dwalin and balin's sister x bofur

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Y/n is the youngest out of her siblings by about ten years.

the dragon attack on erebor happened when dwalin and y/n stayed in erebor since dwalin in the books was born after erebor

Y/n's pov
"Do not speak of what you don't know" dwalin yells as i stand in front of him "of course i don't know anything about dad he left when i was a baby, balin practically raised me" i yell back and by this point the company and nearby people are staring "i never got the chance to know our dad dwalin, the only thing i know is he left us" i yell and he growls "then keep your mouth shut about him, he was a great father" he says and i begin to laugh "you can't honestly blame me can you, for being curious as to why my dad left me in the care of my brothers and never looked back, i have grown up on stories of some war hero who couldn't even stay until i could remember him" i yell as balin separates us "that's enough both of you, dwalin she has the right to be upset and curious, just as you also have the right to be annoyed, just both of you stop making such a scene" he says making us both go quiet "thorin i think it would be wise for us to go back to camp" balin says and thorin nods "we will meet you there once everyone is finished" he says giving me a sympathetic look, when we get back to the camp dwalin storms into the woods with his axes and i slump against a nearby rock "lass don't mind him, the day our father left you were only wee only a few days old at that we had just lost ma, i remember holding you for most of the day waiting for him to come back, you didn't stop crying until dwalin fell over the kitchen table play fighting with thorin" balin says sitting beside me "how can he expect me not to be upset when he goes on about dad being some legend but he didn't even name me, you did" i say and balin sighs "i understand lass, i do but dwalin's anger has its reasons, when our father left i was fifteen and he was thirteen, the closest thing we had to support was thorin and his family who happily took us in until i got a job at the local library, it was hard for him lass, to go from being the son of a respected warrior to whatever we were, i couldn't leave the responsibility of you to dwalin or thorin's family so i took you with me to work every day, to the point you had a corner of toys, blankets and things people were giving to us" balin says running a hand over my hair "dwalin hated feeling like he was being pitied so when you were merely five he joined the royal guard, he soon became thorin's guard and by the time i became the advisor you were i think turning nine, dwalin lost his mind during the dragon attack he could not find you nor i only thorin's sister dis, he was frantic searching everywhere for us, at which time we were already heading for the blue mountains with thorin leading us, it took months for dwalin to find us" he says and i nod leaning my head on his shoulder "see lass he's not angry because your asking about our father he's angry that he couldn't protect his baby sister during a dragon attack which he shouldn't even have had to had our father had been around to keep us safe" balin says and i lean further into him "i never realised dwalin was like that" i say and he emerges from the woods carrying a deer "hello" i say and he smiles towards me dropping the dear "hello lass" he says and i sigh "im sorry dwalin" i say and he looks at me "its fine lass i should have told you what happened before i shouted im the one who should apologise" he says sitting beside us as the company comes back "never apologise for that again" i say hugging him "everything alright" thorin asks and i nod "can i speak with you for a second thorin" i ask and he nods, we walk just out of earshot of the the company but i know someone followed us "balin told me that your family took in my brothers and i when i was a baby" i say and he nods "i remember the first day i heard you laugh, i fell over the kitchen table fighting dwalin we stopped after hearing you laughing your little head off" he says and i smile "balin told me, but anyway i wanted to say thank you" i say and he smiles at me "you little one have nothing to thank me for" he says and i sigh "but i want to" i say smiling cheekily "is that alright with you mr grumpy pants" i say before sticking my tongue out and booking it back to camp with him chasing me "come here you wee monster" he says as i hide behind dwalin "brother save me" i squeak making him laugh "not a chance lass" he says bumping me towards thorin who grabs me, trips me and begins to tickle my sides causing me to erupt into laughter which continues for about five minutes "thorin i yield no more please" i say holding my sides "alright" he says helping me up making me smile as i see fili and kili coming with a bucket of mud, which they dump on thorin making me laugh and begin to run with fili and kili before booking it up a tree "hey no fair" kili says as i hang upside down from the branch "run kili he's right there" i say and they run towards the stream "lass i seen you go up a tree, come down or i will cut it down" he says and i jump between