are three rooms in this hall each next to the other with their own bathrooms and they are connected by doors, they are yours" he says making us smile "i don't need to always share with kili?" I ask and he shakes his head "its past time you got your own room lass" he says and i smile "and it means that when you and kili have your days you can access fili's room without a hassle, each room has a lock on the door" he says and we nod "can we decorate it how we want?" Fili asks and he nods "dwalin and i's room is further down the hall to give you three enough space, the kitchen is the last door on the right end of the hallway and on the left is the hallway connected with the company's hallways" he says and we smile even more "i got as much of your stuff as i could before your mother began to throw shoes at me" he says and we hug him "thank you" we say together smiling brightly "your more than welcome, those rooms have always been there for you" he says after a few minute kili and i look to dwalin who gives us a smile "c'mere" we say making him smile again walking over to us, he joins our hug,

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