trees before jumping down and running towards the river where i find fili and kili hiding behind a rock "gotcha" thorin says jumping the rock and grabbing the three of us, he dunks us all in the water by falling backwards into the deepest part making us all soaked "thorin you're mean" i whine trying to untangle my hair "don't join my nephews jokes then" he says as i huff my way back to the camp "balin" i whine when my braids all knot together "oh lass what happened" he says motioning for me to sit in front of him "ask the ass" i say and balin smacks my head "enough of that, apologise now" he says and i mutter an apology "uncle thorin dunked us in the river" fili says as he untangles kili's hair and thorin untangles his "oh by durin, thorin this is going to take hours to untangle" balin says and i go wide eyed in panic "lass its okay, its only balin he won't hurt you" dwalin says noticing my panic "but" i say but he shushes me "has balin ever hurt either of us intentionally" he says and i sigh "no" i say and he smiles grabbing my hands "so why would he now, if you don't want him to do it i can" he says and i nod "alright then" he says and balin smiles "if you need me i'll be over helping thorin with his tangled mess of hair" balin says walking towards thorin "its not like you to not want balin to do yer hair lass, what's going on with you" dwalin says as he begins to untangle my hair "i dunno" i say hugging a small blue dragon teddy dwalin got me when i was younger "just wanted me to do it?" He asks and i shrug before coughing "oh no" i hear balin say but i am more focused on the fact a shiver crept up my back "here lass" dwalin says putting his cloak over my shoulders "lass go get changed out yer cold clothes" he says and i nod grabbing clean dry clothes from my pack and going behind a rock to get changed before going back to dwalin who gives me a small smile "gloin get a fire going" thorin says as kili and fili begin to cough "bofur, nori get the extra blankets from the spare packs" thorin says as dwalin quickly untangles my hair before braiding it back out my face he finishes it just as a coughing fit hits me like a punch to the gut "it hurts" i whine before covering my mouth trying not to gag "breathe lass" dwalin says rubbing my back "your a bloody fool thorin" dwalin says as he picks me up from the ground as i shiver, after a while fili, kili and i are underneath four blankets each , our cloaks and im in dwalin and balin's cloaks, fili wrapped in bombur's and kili in thorin's "feeling warmer now lass" bofur asks as he plants his hat on my head "warmer yes, is it helping no" i say before coughing as dwalin and balin sit beside me "let ma sister rest bofur" dwalin says and bofur smiles "of course i just wanted to give er ma hat" bofur says and balin smiles "much appreciated bofur" balin says and bofur smiles before going back over to bombur "how are you feeling lass" balin asks and i just whine "my head is killing me, i feel like my stomach is spinning, my nose is blocked completely and my throat feels like someone's taken a rock and scrubbed it" i say and he makes a worried face before looking down at the dragon teddy clutched in my hands "where's the one i got you" balin asks and i point to my pack, to which he gets up and takes out a small war ram teddy from it before handing it to me "thanks balin" i say and he smiles "its alright as your brothers we have to help you" he says and i smile leaning against dwalin who smiles at me "aye, i remember the last time these three troublemakers were ill, by durin's beard it was horrendous" he says and thorin nods as the company smiles "you probably think the boys were the worst to deal with but mahal no, it was y/n" thorin says and i sit up "Itkit! men gorach, ishkh khakfe andu null (shut it stupid, pour shit on your head)" i hiss before my chest burns as coughs erupt out of me eventually sending me to the nearest bush to lose my lunch before being joined by fili who looks as white as a sheet "oh for the love of all things"  balin says as he and thorin come over, thorin takes fili back to his bedroll and balin gives me a look of disappointment "don't even balin i feel like crap already do not lecture me" i snap before making my way to my pile of blankets and hand bofur his hat back "y/n" balin shouts but i hide my head under dwalin's cloak "make him stop shouting nadad, my head's sore" i whine and dwalin gives me a small smile "balin leave her be, he provoked her now leave the lass be she's ill enough" dwalin roars as balin continues to shout but at dwalin's shout he goes quiet with an annoyed look "for over a hundred years i have broken my back trying to provide for you two, this is the thanks i get" he says and i look out my blanket "don't even go there balin, every time we snap back at you, you pull this bullcrap, no we didn't say that we didn't care, only that i feel like shit and you shouting didn't and still isn't helping" i say back before erupting into a coughing fit "calm yourself lass, over talking will make your throat worse" oin says handing me a potion to help with the pain, he gives one to fili and kili as well "thank you oin" i say leaning my head on dwalin's knee since i can sit closer to the fire on the floor
By the morning fili kili and i are twenty times worse "nadad" i whine leaning on dwalin as i breathe through my mouth since my nose is fully blocked "i know lass i know" he says wrapping an arm round me "its a few days until we reach the next small village" thorin says as everyone mounts their ponies, dwalin lifting me up with him, kili riding with bofur and fili with gloin "bofur, gloin give a shout if they worsen" thorin says before looking at dwalin and i "if you need a break dwalin just ask and she can ride with me for a bit" he says knowing balin isn't speaking to either of us "i'll be fine thorin, its time i started to do my job as her brother anyway" dwalin says and thorin gives a nod before we're off "nadad my stomach" i whine after a few hours as my stomach feels like its in a hurricane "are you going to puke" he asks and i nod covering my mouth "thorin" dwalin shouts as he stops his pony letting me down to the nearby bush "stop" thorin shouts and the company stops just in time for fili and kili to lean over a bush "oh mahal" thorin mumbles as he walks towards his nephews as dwalin helps me "nadad" i whine holding my stomach as i lose what little food i did have "balin a little help" dwalin roars and balin rolls his eyes "don't help then when our sister needs us" dwalin says and he looks like he's panicking "o-oin what do i do to-to help her" dwalin asks oin who sighs "not much laddie, she's just going to need time to recover and she will need her brothers as much as the boys with need their uncle" he says putting a hand on dwalin's shoulder "she will be alright" he says as i heave "i know i just don't know how to help her, balin dealt with all this" he says looking to our big brother who doesn't even look up from his parchment "give him time lad" oin says as i hold on to dwalin tightly "nadad i want balin" i cry from the pain of my stomach and throat "its alright lass" dwalin says hugging me as i cry into his shoulder "lass take this" oin says handing a potion to me as dwalin climbs back on his pony holding me, once fili and kili are back on bofur and gloin's ponies we set off again stopping a few times as fili, kili and i need to puke, eventually we reach a small human settlement where oin gets the right medicine for us, "its horrible" kili whines making thorin sigh "kili this will help you get better" he says and kili whines again "i'll go first then you can do it kili" fili says and kili nods "no" i whine moving my face away as dwalin tries to give me medicine "come on lass work with me" he says holding my chin "its disgusting" i whine but at my open mouth he pours it in my mouth and covers it and my nose forcing me to swallow it with a heave "thank you lass" he says leaning against a rock with a sigh "your mean" i whine taking a sip out of my water skin "mean, aye but you should feel better in a bit" he says making me shrug and making grabby hands at him "nadad" i say and he looks up before smiling "come here then lass" he says opening his arms and i smile going over and flopping on top of him "mahal lass yer getting too big to do that" he says and i just smile up at him "how're ya feeling lass" bofur's cheery voice makes me look up at him with a smile "a bit better" i say and he smiles at me "that's good to hear, bifur and i made you something" he says handing me a small wooden dragon with moveable wings "its beautiful" i say and he gives me a wink before walking off "do i need to have chat wi him" dwalin asks and i smile "no nadad not at the moment, blue mountain dwarves court differently to the remaining erebor dwarves, its hard to tell whether he's being friendly or not" i say and he smiles at me "however i know for a fact thorin is trying to court the hobbit" i say and dwalin laughs loudly "im serious, he cleaned bilbo's sword, he's made bilbo the biggest portions from the biggest kills retrieved on hunting trips and now bilbo is giving him flowers, which are a hobbit courting thing" i explain and he looks between bilbo and thorin before nodding "yer right lass, thorin's practically glaring at bombur" he says and i yawn "ye can sleep lass" he says smiling to which i smile up at him before falling asleep,
After a while arguing wakes me up "not a chance, she needed you and you ignored her" dwalin's loud voice makes me open my eyes to see him arguing with balin "i had no idea how to help her because you normally do brother, how did you expect me to react" dwalin shouts again as he sits on a log, "mahal's hairy balls" i whine as my body feels stiff "you alright lass?" Bofur asks as he sits near me "just stiff, why are they arguing" i ask and he sighs "balin tried to lift you up out of dwalin's arms as you both slept but at the movement dwalin was up, they argued back and forth for a while before balin went quiet" he says and i sigh "give me a hand up bofur" i say and he nods helping me to stand up and i walk towards my brothers who are now sitting silently glaring at each other "nadads" i say and they look up "lass" dwalin says giving me a smile "you left me" i grumble and he smiles "that almost wasn't my choice" he grumbles and i sit between them both "please don't fight, especially over me" i say sniffling slightly feeling bad since i started this "last time you both argued you both left me for 14 months" i say referencing when they went to reclaim erebor "i can't lose you two again" i say crying which startles them both as i walk away from them back to bofur "you alright lass" he asks and i nod "bofur can i ask you a question" i ask and he nods "course lass" he says and i smile wiping my eyes "have you just been being friendly to me or are you trying for something more" i ask and he blushes "truthfully lass i've been trying to ask you to court me for the past few weeks" he says and i smile properly looking him in the eyes for the first time and its like everything but us freezes and fireworks go off in my belly "by my beard" he says as his jaw hangs slack, happy tears begin to run down my face, we just look at each other for a few more minutes before my brother's voice interrupts us "i swear to aule you better run bofur" dwalin roars and bofur looks at him and back to me before looking back at dwalin "i didnae do nothing no even touch her" he says moving back as dwalin storms over "nadad you hurt my one and i will kill you" i say and he stops turns to me with an unrecognisable look  "your what!" He yells making me flinch "m-my one" i stutter out stepping towards bofur "you stay away from her" dwalin roars at bofur before grabbing my arm and dragging to the other side of the camp "let me go dwalin" i shout trying to fight his grip but failing "let me go" i shout as he begins to slow down as we reach balin "we're going home" he says practically throwing me onto the log beside balin "nadad" i cry and balin looks at me "lass what happened?" He asks but i just cry into my hands as dwalin storms towards bofur with his axes in his hands "dwalin stand down now" thorin roars stepping between them "lass come over here" he says but i shake my head "he shouted at me" i sob and balin hugs me "go and calm yourself down dwalin" thorin orders making dwalin storm into the woods before thorin walks over to me as bifur and bombur check on the shaking bofur "lass look at me" thorin says as he kneels in front of me and i look up to see his worried gaze "i found him, my one thorin" i say and he smiles "im guessing its bofur" he says and i nod "bofur did nothing and dwalin tried to kill him, we literally just spoke and looked at each other thorin" i say and he wipes my tears away "lass go see him" he says as balin lets me go "go on" balin says making me smile and run over to bofur "lass" he says looking at me "are you okay love?" i ask and he smiles "im aright lass" he says making me smile "don't pay any mind to dwalin" i say sitting beside him "i wasn't going to anyway, i already got balin and thorin's go ahead, i know thorin is like a brother to you" he says and i tilt my head slightly "when we were travelling i got the feeling that ye were my one but didnae know how ta tell ye, i spoke to yer brother and asked permission before doing anything" he says and i smile "why'd it take so long" i ask and he smiles "ye make me a bit nervous lass to say the least" he says and bifur and bombur laugh from nearby "a bit, bofur you almost wet yerself when she spoke to you the first night after you thought you found out" bombur says and i look at bofur who is as red as a garnet "so i make you that nervous do i love" i tease making him hide in his hands "you realise i will never stop teasing you ever" i say and he nods looking up at me through his eyelashes "okay lass, but i will ask you don't tease me 'round yer brother" he says and i nod "i wouldn't want dwalin to hurt you" i say and he smiles opening his arms slightly making me smile and jump on him fully "by my beard you're warm" he says making me smile "for the past week i have been wrapped in four cloaks" i say leaning my head on his shoulder "lass yer brother's coming this way" he mumbles making me sigh "ignore him love" i say making him nod as he leans his chin on my head once i shift my head onto his chest "bofur let go of ma sister!" Dwalin shouts but as i said bofur ignores him "did you just ignore me" he shouts making me laugh slightly before poking bofur's side making him laugh "lass no ma sides" he says making me smirk and tickle his sides making him roll to the side laughing as i continue my tickle attack "oh ho ho, lass don't start a tickle war" bofur says between bursts of laughter before the tables turn on me, he manages to pin me with his legs as he tickles my sides making me giggle and laugh loudly, eventually the both of us stop laughing and just kind of lay on the floor trying to catch our breath "i haven't laughed like that in years" he says as we sit up and he grabs his pipe "last time i laughed like that was when i met thorin's dad" i say pulling my pipe out of my bag and sitting beside him again "yer pipe its a lot more different to mine" he says making me look at them, mine is a dark wood pipe that is longer than my wrist, bofur's is oak wood that fits in his pocket but still sticks out "this is one of dwalin's my actual one stays in a place no one has seen but you might in the future" i say tapping the middle of my chest "that's fair" he says smiling as he lights his pipe and mine i puff out a ring and he puffs one through it making me smile and lean against him "ye know lass most people when they find their ones dinnae act like us, they get all awkward and flustered" he says and i shrug "either its because we were already close or its because my brother interrupted us when we found out" i say and he nods "im going to go with the last one" he says smiling at me "you have pretty eyes bofur" i say smiling up at him "yer too sweet lass" he says blushing slightly "how red would you go if i kissed ya" i say jokingly and he goes even redder sputtering round the top of his pipe "calm down love, im not going to im just teasing you" i say making him take a breath and nod "ye scared me lass, yer brothers are glaring at me i thought they'd have ma head if ye kissed me" he says and i smile "give me a second love" i say standing up and walking towards my brothers both related and not "walk with me, you as well thorin" i say walking past them, they follow me into the woods enough so we're away from the company but not to far away if we need help "now i will say this once and once only, stop staring at bofur and i and let me grow up, yer not always going to be around to protect me" i say pointing the end of my pipe at them "its bofur for durin's sake the dwarf you went on a quest with for fourteen months" i say taking a puff from my pipe which gives me a sweet tasting smoke in my mouth which i puff out "he can barely do shit without fearing you three will kill him, by durin balin, thorin you gave him permission to ask me out" i say with a sigh "if you don't stop when we get back to erebor i will pack my stuff and leave, find a nice house maybe start a family without my brothers beside me" i say before walking back to camp shaking as i try not to cry "lass" bofur says as i practically flop on top of him "i just wish they would let me grow up" i sob into his top "they won't ever, i don't want my brother to grow up but after a certain point i learnt to shut my trap about it" he says rubbing my back "if they don't stop im leaving erebor" i mumble and his hand freezes "if that's what you want lass i will go with you" he says making me lean further into him "lass look up at me for a minute" he says and i look up at him, he wipes my tears off my face with his thumb before lifting me closer to him and gently kissing me, at first im shocked but then kiss him back "woah love birds we don't want to see that" kili's voice makes us separate "thanks ki, so much for an uninterrupted first kiss" i say and he goes wide eyed walking off "that was yer first kiss" bofur says making me smile "i've not done anything bofur, never had a partner, never slept with anyone" i say and he smiles "well yer a good kisser" he says pecking my lips again "and if ye wanted to know ye were my first as well" he says smiling at me "no way that was your first kiss bofur, that was so good" i say making him smile "im just that great i guess" he says making me laugh "can you give me another?" I ask and he smiles nodding before kissing me again, i feel his tongue run over my bottom lip so i open it slightly letting him explore my mouth, after a while we end up laying on his bedroll which is near the fire, im laying on his chest watching the fire dance around as it flickers on the stew pot "what are you doing" balin's voice makes me look up and see him standing above us "getting comfort from the one person who's not glaring and why do you care, not like you cared when i was sick" i say before leaning my head back down on bofur's chest "broadbeam with me now" thorin shouts making bofur, bifur and bombur look over at him "yes all of you now shift it" he says making bofur sigh "bugger off thorin" bifur says noticing his cousin's unwilling face "this entire company knows if we follow ye, we're going to be told to leave and im no doing that, especially since ma lass is comfy on ma chest" bofur says making his chest rumble as he speaks, "now the lot of you before i drag you" thorin says making them sigh "lass yer gonna need to get up" bofur says and i shake my head "if you leave my brothers will yell at me" i say and he smiles "if they start to shout lass ye come get me or just holler on me" he says making me nod and sit up making me sit on his hips before sitting on his bedroll "here lass" he says handing me his hand warmers making me smile going to thank him but he walks over to thorin with bombur and bifur, i slide the hand warmers on and go sit beside kili and fili by the fire "your one lucky girl" fili says making me nod "that i am" i say watching bofur walk away into the forest with thorin and dwalin, after about twenty minutes thorin and dwalin walk back into came looking pleased with themselves as bifur and bombur come back without bofur "where is he?" I ask bifur who avoids my gaze and walks past me "bombur where is he?" I ask and he looks at me before looking down at his belly and sitting by the fire "what did you do?" I shout at thorin and dwalin who smirk looking towards the woods they came from so i walk that way taking a branch from beside the fire and setting it on fire since its now pitch black before walking into the woods ignoring kili and fili calling on me, eventually after half an hour i find bofur sitting against a tree with a band of cloth in his mouth with his hands tied "bofur" i say setting the branch against a rock before untying him "lass, is it actually you?" He asks and i nod "yes love its me" i say helping him up and back to camp where he bursts into tears as soon as dwalin and thorin come into view "what did you two do and don't dare bullshit me?" I bellow setting bofur down beside bombur "taught him a lesson, we should not have walked into camp to see his tongue being shoved down your throat" dwalin says making me shake my head "i fucking hate your guts, you hear me you are nothing to me dwalin i asked you to respect my choices and let me fall in love but no you go and do this, your no fucking better oh mr high and mighty, durin knows how your sister survived if this is how you treat me, as of now i have maybe one brother, but his chances are dwindling if he was involved in this" i yell shoving dwalin "you did not just shove me" he says and i scoff "after finding my one tied and gagged in an enchanted fucking forest i should do more than shove you" i shout going to walk past me but he grabs my arm tightly and his other hand landing on my face "get your hands off of me" i shout touching my burning cheek shocked "that's too far" someone behind us says but im more focused on not crying he let me go and stormed to his bedroll as i sit beside fili shellshocked "y/n" balin says but i look up with glare "did you know what they were doing" i ask as my hands shake "lass" he starts but i shake my head "DID YOU KNOW?" I roar standing up and he looks away "i knew it they couldn't have known the forest was enchanted without your help, your nothing to me, you hear me nothing, stick everything you've done for me up your old wrinkly arse" i shout walking away from him again as tears finally fall down my face for the ninth time today
Time skip - when they reach erebor
"How are you feeling lass" dis asks and i shrug "im sorry dis but im not part of your family anymore, your brother did something unforgivable" i say walking past her to the room i rebuilt for myself, sitting on the bed i sigh torn between staying and leaving, a loud knock on the door makes me jump before balin and dwalin walk in "y/n, before you shout or throw things at us let us explain" dwalin says and i just look up at him "okay explain why my one was tied and gagged in an enchanted forest which could have very well killed him and part of me with him" i snap shaking my head "lass we-" balin starts but i stop him "its y/n, only people close to me call me lass" i say and he sighs "we know what we did was horrible, we were angry y/n we came into that camp and seen the two of you it made it rise to a point we only realised what we had done when we woke the next morning" balin says making me shake my head "is that just magically supposed to repair whatever damage that forest did to bofur, it caused him to question whether it was actually me when i found him, he broke down into tears and now won't come near me, i've loved bofur for years" i yell making them look shocked "and you hit me, the one thing you promised never to do" i say turning to dwalin who looks down "i know y/n and i also know that its going to take more than our apology to regain any sort of your trust, but please i am asking you not to leave" he says and i see the tears running down their faces "if you somehow get bofur to accept your apologies i might consider your apology, but until then i will stay not for your benefit" i say and they nod before leaving, after a few hours i walk down to the kitchen to see bifur, bofur and bombur in there, bombur cooking as bifur keeps an eye on bofur who is still as pale as a sheet "bofur" i say quietly as i get closer to him "no no no no no" he says shaking his head "please, its really me, your all i have left love please" i say making him look at me shocked then before i can even comprehend it im on my back on the floor with a weight on top of me "its you, your real, i i i thought you were gone" bofur say hugging me tightly "im here bofur and im never leaving you" i say and he shoves his head in my shoulder as i sit up "that forest" he say and i rub his back "its okay, i know, i know" i say making him shake his head "something in there imitated you, looked like you and made me watch multiple times as what i thought was you got killed multiple times and in multiple ways" he says making me go wide eyed "im so sorry love, you should never of had to go through that" i say before he grabs my chin and kissed me roughly, i kiss back and he pulls away after a few seconds smiling "i thought i lost you but your right here" he says smiling brightly as bifur and bombur smile "lets get you something to eat love, your as pale as a sheet, and considerably lighter than before" i say considering i can carry him which i do all the way to the table "do you want what bombur's making or do you want me to make you something" i ask and he points to bombur "i should probably eat what bombur makes to make him feel better" he says making me smile "thank you bifur, bombur, you took care of him during the times i couldn't and im so thankful for it" i say making them smile "its alright lass couldn't let the lad starve himself" bifur says and i smile "my brother may be an idiot but he still had the brains to eat even if it was a small amount" bombur says as he sets a plate in front of bofur, he quickly eats everything on the plate before yawning "come on sleepy head" i say and he nods practically half asleep as i lead him through the hallways to my room, as soon as we get there and he's out of his boots, top and trousers he flops onto the bed and is falling asleep as i climb in beside him in one of his old tops "if ye wake up before me dinnae go nowhere" he mumbles laying practically on top of me "i will not leave, the furthest away i will get is the bathroom love i promise" i say and he nods falling asleep in a matter of minutes, he wakes up a few times in the night "your alright love, take a breath, im still here" i said each time rubbing his back until he calmed down, by the time the sun began to rise bofur finally stopped having nightmares letting me fall asleep "lass is my brother in there?" bombur asks and i open my eyes seeing sunlight pouring in from the doorway "aye bombur, he's still asleep, what time is it?" i say and he laughs "nearly three" he says and i smile "alright, we'll be out in a minute" i say and i hear his footsteps leave "bofur hun, its three in the afternoon" i say kissing his head but he just nuzzles into me "come on bofur i need to pee, yer brother's looking for you" i say and he grumbles sitting up he slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me "morning lass" he mumbles stretching "morning love, im going to the bathroom i will only be a minute" i say and he nods getting dressed in the clothes he wore yesterday, after we're both dressed we walk to the company's meeting room where bombur told us to meet him "nice of you to join us" thorin says sarcastically and i glare "don't try me this morning thorin, king or not i will castrate you" i say and bofur shakes his head smirking, he pulls me close to him "leave them be lass, the sooner we let them talk the sooner we get food" he mumbles sitting beside bombur and pulling me to sit beside him "as you see y/n, bofur we have the company present so we can do something" dwalin says and i raise an eyebrow "we wanted to formally apologise" balin says and bofur snorts "good joke but i don't give a rats arse, you tied me up in an enchanted forest that made me see my one being slaughtered in front of me repeatedly until she found me, by durin i didn't even think it was her" he says with a glare only rivalled by thorin's "as i said dwalin, balin, if bofur didn't accept your apology i wouldn't stay for your benefit and unless you can come up with something better than the bullshit you just tried the chance of me wanting to be your sister again is near to nothing" i say shaking my head "let us actually try before you shoot us down" thorin say slamming his hands on the table "no i don't think we will, if your going to get angry then nothings changed" i say before smirking and turning to bofur, he glances at me and smirks "aye lass" he say and i raise my eyebrows quickly before kissing him making my brothers scoff "see that right there, that's what i was trying to see if you'd do, do you think fili and kili will scoff at each other if one of them got a partner, not likely do any of the siblings in the room scoff at their siblings if they have partners, no so you three are on your own, being dicks as usual" i say and the company begins the laughs quietly "but sure try your apologies" bofur says with his arm wrapped round my waist "bofur i speak for the three of us when i say we deeply regret what we did to you, we got angry past a point we'd ever been and didn't think straight, its understood that you might never accept our apologies but we have to let it be known that what happened in that forest, will never happen again nor will anything similar to it" balin says and thorin nods "we now realise how overbearing we were being on both of you, we need to let you grow up y/n and no matter what we do your going to stick to bofur like glue so whether you forgive us or not we will not glare, we will not threaten nor injure him again" he says and dwalin looks down "i don't know what to say they said most of what i wanted to, but i want to apologise for my actions leading up to what happened in that forest, i know i overreacted and i should not have acted in any of the manners i did, i feared losing my little sister but now realise that i still did by the way i acted" he says making bofur sigh "mahal's bollocks" he mutters looking at me "its your decision love, if you accept their apologies i will too" i say and he nods "apologies accepted, but you hurt me again and i swear to you you will wake up with less hair than a new born understood" he says and they nod "i guess that means you didn't lose your little sister" i say and they smile "you really mean that" dwalin says looking almost childlike "aye i do brother" i say with a smile

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